I just added LEDs to my rig. Computer rig showoff thread, go!

I just added LEDs to my rig. Computer rig showoff thread, go!

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what can you do (other than play children's games) with that pile of lights that i can't with a used craigslist laptop?

I can suck 50 dicks in a minute flat at my impromptu desk rave

You don't even have RGB RAM, what a nigger

i stand corrected.

Think I should get it? I'm not sure. I'm going to water cool it sometime this month, and I'm not sure if RGB ram would be too much.

Nice case

I wish the flow was a little better but it's fairly functional for what it is.

Ohhh that's a great build!
This is my first time actually adding things like cable extensions or LEDs, so I have a lot of adjustments to make.
What do you mean by flow exactly?

He means how the colors go together, or the looks of the componets. PC building is an art from in of its self after you've gotten the specs you want.

I meant airflow/case temps actually. They aren't very good compared to a lot of other cases but this one was obviously designed function>form and the temps aren't bad when you consider that.


That shit is dope me nigga.

Well I was matching the interior to the colors on the other side of the case, but switching the importance. Tertiary colors become the main colors, primary became tertiary, etc. Not sure how successful I was


Ah I stand corrected, flow could have meant a few things. But I know what you mean, I have my CPU rad as my primary exhaust. Not exactly what I wanted, but full load I barely hit 60c on the CPU so I just left it.

look at you tards handing over your shekels for the nerd equivalent of light-up shoes

look fucking nooblet have no heatsink/fan on his corsair processor.. I would pay 25$ if u ran your computer like this for 20 minutes..

Temps are good (about 82-ish under load), I have a fan in the front blowing air out around the GPU. I'm water cooling it later this month though, so this fan setup is not my final.

My pc has little time, I only have one air cooler, how many air cooler do you recommend to me ?, please

Ohhhh nice, it's like a box of doom

That was awful bait.

>Field Notes
>$10 pocket notebook

Also, how did you get that logo on the front? Is that paint or some kind of vinyl decal?


at least its a big box tho

rice as fuck, the lot of you

yeah but according to objective testing the case doesn't fair too well compared to most modern cases.

Just a sticker.

why would you do any kind of aesthetic modification inside a computer case.. some people have no life

Which are those "tubes" that are next to your CPU?

go back to install arch linux you Sup Forums autist

so they can show off to other ricefags on the internet

Sure, but I'm not mining or doing AI research, so as long as the temps never get in the 90's I'm fine. Also lol that's a pretty nice sticker though

fucking retard who don't know SHIT about liquid cooling.. GTFO the fuck out of here

It's so I can show off my e-peen and cause it makes my gf wet

also I have no life

They're an AIO or all in one cooler. They have a small loop of liquid that carries the heat out to the radiator which has fans blowing over it to get rid of the heat. The tubes hold the liquid and the part over the CPU is the pump that circulates the liquid.

That thing is huge. What are the specs on it? All these builds are much better than mine.

>cause it makes my gf wet
might want to inspect the cooing system. it sounds like you have a leak somewhere

It's definitely not because I work from it and have to look at it several hours a day every day and want something that performs AND looks nice on my desk.

You have it all figured out - it's because I have no life.


I end up plugging that leak daily

Congratulations, now it is an extremely distracting piece of shit when you are trying to watch movies, play games, and do work.

Not everyone has ADHD
Try a fidget spinner, kiddo


Not OP but I built mine with the ability to turn of all the lights. Especially Corsair's AIO loop with the light-up logo, that shit gets old.

LEDs are facing away from me at my desk and I can't see them on my wall when the lights are on. I only turn off the lights to sleep. Also I can just switch them off or dim them with a few clicks.

But also, it's sexy as fuck so I don't even care

OP here, I would not have added LEDs if I couldn't turn them off.

Also I hate that logo light shit. I think I'm going to turn off the graphics card light actually.

no prob bob

its old now, 4770k, 32gb, titan x, 1tb ssd, and a few hdds

Built mine before the RGB craze

I don't know that I'd call the Titan X old. Not bleeding edge anymore maybe, but certainly not past its prime.

but it has led shit...

you need to dust your computer, dude.

