Watch Stranger Things

>Watch Stranger Things
>Great show...Adorable kids
>I'll watch some interviews with them
>Eleven is rapping to Nicky is this?
>Take me back to the 80's again

You know why I miss the 80's? It's not Spielberg, it's because rap music wasn't the cancerous phenomenon that it appears to be today.

Why do Modern chat shows push this on our youth?

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>Nicki Minaj

Takes this shit to Sup Forums we discuss movies and shows in this board not "muh degeneracy"

sounds like you're a contrarian and have no friends

maybe you weren't born in the right era


>movies and shows
>not degeneracy


rap existed in the 80's too dumbass, ever heard of NWA or Eric B and Rakim? no one is "pushing" anything you fuck, who gives a fuck if children like different music than you

Who are you quoting?

>>Great show...Adorable kids

Pedo with absolutely shit pleb taste? Had to stop reading right there. Fucking kill yourself.

older rap seems like it had more depth to it

Not that it matters since rock is dead too. All we have now is shitty pop song after shitty pop song to listen to.

I think you're just mad the underage actress has different taste than you. You should seek help.

>It's a todays music is shit episode

people who hate rap don't understand the influence of black music in modern music.

A: This has nothing to with this board. If you want to complain about this shit, there is a lovely hugbox over at Sup Forums

B: Rap nowadays tends to focus on political issues and economic realities. The shit in the 80s was far racier and much more provocative.

80s were more wholesome

today it is pure degeneracy

She's like 14 years old and Minaj is super popular among young teens you fuck

Don't know why people insist on watching interviews with actors or caring about their personal lives at all. It completely ruins the authenticity of what you're watching, especially when you only recognise 1 actress like in Stranger Things.
It's your own fault, you ruined it for yourself

>Great show

top kek

>rap existed in the 80's too dumbass

Where did I say it did not?

Low iq, poor reading comprehension, try harder.

>a kid has a different taste than me!
user, please.

Good point.

I should already be aware that Hollywood is a degenerate cess pool of poison.

I always hated rap crap. All the young women in my life looove it. At least the young men I know hate it, like I do. Can't comprehend the appeal.

Jesus, why is anyone upset she doesn't like Finn? She's shit tier.

>It completely ruins the authenticity of what you're watching

Oh wow! You people talk about these kids as if they're the greatest actors who've ever lived and Stranger Things like the second coming. Get some fucking taste you delusional piece of garbage. You're obviously not a very good judge of acting.

cant you just pretend to not be a pedophile? goddamn

That was Nicki Minaj's only good verse anyway. Who cares

>le you r contrarian if you dun like muh shitty music

kill yourself kiddo

>Low iq, poor reading comprehension, try harder
you even type like a fucking pedo.
also how is a kid singing to rap now different than the 80s?

this dude is so pretty wtf


I had the misfortune of hearing Laura Prepon speaking her non-mind. I really didn't want it to, but it totally ruined Donna for me. I could never think of her as a "cool chick" after that. Then to top it all off she went full blonde on the show.

The world is a cess pool of poison, including Sup Forums. We're no better than Millie in our own ways.

Most of us didn't mind popular music when we were young. But now shit like twerking is mainstream as a result. When the subversive effects become pronounced you see the poison for what it is. Then you want to vomit.

>you even type like a fucking pedo.

This shit show is classic American garbage;

>"Hey babe, LETS FUCK!"

Fuck off.

You people keep shilling your disgusting and in creative American tv shows when there are far better CANADIAN ones to talk about.

You fucking fat fucks.

And you always whine and wonder why the rest of the world is so "mean" to you?

It's because of shit like this.

This is why Canada is more favorably viewed than your fat ass country.

You stupid fucks have no culture, creative ability, or the depth and capacity to write a decent show.

The bar has been set lower than before because we keep getting forced by your companies and corporations to watch your shitty shows,

And as a result, we get people who copy your stupid, American (the noun: American, is synonymous with idiot (oh wait, silly me, your poor """education""" means you don't even know what nouns are, fucking fat fucks)), and retarded ideas are create a standard of American stupidity.

Fuck you America, and fuck all of the Americans reading this.

You people have ruined everything.

Go choke on my big veiny Canadian dick. I know your sister will want to, due to her statistically being a slut, like the average American woman.

Pretty much this. At the rate we're going it's only a matter of time until things actually start looking like Sup Forums's >muh degeneracy

Go home, leaf.

u mad?

The kids are pretty good actors senpai. I don't talk about ST like it's the 'second coming', it's a pretty good show, that's all.
If you hate this show so much then why are you spending your time posting in this thread. Go and wallow in your oh-so-superior taste faggot

>fat fucks, inbound

Go horf a whole box of donors, fatty

Canada IS the far better country, whether you want to admit it or not.

>you know why i miss the 80s

gtfo old man and stop complaining about degenercy on a taiwanese hentai image board

What's wrong with Laura Prepon?



I miss the 80's and I wasn't even born until the mid 90's

Did she talk about Xenu?


Lol fucking fat ass ahaha


so much this

>rare Elle

I'll take that, thank you.

Rule number one : a kid has no taste
She'll eventually grow out of it don't worry

At this point it's obvious the negative influence black and hip hop movements have had on our culture. In any other time Millie Bobby Brown would have been attracted to Finn, but because of the influence of black hip hop culture, she lusts after the BBC Caleb and friendzoned Finn.

But Finn can do so much better.

>You know why I miss the 80's? It's not Spielberg, it's because rap music wasn't the cancerous phenomenon that it appears to be today.

To be honest, Rap/Hip-Hop is just ass these days.

Both the silly early to mid 80s electro infused style and the late 80s/early 90s gangster/horrorcore shit are really tight. Fast paced and furious.

Then Tupac got popular and shit got steadily slow, sludgy and too bling, bitches and vanity driven centric. At least we got Death Grips, who despite being barely rap/hip-hop at all these days, better hold up the true spirit than fuckheads like Drake (don't mind Kanye though, since the guy's too funny as fuck for me to hate).

I rather listen to cool shit like Gravediggaz, (early) Esham, N.W.A., Public Enemy, Eazy-E, Wu-Tang and Geto Boys as well as silly shit like Whodini, World Class Wreckin' Cru, MC Hammer and all of that underrated New Jack Swing stuff over poo poo from the late 90s and Dirty South bullshit.

Cacucks try to banter so hard like Australians it's pathetic desu. It's poo in lol tier

>Death Grips

smdh kys desu senpai fleek ooga booga mixtape

He doesn't want better desu. He fell hard for her and it's obvious the feeling isn't mutual. I honestly hope he's okay.

He'll get over it. We've all been there.

>Listening to mainstream music.

>we've all been there
that's why it's worrisome.

How so?

Because you can waist time on a girl that doesn't like you in your prime years for confidence building. I kind of hope he gets a girlfriend just to escape that.

Nowadays we got dubstep

wub wub wub

how come some like 13 year old girls act and talk like they're really mature?
seeing some of that girls interviews makes me think she's smarter, funnier, and more rational than at least half the girls you would find on a college campus
I have a little cousin like this too
do girls get dumber as they age or what?

>Why do Modern chat shows push this on our youth?

get with the times grandpa, kids now days are exposed to all sort of things not appropriate for their age.

do you think she'll follow back?

Delete this right now

God that's fucking disgusting.

I really wish this pornstar acceptance thing would go away. How does Millie protect herself from that? There's no way. She's going to see she got a new follower who has half a million followers, check out who she is, then be inundated with degeneracy. It would be nice if Remy had some modicum of shame and wouldn't follow anyone under 18.

Is she a tranny?

Hang him desu.