It's official. North Korea to attack US Guam island by mid august official statement from Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un...

It's official. North Korea to attack US Guam island by mid august official statement from Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. This time it's NOT bluff. He heard about your ''fire and fury'' remarks and he says he will start the fire first!
Are you ready for war Ameripigs?

you speak to me like you know me.

I trust him to do the right thing

We gonna fuck him up
North Korea gonna be a big smoking hole in the ground

Yes. The norks are not tho. Neither are the fags in china or iran. if that pussy russia knew what was good for them they'd sit their loud talkin ass down cause they would get checked too.

Once he attacks Guam the war will spread and escalate.At least I hope he wipes San Francisco off the map

post yfw you realize America's President is as autistic as North Korea's.

Liberal media is unironically blaming Trump instead of North Korea for this.

not american but I think this is good the north korean goverment needs to be removed from power if not only because they keep getting more advanced weapons but also becuase thier pepole have been in that labor camp of a country to long

Hoping for this, so Canada can take over USA

A nation which literally cant keep the lights on. Not worried

how do you know this time isnt a bluff exactly

I had to check for myself....thanks for the lulz

The media wins again. I'll believe it when I see it.

Only retards would believe this bullshit.

If this is true, but even if it's not there will still be a war soon, the US will ask all its allies to help, including straya(my country) then we will have to fight, then nk will have a sook and atacc bacc. gee thx US

north korea and america are both run by arrogant idiotic narcs. we're all fucked.

mate we are gonna get annexed by the chinks. I super don't wanna go to war

It's fucking stupid. It would hands down be the most anticlimactic war ever. He'll never be able to fire missile or nuke, not without the shit ton of Navy subs on the coast shooting it out of the sky. He will never invade Guam and never be able to reach the US. At the very best, he'll kill a few of our troops. But not before the US bombs their weapons caches and supply lines, then raids the political offices and takes over. And that'll be all. It'll all be within 2 weeks and not even written in history.

Best Korea is best golfer and best nuke.

Haha yeah

>I super don't wanna go to war
Are you afraid to die pussy?

In what fantasy world are you living?
NK has more subs then the US. Millions of guerrilla warriors throughout thousands of tunnels and underground bunkers, fighting till the very end because they know no better. US will probably succeed but not without a big death toll.

He' could mortar SK and kill millions

Couldn't America melt the whole country without landing a single ground troop?

Nukes are a last resort. Not gonna happen unless NK fires nukes first.

>NK subs
Dropped, literally ww2 U boat tier.

You can't just wipe a country off the face of the planet. Both Trump and Kim are fucking retards.

The North Korean people are innocent, remember that.

Go to bed Sal.

There is ZERO chance of liberating those people.


I get the sense that neither Trump nor Kim consider poor/regular people to be "people"...

Me too.

The bombs cost alot more than a few lives aswell. They'd prefer losing 1k troops over 50 billion dollar worth of bombs.

>It's official
Citation needed

Pussies. I ain't afraid to die. If there's gonna be a conflict going on ,I'll be the first volunteer.

What's is your source bro??? Just checked your autistic statement and couldn't find anything...?

Canada literally couldn't take over Jamaica

>They'd prefer losing 1k troops over 50 billion dollar worth of bombs.
The defense contractors running the military disagree with you.

Of course there is. They want to escape the regime, but are too scared to try because they will be executed.

Well, Kim has given himself God status, and trump is just a moron.

I can't believe Trump has said all the things about 'fire and fury' Fucking hell, just ignore what NK says, no one will take them seriously, but Trump is pushing them into a corner.

same fam i wanna fucking die with a gun in my hand not shooting up a school lmao

NK technology is on average 2-3 generations behind us. Almost 4 really.
They are using ww2/Vietnam era gear.
We don't smoke out tunnels anymore. We learned our lesson in Vietnam. Now we destroy and seal tunnels.

you do realise the more that they spend on bombs the more they can request in their budgets don't you?

says the kid who is so upset he's complaining on an image board.

"just ignore him." No-one is taking you seriously anyway

You've been playing too much call of duty my guy

You guys are really pathetic and disgusting creatures. Were you raised by a serial killer?

USA should draft all the niggers and use them as cannon fodder in NK.

They'd have to nuke a lot more of the country for you pussies to be able to take over.

Aw, I have insulted your beloved Trump? Settle down, faggot.

You're the one getting upset.

Even trumps own party blames him. His staff denies knowing about this and won't admit to being caught off guard. Fuck you. He didn't start it but he definitely didn't help

Come at me bro ... we already burned down the White House once.

This is the actual scary part. NK having nuclear weapons that can reach around the globe is bad, but at this point it seems like the regime is more interested in staying in power through than actually going to war and at worst being destroyed, at best being annexed by China.

Since the Kim family gets their national power through their God status, anything challenging that needs to be responded to. Now Trump is challenging that...because there can be only one God Emperor in his narcissistic mind, and Kim needs to respond or else it hurts his image that keeps him in power...which is the one thing that leaves him with nothing left to lose...

Good thing Trump fired the ambassador to South Korea and forgot to ever nominate a new one...

Autists often have problems with empathy.

what the fuck would Canada take us over with? hockey sticks and friendliness with a side of maple syrup?

