Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,

How would one ruin a party other than calling police or lacing chasers with laxatives? Also post party stories.

why do you wanna ruin someone's party you faggot

just show up that'll probably ruin it

What are you, 9 fucking years old?
Fuck off, kid.

Grab a bottle of vodka and set the kitchen on fire.

>"how would one"

interested in just what Sup Forums would come up with.

Eat all the snacks that way people will starve

Start a fire unless its your house.
call the cops if theres underage drinking.
Bring a gun and kill the host/yourself.

roofie everyone and take their money.

If you have the money and connections to roofie everyone then you don't really need to steal anything.

wouldn't ruin the party but throw firecrackers into the building

Unless it was a party to celebrate vets with ptsd

if they have bluetooth speakers hijack it and play whatever that sounds awful

Fuck up the party before it even starts.

or hide a bluetooth speaker somewhere


Lace drinks with large amounts of LSD.

ok i'll share with you something that happened to me back in the day, really ruined a party i held

>be me
>throwing party with nothing but friends from high school i was trying to reconnect with
>friends and i lost touch b/c i grew up and they kept watching naruto in their dad's spare room
>everyone is trashed and stoned, a select few started getting the munchies
>3 or 4 of the fuckers open my freezer and pull out this big tub of blue bell ice cream. the biggest size you could buy in stores. it was for me and my fiancé
>they're so fucked up that they can't figure out how to scoop it out with a ice cream scooper
>grab the biggest kitchen knife they can find and start carving the sides of the tub off like the crust on a sandwich
>they are left with a giant block of ice cream that they just started shaving blocks off and serving to each other
>they all blacked out one after another
>i come into the kitchen the next morning to find a giant puddle of melted ice cream all over my counter and floor with a train of ants running in through the window.
>start freaking the fuck out and kick the fuckers awake to kick them out
>start messaging them individually on facebook to shame them and tell them we are never having another party ever
>mfw we partied a week later and one of them drunkenly punched a hole in my kitchen wall in a fit of rage.

Brilliant. Plan a night and double book the shit out of it.
Hire a friend, or a random, whatever works.
Commission yourself to babysit on the night of the party. As the infants get dropped off, pass them to the friend who is manning the toddler paddock so as not to raise suspicion that you are. Once all the babies arrive, smuggle them into the party one by one as you "go out for smokes"
Deposit them around the party.
One behind a sofa.
Another under the sink.

Spike the chaser with LAD and watch the party turn into a horror show


This guy gets it

Once everyone passes out, handcuff all of them.


>image macro with watermark

go back

Saved from Google, on my phone.

Eat me. Don't tell me how to live, I'm doing just fine without the help of the faggot police.

I woke up handcuffed to a bed in my room alone once. That was less than ideal.

Buy a bunch of handles of the cheapest liquor (wolfschmidt), or whatever is available, make sure there are plenty of chasers red cups. Invite a bunch of the most gangster ethnic people you can. People who have no connection to the host. Shit will go down hard

reddit spacing, get out jew.

you could shit an upper decker in the toilet. pizzabombing works especially well for parties because everyone is drunk and will start eating before the pizza guy figures out nobody is going to pay

Watch out anons, we have ourselves a badass

I'm surprised myself. My boldness from the comfort of my deck is growing as the night unfolds

If it's a no-shoe house, put some kind of excrement or food in all of their shoes after they pass out.

>cereal or soup
>shit or piss

>makes thread on Sup Forums asking for ways to ruin a party
>gets asked to fuck off kindly
>"b-but i just want to pick Sup Forums's mind"
>ok well here's some actual contributions to your shit thread
>"dismissive low-effort mauryposting that i had to fuckn google"

no i take it back, you're a raging faggot. no wonder you want to ruin parties.

you're just like the guys who sliced open my ice cream tub.

I'd take a big hot shit in the punch bowl.

we got a turd in the punch bowl over here.

that's not me user.

Laxative in the drinks, cut off the power, cause a gas leak

>Laxative in the drinks
Honestly, unless the drinks are 60% laxative, this won't do any good while the party is going.

No one cares about (this faggot) OP's death


Cum in the drinks. Just think, all your boys swimming around inside the partygoers.

Come and be that dick that does all the free drugs snd drinks so much but spills most of it and rhe start molesting aND force dancing and grinding on all the girls and make rhem leave till everyone starts leaving. Actually seen that done a few times. Just takes that one cunt if no one makes them leave / knocking them out.


fart, or start talking about dead generation one memes


Do both. As loud as possible.

