You ylyl you lose. suck my dick faggits

you ylyl you lose. suck my dick faggits

Why don't you get the fuck in here, YOU STUPID NIGGER


Quads has fucking spoken.

Joining now.



Fuuucking quaads





Back at it again w/ the steam vegetables

maybe this group is a good thing since it's made me kek more than any ylyl thread on Sup Forums has in months.

>no bananas
>no normies
>no sjw spam
>no spidey spam

I'm starting to think this is the beginning of something special


We had this group up all throughout 2016 and 2017 but it was zucced because of porn.

The time has come for us to rebuild






apex kek

the group is back? about fucking time. I'm tired of this banana cancer

Fake black people are 50 times less likely to steal than whites

Please tell us what do you wish of us mortals.

No filename, KYS

>fake black people
well of course, they're not actually black if they're fake black people

fuck you op I fucking lost

whom is she what?
fucking imbeciles