Is "Imperial March" "Fortunate Son" of Star Wars?

Is "Imperial March" "Fortunate Son" of Star Wars?

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>an overplayed meme song

No that'd be Duel of The Fates

no, it's the rains of castamere of star wars. ENOUGH!

what are those things on her back?

i dunno

Women in the Imperial Army... Has science gone too far?

Not Imperial Army faggot.She rebel.

so cute

>this is how the march sounds to Imperials

I don't get it. She looks cute on these, but when she laughs she looks 55yo

Felicity should have been Rey.

>Duel of the fates plays in 1 out of the 7 movies
>Imperial march plays in 6 out of the 7 movies

She's too old for Rey. But on the other hand maybe that would add some depth to her- 30+ jaded and disillusioned girl getting dragged into something meaningful.

So patriotic. Makes want to join the empire and kill scum.

>"Fortunate Son"
I don't understand what you mean.

I think Duel played for a bit in Episode III too during that needlessly long segment that kept cutting back and forth between Yoda fighting Sheev in the senate and Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting on that videogame lava level.

No one should have been Rey because her character sucks. Finn should have been a force sensitive storm trooper (make him a chick if you really need the diversity cred) who feels the "awakening" and taken her place in the movie, and then Poe is the secondary protagonist. Fuck that super-duper chosen one who masters everything because they're so awesome they radiate awesomeness by existing bullshit, that was annoying enough in the prequels and we didn't need again.


Just looked it up, duel of the fates plays in all three prequel movies.
That's still 3/7 compared to 6/7

only sometimes, everyone has bad pictures of themselves every now and then

Batons probably. They have a couple of really talented martial artists associated with the film.

I know, but with her the contrast is really dramatic

watched the theory of everything just to see her and it was ok

Why would she get batons for a covert mission? She's not working in crowd control.

>every main character is now just a brunette British Mary Sue

bravo disney

watch this garner over $600m at box office


It will. The brand popularity will always overcome any quality issues. And I'm really hoping for it to be good.

well if the capeshit bubble hasn't popped yet I don't know why anyone would expect the DisneyWars bubble to pop yet

a) because starwars has a thing for impractical yet visually cool weapons.

b) maybe she is undercover as someone who would reasonably carry such a weapon.

>swn nibble your earlobe

>ironically ask my friend over steam if he's excited for yearly starwars movies

>"yeah dude I can't wait 7 was so good"

>Block him on steam

>he called the other day, just let it ring

This is seriously the 3rd person I've stopped talking to because they enjoyed that movie. Why do normies have such bad taste

Yay another forced female protagonist.. Guess what i wont be watching

I agree it was shit, but do you really think you should be disassociating from people for liking it?

Most people have shit taste regardless

>associating with plebs because feelings

That user did the right thing, he's now on the path to being a supreme intellectual.

she is an English rose

hence it's only you and your mom's basement