Yeah, having a hard time figuring out who you're talking to

Are all me. Nothing more, nothing less.

Didn't have to Google shit, just had it on hand. Sorry if I find so many questionable things in the ice cream story

Dubs at that.

secretly pour out all the vodka and fill the handles up with water, then bounce.

Also acceptable: Watered down karo syrup.

Vodka is not flammable moron

depends on the proofing, but 151 would be more effective by miles

shoot everyone in the head


kys faggot

Start a convesation about politics, for best results come in very opinionated

kill a man with a golf club with a dread wig on

second this, bonus points if you bring an edgy political tshirt stating the unpopular opinion in the group

shit, I meant to quote

Post the address on Sup Forums


absolute mad man

That sounds great, but we aren't anyone's personal army. UNLESS the person posting it is already causing chicanery and giving Sup Forums a way to join in. As it stands, 98/100 times it's just someone starting a thread then fucking off.

I think you mean 49/50

I certainly didn't mean 9/11.

>go to first party
>am designated driver
>go w/ brother(16) and his later gf
>brother promises weed
>his later gf trys to buy some for me
>she runs off to get her money
>enter cunt
>cunt buys weed on the spot
>cunt doesn't into weed
>brother helps cunt smoke out of an apple
>get handed the apple
>tastes like shit, but weed is weed
>party continues
>brother is drunk as fuck, and high
>telling me about life and stuff
>want in on the action
>see and grab cough medicine just sitting out there
>quickly sneak it outside, to where i can be alone
>i pour 3/4 of the bottle into the cup
>walk around party for a while
>not much walking space due to it being a very small house

>enter cunt again
>sees cup
>knows im supposed to dd
>begins asking me for my keys
>i have never partied before this and don't understand what he is doing
>i ask if my bro needed something
>ask if cunt needed anything
>"the keys, user"
>"ok lets go to my car" because i don't trust cunt w/ keys
>on the way to the car he continually asks for my keys
>still not understanding why
>get to car
>ask what he needs
>"the keys, user"
>"just give me the keys"
>"no, what do you need?"
>"the keys"
>lock car and go back to party
>see brother
>he's trying to help my cousin roll a joint
>none of us know how to roll a joint
>fuck it up
>smoke out of apple again
>brother asks for my cough syrup
>brother finishes cough syrup
>enter cunt yet again
>asks for keys yet again
>brother likes cunt and hands him my keys
>cunt runs into house and hides keys
>brother tries to calm me down but i keep going back and forth to try and get my keys back
>give up

and then?

They died.

Great story..


>hear showering come from the bathroom
>begin to wonder where bro's gf went
>see her stumble out of the bathroom
>eyes crossed
>ass hits the wall, HARD
>her friend guiding her by her hands into bedroom
>go into bedroom
>attempt to assist, get told to get water
>cunt enters while im gone
>cunt has crush on bro's gf
>she doesn't like him
he was normalfag garbage anyway
>he hangs around bro's gf a little too close
>he's kept on constant watch by her friends
>ask him for keys repeatedly
>eventually her friends ask him to leave and we go out front
>bro tells me we need to leave
>mom found out about the party
>he begs cunt for the keys
>dumbass holds them out
>i snatch them
>he calls my other cousin
>now we are arguing
>brother can't grasp the fact that we have the keys and can go
so he stays there and yells at cunt to give the keys back
>i try to pull him away


please tell me you suck his dick



>he pulls back and says
>"we can't leave without the keys"
>i begin to dangle them in front of him
>still not grasping the concept
>shake them around a bit
>he gets it now
>enter the funny man
>he keeps making jokes
>"what car do you drive user?"
>"guess which car you're not getting in tonight"
>leave and get rewarded by mom for being dd
>bro's gf stayed the night
>and cunt gets cucked by my brother

and that's the story of my first party

wow I'm disappointed by this story user

Crappy end to a shitty story, Franks

so was i, and i wrote it

well I did not have a much better first party so you got me there.

what's your story, user?

went to a dance party, asked some girls to grind on me like a beta, and one girl was interested in me and hung out with her for a couple of weeks and me being the kissless me I asked during a movie "want to kiss" instead of just making a move and she later texted me saying she wasn't interested in me and then would send me snaps of her kissing guys because she knew it would piss me off (which it did) but that was my junior year when i didn't know my ass from the ground.