How would Sup Forums avoid getting raped in prison?

how would Sup Forums avoid getting raped in prison?

no going to prison in the first place

I can't speak for Sup Forums


> I won't do anything retarded that would send me there.

sounds fine to me...


Not go to prison.
Fuck that noise, I'd an hero before going.

Bring drugs

Lawyer here. Offer my legal advice to the biggest black dude in the joint. Have thought about this before obviously.

By Hanging myself before the trial

By living in Sweden.
Already spent almost 5 years in Kumla.
>pic related

Just keep your head down and do your time, Don't get mixed up in 'getting favors' like ciggs or drugs. Don't borrow anything. Don't say anything more than you absolutely have to. Don't try to hide what your in for, but don't brag about it either. Don't try and join a gang, spend your time with books or on some kind of prison run program. Do all this and you'll likely be left to yourself. This goes double if your over 35. You won't be needing to fight to prove yourself nor will anyone be likely to lean on you to fight with them.

looks like the cell from oldboy with a new paintcoat.

its rape or be raped, obviously

^pic related

By not going to prison in a shithole country.

I will put my own peepee in my pooper and that way I will be ok

if you theoretically did go to prson
>consent in prison
goto prison in us get raped by nigger
getting raped in first 24 hours

is it rape if you consent and or like it?

its not rape if you consent
but i dont think you would consent to 20+ people

>but i dont think you would consent to 20+ people
Guess again, prison bitches exist, and they usually get paid with cigarettes or other prison shit that is valuable to them

I've never been, but I watched a shit ton of prison documentaries so I'm badically a qualified PO

Get a stoma and a bag, then abrade sphincter and suture closed so it heals.

Shit that looks comfy

Yes but those cells are reserved for Muslim rapists.

That number is a lie. I work in prison and i was here when they did the federal study. They did it user so the inmates were just bullshitting through it. I heard one inmate laugh how he said he gets raped every other day. It happens but no where as much as these number claim

Be the rapist instead of the raped

>go to prison
>attack inmates show them alpha
>they all cower before me no one rape me
>beat up guards come to warden
>beat him for dominance
>become new warden never raped
>I am warden now

I lived in Sweden for a little while. I found out the hard way that they let out inmates for a day if they had good behavior. One of those fuckers tried to stab be and my buddy outside of a club.

put razor blades up your ass. thatll teach em

stay out of anything and beat the living shit out of anyone trying.

>don't break the law
>don't go to prison

There might be a flaw in my logic if anyone wants to point out exactly what that is?

a dead stare is your best bet

1 Word. Blowjobs!!