Is this musickino?

is this musickino?

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i think it'll be great 2bh

Its a musical? Well, I know I won't be able to watch this movie alone. Will look like a weirdo in the movie theater.

just print out a list of lyrics beforehand so you're ready to sing along, also dress up in a tuxedo. You'll fit right in

Yes I like the song in the Gosling trailer.

Who knows, maybe there's a female who also shows up alone and we can sit next to each other and build a relationship from there.

dumb frogposter

Was so close to a 4 of quads. I guess it just isn't meant to happen.


maybe she'll let you touch her feet

>H-hey, this looks like a g-good movie

Musical films don't come out often, and musicals that aren't adaptations of Broadway shows are even more rare. I'm really looking forward to this.


do you think shipka has ever stepped on a boy?

Maybe a foot massage during the credit roll?

While she talks like pic related?


Was this censored when AMC aired it? Most of the viewers of this show were adults unlike the walking dead who I recall censoring choice words

She looks really cute with brown hair.

Who is that? She's a qt

Kiernan Shipka. She was Don's daughter on Mad Men.

She's also underage.

Isn't she 16 by now?


There's no way it will reach Astaire/Rogers levels of dancing, right? I love Goose, but he's not a dancer is he?

How the fuck can someone walk in that?

they find a way

Women are really talented, user. Some girls can even dance in them.

Is La la land a remake?

It looks like it's heavily inspired by the classic musicals of the 30's-50's. The Hollywood setting looks like it's in tribute to Singin' in the Rain.

Hopefully it's good. This year has been pretty ! mediocre so far.

I hope it's good too. I love musicals when they're good. Pic related is actually my favorite.

Jeez, !an December? And I bet it's one those limited releases and won't get wide enough until February or if the studio deems it financially feasible

No literally kill yourselves. I'd rather shoot myself than see gosling and stone again


It's got two big stars. I think it'll get a wide release.

Probably, but star power doesn't much anymore in Hollywood

I think Kiernan could be in a musical sometime. Her voice is good. Ignore the other two girls.

Wew, those legs.

She has great dancer legs.

They've already made licensed kid's toys for this film.

Very nice.

she has no right to show off those quads at that age

Great a blatant shill thread

You should see the backs.


She's pretty perfect. I hope she's in some really good movies soon.

this is musickino

That's a pleb filter.

Looks like the next De-Lovely, though it doesn't quite sound the part.
Still, looks like it could be great.