ITT: Movies that made you cry like a little bitch

ITT: Movies that made you cry like a little bitch

when he cut his balls off

pls no bully

Beasts of a Southern Wild. That scene where she comes back for her dad and faces the beasts.

Watched it 3 times, cried every time.

The ending of Mulholland Drive brought me to tears.

Didn't cry, but The Wrestler left me in state of perpetual sadness for three days straight. I thought it was a great movie, but I haven't watched in several years because of that.


Also this

A Beautiful Mind
Prince of Egypt
Come and See

why is Big Fish so fucking magical

I cried during the entire final act of When the Last Sword is Drawn. I was bawling for over half an hour straight. It was like a jump scare barrage of emotions. Every time I start to settle down a new emotional fucking thing happens.

I barely even remember it, but the ending brought out the waterworks every time



cant get any more cry than this

your pic is a tiny as asian cocks


I think this was the first movie to make me cry.

It opened the floodgates, and now i cry at pretty much everything, from Toy Story to LOTR.


The civil war scenes get me everytime

And im not even American

you are honorary american, user

Gran Torino