Show me a good burger

Show me a good burger




Vatican city burger at burgers priest

2 grilled cheese sandwiches for buns

Honorable mention: Apache Burger in Toronto

>a very funny movie


Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger

This is what I'm making tonight

i watched it again recently high as fuck and wondered what would happen if a movie like this got a reboot since thats all movies do anymore



Why is the bun wet?
Doesn't that defy the entire sense of a bun?


Yes this.

only disgusting morbidly obese amerilards think that this shit looks good.
a good burger isn't just a huge pile of shit you like but a perfect composition of them all. murrican burgers are just disgusting overloaded autistic piles of shit.

you poor butthurt faggot, are you okay?

Put some guacamole on it.

disregard my reply to that actually looks good
this however is trying too hard and fails miserably if you want a burger and not a piece of meat with some bread, pickle and ketchup.

Burgers are an American food. We make them however we want. It's like Americans telling Mexicans that they're making tacos wrong.


1. Fatburger
2. In n Out burger
3. Checkers/Rallies burger
4. 5 Guys
5. Shit tier
6. McDonald's, BK, Wendy's


I'd recognize a wayback triple triple anywhere. Enjoy your heart failure op


Can smell it through the bag, baby.

Go smell your own farts somewhere else.

Of course it looks good, and is delicious!

The problem is with the calories and exercise or not sedentary lifestyles.

Having said that, a good burger at a proper place (which does not include fast food nor places like Red Robin, which cook at too high of a heat) is much better. Those greasy monstrosities look awesome.

Is that the guy who wanted to molest that retarded girl?

More carbs please

in texas if you smell like whataburger you're a stank ass hoe


gahh....i need itttt


It's buttered you fucking nutsack

>you're a stank ass hoe
It to attract a Texas BBW

It's german, merricunt. And i'm going to tell you that your nation is shit and you are making everything shit we germans created until you either stop being shit or pretending that you own anything. Americans aren't even a people of their own but a bastardisation of all of europe, africa and asia.
You have created jack shit, ever.

This guy never had In n Out

It's American. The only thing invented in Germany was refugee rape.

damn dude I've been around kids that don't whine as much as you

They do assfucker, tex mex is way better and is 100% American so kill your motherfucking self

>european correcting americans re:burgers

Had a 4x4 animal pro yesterday. Hmm, mmm, mmm.

Nevermind, one thing you actually did create was raping refugees and creating those. Germany needs to get rid of its occupation and get a hold of those nukes to rerange them.

go to grill em all in alhambra ca, you can see it in person

Fugg off yurocuck

go to hell hippie


So instead of having something to grip the integrients you end up with this floppy piece of shit that rips once you touch it? If you don't wanna eat the burger with your hand why add a bun?

>he thinks hamburg steaks are actual hamburgers
Kek. We invented the hamburg steak not the hamburger.

look at all these triggered non-argument reactions, kek
how does it feel to even suck at the one thing you people are named after?



Germany is good at gassing people to death. Heil the fuck away from here Himmler.

>he's never had a cow tongue taco

How does it feel to not be able to use the Internet to find information?

That's the thing, it's not floppy at all. the butter makes the outside layer crisp

Now this is gonna be interesting: As a german living in hamburg i'd like to know what i was missing out all my life for missing the "hamburg steak".

are those truffles?? Damn...

That seems reasonable, go ahead.



Fuck you guido

you sound like a cuck

This is what freedom looks like


Fuck you bitchnigger

what the fuck?

Shut the fuck up.


Best franchise burger on the planet Earth.

Behold the burger god!

Ate there a year ago.. disgusting burger, nothing special about it. In n out is nr 1 your opinion does is invalid


You can't even eat them normally.

fuck this, fuck you, fuck everything

fatburger sucks and is for cucks

'Straya fag here.

What's with all that fuckin' dipping sauce?

Damn son...make me a plate...I'll be there in a minute

you faggots wont know a burger even if it was shoved up your smegma covered asses

maybe go cry somewhere else amy whinehouse

shut your fucking foul mouth

This probably isn't very good and...

>some absurdly gay gimmick
>served on a plank
>fries in a "cute" little pail
>doing this to a burger that looks like it's prepared in a trendy fashion with trendy ingredients

Yeah, this isn't a real burger. This is either Australian, or an "experience" american hipsters pay $40 for. It's probably not even very good, as is more about Instagram photos than taste.



Legitimate question mongoloid.

WHY ALL THE FUCKING DIPPING SAUCE?! There's 3x boxes for 1x chips?!

>Make me. :^)

chocolate + Peanut butter

ryzza dizon

fuck you, burned nigger cunt

You seem like the triggered one.

How about you shut the fuck up



I've never understood having a burger bigger than you can bite, it defeats the purpose of having 2 buns and makes a mess.


We invented the internet that you're talking on right now.



best birgir

I thought it was Tim Berners-Lee? British guy that did the most important part.

Half of the burgers on here are obscene, you'd have to take them apart to eat them, why even have the bread, even if you could hold them you'd look like a disgusting pig taking a bite.

Vegan big mac clones?

Just... why?