Why didn't Elrond just kill Isildur and destroy The Ring?

Why didn't Elrond just kill Isildur and destroy The Ring?

>so your king just fell into the volcano by accident lol sorry
>ring, what ring

Yeah that would've been a great plan OP

he said no. what else can you do?

>Not becoming a martyr for the entire world

if all elves weren't such pussybitches, he would have just tackled him and suicided himself too

this scene exists to show that elrond was a big fat vagina and that's why he couldn't be in the fellowship

So many stupid Lotr questions on this board, are you guys sure you watched the movies or read the books

Why didn't the eagles just fly Frodo to Mordor?

Would Elrond have won in a 1 vs 1 swordfight with him?

Sorry guys, he didn't swim so good.

Don't you EVER talk about Lord Elrond like that again

>one ring to rule them all

Was the one ring the actual lord of the rings?

Why didnt the Mordor fly the Eagles to Frodo?

Why didn't bane just fly the plane into Gotham?

gb2 /lit/ smartypants

Why didn't gandalf just climb up the bridge instead of falling off like a bitch?

So why didn't he kill him and take the ring to throw?
He knew the king got corrupted as soon as he touched the ring.

Why didn't Frodo just let Sam drown

So he could share his load later.

Coz Isildur too stronk.
He just defeated Sauron, he got shit ton of solo xp from that. He was higher level than Elrond at that point.

He had to go kill a Balrog.

Why didn't gandalf just fly the ring to bilbos house

this reminds me

when frodo got meme'd by shelob and sam took the ring, why didn't he carry it to mt.doom himself? he proved more than capable of doing it, considering he resisted its power and carried frodo all the way up the mountain and fought off smeagol by himself

basically sam is the true hero of lotr. without him middle earth would be the middle east


Eagles didn't gave a fuck about Middle Earth, they help Gandalf (and the other istari) out of respect, but that's it.

Someone post the comic please


So he can shitpost about it of course

>Eagles didn't gave a fuck about Middle Earth
Not entirely true, they just don't give a shit about non-maiar

>basically sam is the true hero of lotr.
but that's literally the point that Tolkien was making.

Isildur would rek Elrond. Elrond has protagonist-tier genealogy, but with a sword he's nothing special.

Forget everything you saw in that White Council fighting scene in Desolation of Smaug.

do i look like someone who reads books?

Because Isildur is a Numenorean literal superhuman and would've pushed Elrond's shit in effortlessly

Sam only had the power to resist because he wanted to suck Frodo off. He never cared about the ring, the whole trip to mordor was just a plan to confess to Frodo until gollum fucked it all up by lurking and not giving him the chance to give him the mix-sheet music he had set out for his big confession before hobbit prom.

because isildur just killed mortherfuking sauron and had the ring of power while elrond was just a skinnyass cowardly bitch

Because that's kinslaying and Isildur is trying to not be a Noldor fuckup


*Elrond rather, fuck

>Numenorean literal superhuman
>gets killed by some orcs

I literally killed 1000 orcs with Elrond's regiment and Elrond himself killed like 300 orcs... you have no idea what you're talking about

He failed his save roles retard, we aren't all perfect

>without him middle earth would be the middle east

like uncle sam and eurokistan right now? goddamn tolkien was a next level writer.

Why did legolas slide down the stairs on a shield?

Well, the only Maia left who still where loyal to Eru where the Istari and the Beorn, IIRC.

*and Beorn
Remembered that Where-Bear name in mid sentence and my brain derped.

Because they wanted to make the coolest shot in cinemastic history, and succeeded

Absolutely not.

this, weak ass pussy bitches stroking their massively flawed egos

Glenn Frey said no

Not sure, but maybe it could lead to a huge Elven-Human war. Something of that scale could even make Sauron look like a Bitch ass nigga.

>without him middle earth would be the middle east
Tolkien actually wrote an essay about people comparing LotR to the events of WWII and how most of the analogies were retarded. He finished it with "if any of this were true the humans would have sent the hobbits to the ovens."

>"if any of this were true the humans would have sent the hobbits to the ovens."

Well done user, you ruined my day.

Mfw I had started a fanfic when I was young where a corrupted human wanted to rebuild mordor and started by destroying ths hire in revenge

At least I'm not so edgy anymore

Why didn't Gandalf just take the ring to Valinor? Aule could have destroyed the ring in a second

You jest but I liked how the ring seemed to have a personality of its own in the movies

In the book Gandalf holds on to its last fingertips while screaming for them to gtfo
In the movie it looks like he sort of can get up but won't
this always bugged me for some reason

He was too busy banging Yavanna.

>Gandalf just take the ring to Valinor?

he'd be corrupted before he can even start swimming to valinor. f

>swim to valinor

just ride the eagles

they would be corrupted even before they spread their wings. remember that they are prideful as fuck and the ring would easily corrupt them from that

do elves poop?

why didn't someone just eat the ring and let the stomach acid dissolve it?

>tackles Isildur
>ring flies out of his hands
>as Elrond falls he sees the ring land right on the edge of the stonebridge safely

why are elves such faggots?

/tg/ pls..

Sam wouldn't have made it all the way there, the ring would have corrupted him. He only had it a short time and had a bit of trouble giving it over to front.

they're the /fa/ race. Dwarves are /fit/, Rohirrim are /mlp/, Gondorians are /his/, Mordor is Sup Forums and the Dunedain rangers are janitors

nigga is that coldhands?

you're right, but i'm not sure if it's intentional or not..

What is the actual power of the ring?

It's supposed to be all powerful but the king of men gets it and does nothing but turn into a dick.

Hobits make it a homing beacon for the bad guys.

Men begin growing chromosomes.

What is so special about the fucking RING

this post is giga cringe. eru help me

Sam would've gotten too scared or lost his will before he got there especially without Frodo around, whether the ring corrupted him or not. Frodo always had stronger will than Sam

"Cringe" isn't an adjective.

Ok so think of it like a mmo
Elrond is level 70
and Isildur is like level 457

Somebody post the image. You know the one.

>literal superhuman
>what are elves


how does it feel being retarded?

Isildur only had it for about 2 years and just after Sauron's defeat so it wasn't nearly as powerful. It still tasted his mind and made him a greedy asshole.

The Ring takes whatever strength and desires you have and twists them to Sauron's purpose. Hobbits don't care for wealth or glory which makes them sort of resistant and their only real strength is sneaking around so it makes them invisible. This is why they're the perfect bearers

>a war that united the whole world would be less then individual races fighting
You just went full retard.

>implying the brandybucks would have the willpower to resist

If I put the one ring on my dick would it get bigger?

Elond and all elves are shared fictions in men's minds.

this is why Legolas is able to do things which defy physics. He's just part of everyone's imagination.

i figured the balrog had a hold on him with his whip

Buckland is the California of the Shire. They'd use the Ring to split away as an island, smoke the best pipe-weed and have yachting and surfing competitions all day err day

meant for

>falling slow motion into the lava as his face turns to anguish
>cue curb your enthusiasm theme

If that were the case they'd use the ring to convince the whole of hobbiton to give them their water while trying to convince them a slice of fish on lembas is the height of sophisticated cuisine


Because the ring eventualy'd corrupt him and Samwise the strong would have enslaved all midle earth and turned it into a garden.


what about the part where the massive balrog was falling down and had wrapped its whip around Gandalf's leg?

he was barely holding on, and he was on the wrong end of a just-collapsed bridge while everyone was under fire from goblin archers

he recognized he was unsaveable

jajajajaja please nigga

I shouldn't be laughing this hard

Because an elf wimp can never kill man masterrace