Does Linux get viruses?

Does Linux get viruses?



go on

Linux doesn't get yeast infections nearly as often as your sister

No, but you have to input a special command into the terminal to make it immune:
rm -rf -a

remove all files from root
got it

LMAO, dude I'm a sys-admin, I'm not that easy to trick

Eat my balls bro

You must be doing a pretty shit job if you have to ask this question on Sup Forums then.

I said I'm a sys-admin, not IT

What makes you think i'm OP?

>replies to user who replied to OP

"I'm not Op stupid hurr durr"

Go to hell. Anyone can Google Linux commands.

That comment is open to the public asshole

The only virus you're going to get is AIDS from this thread.

>not running freebsd

lol sure

It's a unix command asshole

someones a little touchy about not running a certified *nix

Alright, so I use Windows and I'm a sys-admin
I just like the convenience

Yeah.. That's why you replied as if you felt the comment was directed to you.

By the way, OP, Installing Mint on a chrome book doesn't make you a "sys-admin" by any stretch of the imagination.

Go back to your GUI, grown ups are talking in here.

ha. i find running linux more convenient.

Ahh here we go.

ITT: windows idiot claims to be a system admin and gets berated.

linux users are protected from all viruses and STDs

Fuck off double dubs
Windows is best

Dubs of truth? more like dubs of lies

this explains why windows is putting in shit native ssh clients and a linux subsystem

definitely not because powershell is bullshit and it was easier to just bring in working tool from a real OS

no, no lies. I'm typing at yer dumbass on linux machine right now in fact.

Explain Lindows

Sysadmin here.
>Have to admin a windows system, not my choice
>fucking sucks donkey dick
>also admin linux machines on the side
debian ftw
Love being able to SSH into my debian servers and do everything. fucking hate windows' attempts, always have to use full gui to do anything useful.


Fuck linux, it's a over complicated mess

or maybe i'm just a troll on Ubuntu
Fuck it, while i'm at it, i'm using a mac too

fucking hate windows

Linux distros come with all kinds of utilities naturally that I have to look for and install in windows.

kek, nostalgia. lindows was fucking awesome. I remember downloading and running that livecd before they got fucked up and turned into linspire.

we always have to have a distro you can just hand to some idiot and say 'hey just run this fucking thing and follow the buttons'.

naw, its fine. fuck osx, now theres a mess.

Linux is based on Unix dumb-ass

Yes, and automatically have software repos to update and install software. Just so much better.

No not really. Linux is safe from viruses, as long as you don't download anything and run it as root.
How ever, there are viruses for linux but again, in order to get them, you'd have to download it and execute it. do realize OSX is based on BSD, yes?
You're saying one *nix operating system is more complicated than another *nix operating system? the fuck is wrong with you?

just input this and you are done.

>only one girl has a censored crotch

Down not across Sup Forumsrother

You need to secure your linux system with disc defender, short: dd

Like this:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

The /dev/zero/ arguments means you tolerate zero deviations from the standard system, meaning any changes by potential malware will be reversed.

Congratulations, your Linux is now bullet proof.

Yes and not only. Exploits mostly.

thanks user, just ran this on the mail server in our DMZ and malicious login attempts dropped from thousands a minute to barely anything, I cant believe I didn't do it before

people dont bother with writing trivial viruses for linux, so if you do have a linux virus you pretty much are fucked.

You are welcome! Spread the word about this amazing feature.

Just secured my webservers with this tool, never realized it was a part of my system.

They must be rebooting since i can't login yet, bet that will be fine after they finish the configuration, then no one will ever be able to hack my servers again!

She's clean shaven so it shows the part that needs to be censored in whatever region it was created.