ITT: Fucked up videos from North Korea

ITT: Fucked up videos from North Korea

Really absurd to watch. Kim Jong Un's generals endlessly praising him for all kinds of untrue bullshit:

Creepy tv propaganda endlessly praising Kim Jong Un.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh great, another "Trump is bad" shitpost

Wtf are you talking about? It's North Korea. Obviously.

If western politicians do it we call it an electoral campaign

They call it that in North Korea too.

Are you stupid?

I'm not one of those Trump-hating faggots, but Best Korea is Best Korea yo.

If Kim Jong Il got better, they'd call him Kim Jong Well.

Let me rephrase that for you OP
"Waaaahhhhhhh! waaaahhhhhhhh! Wwwaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

If Kim Jong Il were a giant gorilla they'd call him Kim Kong Il.

If Kim Jong Il had a big dick (and I'm not saying he doesn't) they'd call him Kim Dong Il.

it's no differently than any others world leader puppets...youre just looking at it wrongly

If the Beastie Boys visited North Korea, the government would grant them a license to Kim Jong Ill.

If Kim Jong Il were a stoner they'd call him Kim Bong Il.

If Kim Jong Il was clumsy with his drinks, they'd call him Kim Jong Spill.

If Kim Jong Il was an opioids dealer, they'd call him Kim Jong Pill.

They have elections dude. But they have one party less to choose from than USA has.

If Kim Jong Il didn't move for a long time, they'd call him Kim Jon Still.

If he enjoyed eating ass, they'd call him Rim Jong Il

If Kim Jong Il had lots of cash and coins in a front center pocket, they'd call him Kim Jong Till.

If Kim Jong Il lost a lot of weight, they'd call him Slim Jong Il.

I'm not one of those Kim-hating faggots, but North America is Best America yo.



If Kim Jong Il could breath underwater, they'd call him Kim Jong Gill.

If Kim Jong Il played table tennis really good they'd call him Ping Pong Il.

If Kim Jong Il suddenly shrank into nothingness, they'd call him Kim Jon Nil.

If Kim Jong Il got paid to post on Sup Forums supporting Hillary Clinton, they'd call him Kim Jong Shill.

You know the title of the video shows up when you post the link, right?

If Kim Jong Il was a town from Illinois, they'd call him Kim Jong, IL.

Trump will not be president for 4 or 8 years, but he will be eternal president! We will finally have the freedom of North Korea! The wealth of North Korea! The international significance of North Korea! The military strength of North Korea! We will be as respected as North Korea! Finally! USA will be as great as North Korea!

If Kim Jong Il was secretly slipping himself cash out of the nation's treasury, they'd call him Skim Jong Il.

Look at all the fucks I give.

If Kim Jong Il had a high shrieky voice, they'd call him Kim Jong Shrill.

What a newfag

If Kim Jong Il liked to wear lacy outfits, they'd call him Kim Jong Frill.

If Kim Jong Il used to go around the neighborhood ringing people's door then running away, they'd call him Ding Dong Il.

>(and I'm not saying he didn't)

If Kim Jong Il co-starred with Will Smith in Enemy of the State, they'd call him Kim Jong Brill.

If Kim Jong Il was sick for an extended period of time, they'd call him Kim Jong Still Il.

If Kim Jong Il liked to cook burgers and brats in his back yard, they'd call him Kim Jong Grill.

If Kim Jong Il quickly alternated back and forth between two keys on a piano, they'd call him Kim Jong Trill.

If Kim Jon Il did trampy music videos, they'd call him Lil' Kim Jon Il


If Kim Jong Il wrote olde timey calligraphy, they'd call him Kim Jong Quill.



If Kim Jong Il was musically gifted, they'd call him Kim Song Il.