I made a post here a few days ago trying to evoke some discussion, laughter or birth a new meme at best

I made a post here a few days ago trying to evoke some discussion, laughter or birth a new meme at best.

The context of the post isn't important, but a comment from user made me think that perhaps I have a problem, a problem i assumed was nothing more than the very reason i love film and this sub and it's culture exists.

Basically I remarked that I watched The Departed for the 20th time, to which he proclaimed 'I hope you mean't '2nd' because that is sad'

I seriously thought it was completey 'normal' and in line with most other film buffs here to watch or MSpaint (like i did for pic related) their favorite movies multiple times (eg i've seen The Matrix 40 times, Fight Club at least 50 times, The Prestige 20, Goldeneye -- 33, SPR - 24 times, Bane? 14 etc) as they are enjoying to them and are cathartic.

Am i overthinking it? am i safe here, was user just a random 18 y/o douchebag poser tourist who doesn't/wouldn't know what it is like to be passionate for film? What is like to love the fampai at tv unconditionally?

Normies don't understand such behaviour because they can't enjoy anything beyond the most shallow of passing emotions

Man fuck that guy. I don't watch movies repeatedly like that but who cares if you do? Is it strange? I don't think so, if it's what you want to do then do it. Don't overanalyze the shit, just do you. Let me ask you this, if I said it wasn't normal, would you want to change it? I'd so, why? I could see wanting to change if you enjoyed the thought of burning dogs alive or some shit, but what's it matter if it's something like this? Normal isn't normal, it's just average. Do you, be you, and don't stress the small shit

>The Matrix 40 times, Fight Club at least 50 times, The Prestige 20, Goldeneye -- 33, SPR - 24 times
>passionate for film

yeah i don't know, that doesn't sound like passion to me

Don't worry OP, everyone has their hobbies. I can say I watch certain film sagas or read certain books at least once a year just for the sake of enjoying them, refresh my memory, or watch them more in depth to reveal new details and form a more educated opinion on them. Even films/albums I didn't like at first have grown on me due to repeated viewing/listening. There's nothing wrong with you, this board just has a bad case of leddit normies trying to justify their ignorance with being socially adjusted.

That being said, you're still a fucking faggot for watching Fight Club at least 50 times.

I liked The Depareted too OP

I've seen Jurassic Park at least 200 times now. That's not an exageration either.
It makes me happy.


This is my original MS paint too.

I meant Machinist, not high t pic unrelated.

I watch films repeatedly but not to the extent you do, perhaps i'd watch a film I considered in my top 10 perhaps once or twice every year, maybe every other year?

How old are you, OP?

33, so more time than youngfags to see most of the highly coveted films featured here in their prime and get hooked.

Most of the younger generation didn't get exposed to the subtle wash of great films causing addiction as they weren't not old enough to perceive their greatness etc. but that isn't everything

You sounds delusional.

Time to stop your unhealthy habits and go outside.

Fight Club was released november 1999, so lets assume you've watched it since release for 17 years at least 50 times.

We can round that up to 3 viewings a year at least, so 1 every 4 months.

I can't think of a single film I would want to watch every four months, let alone a film like fight club. Sorry OP.

You can't even use English correctly. Go back to school.

You are not just an autist, you are an autistic pleb. Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with multiple viewings, I agree, but there's a line between passion and insanity. And these are all shit movies by the way. You are not a film buff, you are a mentally deranged person with a hang up on blockbusters.
But I won't judge you to hard, if you at least watch a lot of different movies, and devout all your spare time to watching film.

I forgot to mention:

This thread is going to slowly devolve into insults about watching Fight Club at least 50 times. You shouldn't have said that, OP. It's your own fault. It's like you want Sup Forums to make you feel bad.

So you don't like movies but you're on a board that's supposed to be about movies and tv shows
Why are you here, seriously


I don't think you're trying to b8 me but i'm starting to get that impression. You can love a film without watching it every four months, and fight club isn't really good enough to warrant that kind of attention anyway.

Just turn off that PC and walk away, it's better for you and you know it XD

did you even read the OP

>Fight Club at least 50 times

that should reveal his intentions

the intro got me baited to be quite honest

>i love film and this sub and it's culture exists.
> a random 18 y/o douchebag poser tourist
> What is like to love the fampai at tv unconditionally?

you have to go back, and learn proper english


>Fight Club at least 50 times
I hope you mean 5 times :^)