>how does war rhetoric work
trump is a loose cannon, and so is kim. if only one is a loose cannon, but the other is clever, there will be no war and the crazy guy will just be spouting empty threats.

however when both are crazy loose cannons, then there's war, and literally nothing is off the table. so you might just get a nuke in your face.

>repeat something I saw posted on Sup Forums a thousand times! that'll teach 'm.

keep trying kid. we've got all day.

>because nukes run on electricity

Exactly. Eventually someone will either have to relent, or act.

I could see NK will probably be the first to fire. Most likely just a conventional missile into the sea, then the US retaliates.

>>this time it's NOT bluff

Sure about that buddy?

>When their country is such shit it's not even worth the money you'd spend making the bombs

Amerisharts once again about to get btfo


all you have to do is let them look outside their own country.

then got your asses kicked afterwards

your blaming N korea for labour camps after US is screwing their economy for 50+ years

At least he is feeding his people and building up its defenses. (unlike Saddam who just tried diplomacy, and where is he now)

He stands alone against corporate america, and of course the rest of the world has to follow or be N Korea.

those "people" are too brainwashed. They can't be trusted might as well stomp them out too just to be safe.

All you asshats know that the biggest nation thats about to get wiped isnt N.Korea, it isn't USA, it isnt UK, it Isnt China...

Its S.Korea. Its gonna trigger a damn world war cause of alliances.

Whatever. Stay butthurt.

>wanting to die because your president is an idiot
well, anyone who volunteers for that dumb shit are pretty much worth nothing. so go ahead.

it must be tough keeping up with all of your conspiracy theory billshit. especially when everything you believe contradicts itself.

says a guy posting on Sup Forums like he is saving the dolphins.

So instead of dropping bombs near Japan, he is going to FLY over Japan and drop them near Guam,

Pissing people off even more without actually firing the first bullet.

I guess this will lead to more war training exercise near N Korea.

You're a retard.

Most don't believe. Many do manage to get access to the internet and have communication with the outside world.

Also, they live in poverty.

>says a guy
did you just assume
my gender?

Regardless of other points, this is a country where the citizens are taught that their leaders grandpa was literally gone a regardless of other points, this is a country where the citizens are taught that their leader's grandpa was literally God. They have to choose between 28 government approved haircuts. So called supermarkets have pictures of food in the windows to make them look full even though they're empty.
Really the only thing they have going for them is Russian help, and it seems mainly because they share a small border thus if shit goes down they don't want to go to war.

there are only 2 and not a single woman on planet earth uses the internet. read a Batman comic.

Kool, bai

what are you implying about batman comics?

They aren't going to hit Guam, they are aiming 40km away from it. It's intimidation not a direct hit. Get your facts right OP

I agree, the US has single handedly ruined the entire planet. Everyone should honestly join forces to take them out while, scorched earth all the way.

Finally, a reason to exterminate that shithole

>im gonna attack you
>ok when?
>in a couple weeks
>oh ok thx for the warning
>np take care
>you too

Time to activate double agent Rodman

nao youre learning

let them come. I dont even care anymore. Lets just nuke it all. fuck it. we all deserve to die

i bet you think the earth is flat too. sad.

Dennis Rodman?

and potentially the largest loss of life the modern world will see

I thought this was gonna be a weirdly appropriate old-timey prediction but it turned out to be totally contemporary in the last two sentences. Disappointed.

no just you.

That was the British. Your country didn't exist until 1867 and wasn't constitutionally independent until 1982.

Neither Trump nor Kim Jong Un are going to do anything other than engage in a bullshit fest until January 2021.

I don't like there will be a major conflict soon. The NWO will continue to stir the pot until it reaches boiling. They need to trim the population somehow... The US knows it, why do you think theyre upping their recruitment efforts with sweet bonuses? To attract the poor so they can die.

I think there will be**** fixed. Sorry, my phone autocorrects sentences

There won't be any major conflict... Western people are too soft.

Hello. I am a citizen of the USA.
I am so happy to hear that Kim Jong Un is going to liberate my country!
There is very little food and electricity here in the USA. My children always experience sickness, but there is no doctor.
I'm so happy now that Kim Jong Un, the wise leader, has decided to bring the wealths of communism to my country.
Thank you great Kim Jong Un! Thank you brave Korean soldiers! I know the victory will be deceive!

You Sup Forums tards and Sup Forums board jumpers do realize the Korean War was never officially ended, only a cease fire declared, hence the reason for the DMZ at the 38th parralell, or what is known as the border between North and South Korea. Now we have a little jerry Lewis hair cut wearing faggot dragging other countries into it, and you fuck tardy have not one out cell of a clue what the fuck is going on or the actual history of it except what the liberal Trump hating media has told you. If nuke start flying it is the end of the world as we know it. We would have to scale our nukes back as we have nukes that could wipe out the entire eastern seaboard of our own nation depending on which way the wind was blowing. All this talk of nukes is one little fat faggot screaming his Dick is bigger than another shimmy faggots, and we all get caught in the proverb able shit storm from their diarhea of the mouth and lack of brains.

nope, sanctions are real. it makes the country poor, its people poor.

People will work long hours and poor wages.
Its not rocket science. go back to school

>misspelled decisive
I wasn't sure at first, but because of that I know you're an American.

>Communism: You Can See It From Space