ITT: your movie ideas

ITT: your movie ideas

Adam and Eve
Movie is 4 hours long and shows early pre humans living their lives n shit. Very much like Dances with Wolves but even slower and more forrestish.
Movie also follows a wolf pack to show similarities in raising the young etc.
Slowly builds up to Adam and Eve being different from the others as they are sentinent. They show more restraint etc.
And enemy tribe attacks and kills almost everybody and takes Eve hostage.
Adam frees her and beats the chief of the other clan by using weapons and when he has the chance to kill him he doesn't because he realises he has a family too.
That's the first morale deed and they go away guided by a ray of sunlight

>gay neon lights & stubbly dads

Not really liking my butt's chances...

>a bunch of middle aged dads realizing they're gay and going on a secret plane-gay bar in the sky

What should we call it? The Mile Homo Club?



Who is that actor? Looks like a dadbod version of dubsman.


Even if this is a joke, I'd actually be really interested in seeing a movie of Socrates's apology and execution. We really need more Greek movies and not trash like 300.

It's dubsman in American Hustle.

"Gay As Hell" has a certain ring to it.

Who do you think should play Socrates?
With Saruman dead, I think Clint Eastwood could actually do a pretty decent job.
A former soldier known to cut trough all the bullshit to get to the heart of the matter, someone who's gathered followers without seeking them or even caring much about them.

Despite being a soldier, I've always imagined older Socrates as stumpy, like with a hunchback. And from my readings, when he was older, he seemed to abandon traditional living, not as extreme as Diogenes, but was still poor, bordering on homeless. There's also a lot of talk in his works that he is ugly looking, pretty sure Symposium states that, to contrast him with Alcibiades. Could also be thinking of Aesop. Anyway, Clint is far too sexy to play Socrates.

i like what im seeing

Directed by Mel Gibson.

He may have been ugly, and the standard of living he enforced on himself might have played a part in that, but I doubt a man that was still spry by all accounts in his 70s and who had served as a Hoplite in his youth was in any way deformed or physically unimpressive.
Besides, despite being a vagabond he probably didn't want for anything, with his reputation at the markets and the youth that followed him around, he probably had plenty of food and shelter whenever he required. Even so, his behavior I think could be interesting to examine with a modern lens. Perhaps he suffered from PTSD after the Peloponnesian War which made him restless enough to leave his family for something that made more sense of what he had been trough, culminating with his audience with the Oracle of Delphi.

You browse reddit.

>Perhaps he suffered from PTSD after the Peloponnesian War which made him restless enough to leave his family for something that made more sense of what he had been trough, culminating with his audience with the Oracle of Delphi.
just no.
also athenians literally fucked each other in the ass in between battles, that's how much they hated war

Oddly enough, I don't.
I've skimmed it, mostly trough being linked from here, but that layout and cocksucking upboat system just ain't for me.

Not as gay as the Spartans though.
But yeah, another element one could examine. Perhaps his "corruption of the youth" was seen as being quite literal. Maybe he was having, or believed to be having sex with his followers on a regular basis, preferring shota ass to his ugly ass wife.

>Not as gay as the Spartans though.

t. pop historian

>But yeah, another element one could examine. Perhaps his "corruption of the youth" was seen as being quite literal. Maybe he was having, or believed to be having sex with his followers on a regular basis, preferring shota ass to his ugly ass wife.
have you literally never read anything about socrates and athens or are you just dumb?

Don't even need to be pop historian to learn all about it.
You just have to start with the Greeks, they themselves aren't shy about it.

Literally kill yourself reddit

I literally LITERALLY made your pic related.

The spartans were nowhere near as gay as the athenians. Pederasty was uncommon in Sparta compared to Athens, where it was EXPECTED as part of the curriculum. The spartans thought persian men were faggots for wearing jewelry and makeup.

I'm just spitballing here, because there's a lot to be read between the lines.
Plus the fact that neither Plato or Xenophon where at the trial, so what they were relating was something after the fact they don't seem to entirely agree on.

when did Sup Forums become /his/