It was dusted in that pic. But air won't really get that fine layer.
Not super worried about dust, I don't have a windowed case anyway.

Sharp build user, love the color scheme you chose. What all in total you have put into that setup? Speakers and monitor, keyboard, and of course the rig??? also specs on speakers and rig would be great.

Plebs who think aio is water-cooling

built mine before RGB too
then i had to replace the mobo
nothing but RGB boards now
glad i can turn that shit off

Aw shit, the lighting made it look super dusty. I suppose it's hard to have a 100% dust free setup though. I gotta dust it once a week since I live in the Midwest. Dust is an issue.

Oh I almost forgot specs (OP here)

nothing as crazy as some other people

nice 970

>tfw your only LED part is a Cooler Master CPU fan.

Light years better than mine

That pic was also in my old flat, when the tower was on the floor, and the place was super dusty, like you dust and a day later and there's a thick layer again.

Recently moved into an actual house, and now it's up on a desk instead of being abused on the ground.

Far better than mine by vast amounts.

I actually had trouble finding rgb x99 boards for my build

time to upgrade then fellas, the shits 2 years old

Thx. I originally built it about 4 years ago but upgrade random things. In the last year I got the case, speakers and built a desk. Most of the other components are old.

Speakers are kanto Yumi




Nice but
>Giant case
>Tiny mobo

Why suspend your tower like that? Just get longer cables for sit if you really need too. Also you need better cable management. Shits an eye sore.

My current specs, not the most powerful thing out there. But it handles all my gaming needs just fine.

My setup

I plan on upgrading later in the future and turning that board/cpu into an htpc. Thinking ahead kiddos. Plus is has better performance and less shit on it to break/empty slot eye sores.


Sharp build for sure! Its all about functionality when it comes to a build IMO, seems like you have a rocking rig when it comes down to specs!
How is the quality on them speakers?? I'm considering picking a pair up if they are worth a damn for 200 bones, I'm getting a desk tomorrow afternoon, I'm a poor ass college kid so i'm going to have to buy my rig piece by piece. I have some great ideas in mind for what all I'll end up putting in the damn thing.. Newegg will be my friend.. haha

Ryzen is calling your name

Love the green and purple. Looks great.



i know those feels fren. feels good.

Doesn't collect as much dust this way. I dunno. Seemed like a good idea at the time.


I have a full tower and its larger than w/e that thing is.

Speakers are decent and sound just as good as my 5 year old studio monitors. I got them on a group buy for less than $200 though.

Wait for black friday to buy your components. You will save a ton of money with sales. Nows a bad time to build though as you probably noticed you can't buy a GPU anywhere.

Yeah, it's probably about time to upgrade to that. Which is good because a new MOBO is in order. I was thinking the 1300X because I'm poor as shit.

Nice bait

What desk is that? It looks fucking lit


Ah thats nice, I love how clean it all is.

Just get two file cabinets and stick a piece of board on top.

r8 my computer


Best one here by far, good work user. Love what you did with the RGB.

>desk is literally lit up
>stupid faggot complains to another faggot about saying lit
You're a fucking faggot.

brain dead can of maggots

This picture just screams comfy.! And yeah ive noticed that.. shits just crazy at the moment in the PC market, I work for T-mobile so im not paid the best hourly but im raking in the commission sales.. Gonna save up and take your advice, ill get myself a nice rig for Christmas.. Until then im stuck with my middle of the road HP laptop for school and such.

Kudos on the beautiful set up.. just the right amount of lights that its not overwhelming too.

off topic, but does anyone know the song playing in this porn video?

xnxx DOT com SLASH video-6o44i92 SLASH ex_girlfriend_100_real

In the end by chester the suicider

It's basically this Two side drawer units from target/Ikea/Walmart, and I used oak countertop as the top stained dark because I'm an edgelord.

You might want to just go with a 1050 ti or a used 970-980 and wait until this crypto meme ends. It's the worst I have ever seen and it doesn't look like it will end any time soon. Hopefully by early next year it will have blown over.

MSI 980? same