Minnesota Muslim mosque bombing?

Minnesota Muslim mosque bombing?

Fake news

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at least take this underage faggotry to

Why would anyone want to post in a russian botnet?

False flag libtard conspiracy

Trump was right to ignore this propaganda

Trump is such a coward not to condemn an obvious act of domestic terrorism.

Whitehouse spokesperson has confirmed it was a fake attack.

Yes, because bombing a building is easy to fake.

So the building miraculously didn't blow up?

Sandy Hook?

I offer a more plausible theory. Trump cannot condemn acts of domestic terrorism, because he cynically needs their votes.

>“There’s a great rule: All initial reports are false,″ Gorka said. “You have to check them and find out who the perpetrators are. We’ve had a series of crimes committed, alleged hate crimes, by right-wing individuals in the last six months, that turned out to actually have been propagated by the left.”


lay off the breitbart user

the guy is a breitbart troll

support your president in this time of war user.

We did so with Oobongo

The chyron clearly says.

Deputy assistant to President Trump.

Not some nutter with a tv/radio program.

Maybe he should get off his lazy ass and go to the bombing site. It isn't exactly hard to find the site of a fucking explosion.

He represents the White House, not briebart.

Wow no way

the explosion wasn't fake

the intentions are

Meanwhile.. no one gives a shit that a mosque that real people attend was attacked

they dont vote (R) so who gives a shit

>Meanwhile.. no one gives a shit that a mosque that real people attend was attacked
Yeah, and? Burn down every single one.
Death to Islam.


no one cares

this guys has been on tv numerous times making absolute ridiculous statments. he's worse than spicer, but not as bad as the living quasimodo sarah huckabee

our president's a pussy, we're not going to war. he drew a line and ti was crossed in minutes he did nothing. russia expelled 755 diplomats, he did nothing.

> culture supports kills gays
we need more Muslims tho

The muslims did this to themselves to take the attention away from when they bombed a local Christian church school the day before. The TRIED to call it a "gas leak", but it was a muslim bomb ....

Go look for yourselves... "Minnehaha Academy" explosion.

you'd think the trump tards would be happy

where'd you get that infowars?

This is true

He is also representing the United States and the President.

You should try to comes to terms about this reality.

Where is your proof? You don't have shit.

go brexit your self. mueller is working on it

>go brexit your self.

The pilgrims already did which is why we're here.

>Federal Judge Beryl Alaine Howell is now confirmed to be having a private meeting with independent prosecutor Robert Mueller. He is allegedly asking the judge to temporarily remove the president's power to pardon. Sources also say that he is about to go after Trump with this judge in a way that congress can't even stop.

Oh shi-

he's fucked

17 day vacation? more like 1 way ticket to putins mansion in russia

local news

you mean you made it up yourself. the gas leak was said to be an accident. grizzly steepe was real fucktard

we went through a bunch of wars to get 'here' gl fuckers. i hope merkle's lap dog, nkorea nukes you


fake news