ITT: characters that did nothing wrong

ITT: characters that did nothing wrong

Well, this guy was supposed to be wise so I don't know why he thought he could trust Frank.

He killed an old lady with his car while running from the cops

>getting mad because the POTUS asked you to cook some ribs

>did nothing wrong
>hasn't gone back to Africa

why was he such an ungrateful fuck?

he didn't raise his boy right

>tell your long time friend goodbye
>he asks you play house nigger one last time

It really was pretty insulting.

>long time friend asks you to help out and do something you're great at
>you get butthurt

>house nigger

come on man, his previous profession was cooking ribs. Running a restaurant and being a chef is a perfectly respectable line of work

it was just a hamfisted way for the writers to further stomp on Frank on his way down

nah, frank just thought it was their "thing" that they used to do back in the good old days

>defending a literal gay cuckold


he totally fucked up emerald city and the reason my nigga adebisi died

Once a house nigger always a house nigger.


no I'm not

I just recognize that scene was completely out of character

The point is that Underwood never once invited him to dinner as an equal.

obama has never invited me to dinner as an equal

why was the chip on his shoulder so heavy.

Sean Bean

just a couple of shitty children

all he wanted was more life fucker

he did nothing wrong

Are you an associate of his user? Why would he?


What do you mean? He fucked up by letting his wives get stolen


punching the potus is wrong

He didn't trust Frank. He just sucked up to him as long as was necessary.

And he did his time.

I didn't see it as him being ungrateful. From his perspective, Frank treated him as someone who could be used and discarded at any given moment.

Neither did his country.


> "Before you fuck off, cook for me one last time I know you don't like cooking but fuck you give me ribs"

What was his "thing" for Freddy? Boring him with his stories?

20 years of servitude for a government official and...
>no practice of nepotism
>didn't bother to ask about Freddy's past
>doesn't know/understand Freddy's views and beliefs
>believes Frank just wants a "Yes Man"
>doesn't like the fact his livelihood is dependent on one man, especially a character like Underwood