Wow that was some pretentious shite

Wow that was some pretentious shite

It was a shitie B comedy, the fact that all make sense is just pure collateral damage

>"Everyone is dumb, except me", The Movie

youre confirming that the movie was right

>liberals think its coming true with trump
>dont realize it came true with OBO o niggerbungabunga

It's kind of relevant though
>CO2 is baaaadd. Plants need Brawndo

It was a good movie

Donald Trump's America: The Movie

ikr, retards should be allowed to breed same as everyone else. Ps, vote hillary

[pseudo-intellectualism intensifies]



children of men is my go to feel shit about being american and living in a dystopia

I was expecting a really preachy movie for people who think way too highly of themselves when I went in watching it, but I think that's just how some cunts interpret it
it's just a stupid comedy with a funny premise, nothing more

+1 upboat

This. Its only because Western civilization (read: the US) has become such a spitting image of the film that it has a negative legacy.

The premise is not wrong. Stupid people breed like rabbits.

However, a few intelligent gems do sprout here and there from even the worst of conditions.


what are you eben tryin to post too much irony bro

scratch that I have no issue with this post (snee

children of men is beeeauutiful movie. and it's our future, also

Read into it for yourself, if you're no too stupid.

refer to this post

(snee, indeed, friend.

fuck off katsuo

its been exponentially closer to reality ever year since its come out

Idiocracy is not the best movie, but it has a lot of great moments, such as the pimp slide show at the start, or the Costco, Brondo, the president, baitin', the hostpical scene, etc.

Stop being such a contrarian. Just because a bunch of edgelords always say "LOL LIFE IS BECOMING IDIOCRACY AMIRITEGUISE?" doesn't take away that it's a legitimately funny movie.

Worst thing Mike Judge has done desu

This is how a retard types/speaks. If you had anything worthwhile to say, you would've said it. Instead, you just put it into the periphery because you're a huge media retard. A big stupid doodoo head.

Or maybe because I'm typing this on a laptop laying in my bed at 2:00am you stupid fuck.

savaged on guy go savaged SAVAGED AND ATE OUT

This is the movie idiots use to make themselves feel smart.

still a good movie without that

>no terry crews PC master race president
feels bad man

>movie approaches the topic of dysgenics
>"open minded" people chimp out to reject it

Sure is blue pill in here.

Kill yourself.

Extract, Silicon Valley and 50% of King of the Hill episodes are just as bad.

Hey what if idiocracy already happened? In countries outside the western hemisphere? What if thats the reason why they cant get out the shit they made? What if we are destroying our future o
In an attempt to help them by bringing whats shown in the movie to us? What if stupidity is a lot less funny than movies tell us?

Why do alt-righters hate Obama? Dude was essentially a fucking Republican

Idiocracy is funny as fuck and if you don't enjoy it you have no soul.

If you're so reactionary you automatically assumed the creator of this is a leftist you should kys

Its obviously a movie meant for leftists but based on a straightup nazi idiology.

The degeneration of society? Yeah himmler was afraid of that too. Created a little breeding program called "lebensborn" to fight it.

>reddit likes it so I hate: the thread
un yourself, faggot

>essentially republican
>pushes and helps pass bill enforcing everyone to be required to have healthcare or get a tax penalty (Fine)
>Insurance costs rise because companies know they can charge it because people don't want to get government butt raped.

Republican... right....

His shitty Oblamocare. If he had just held that he would have been held to a higher opinion than Bush.

Constant international interventions on behalf of others is a pretty leftist thing. The "neocons" were never conservatives.

>admitting you're on Sup Forums at 2am
>thinking this makes you look LESS like a retard

The individual mandate was the Republican response to single-payer proposals; it was invented by the fucking Heritage Foundation. With a fucking super-majority AND the Presidency, they didn't even fucking TRY to fight for single-payer or even a public-option. So, yes, when they have all the leverage in the world and they serve up the Republicans' own plan, it proves Obama is center-right at best.

The funniest thing about this movie is that literally every single person who's ever watched it thinks it's not talking about them.

You're joking right. The film is set in future where everyone is stupid and everything is trashy. We are then forced to spend over an hour in this world and every "joke" is just something being stupid. At the end, after spending so much time in this idiotic world, the protagonist then accepts these circumstances and gives in. Funnily, the same could be said about people who enjoyed the movie.

If you hate this film, then congratulations.

The joke is on you.

If you like this film, then congratulations.

The joke is on you.

How would Trump cause America to become an idiocracy?

It's a fun movie that takes the simple idea of "people are getting dumber" and exaggerates it for laughs.

It never claims that the future will literally be like that and if you took that from the movie, you must be retarded.

>exponentially closer
>idiocracy doesn't show real life

Americans really can't look at themselves objectively. They lack introspection. American children perform poorly in math, science, English, geography, history and every other conceivable subject. The rest of the world literally laughs at Americans, yet they still think they're number one in anything but military spending.

America has a few smart people who have created a place where dumb people can thrive. Most things are made by robots, Americans are taught how to operate those machines at a basic level. Look at fast food industry, you have a burger flipper, you have the person who throws fries into the frier, you have the person that assembles the burger, it's an assembly line. Ask the burger flipper to fix the stove if it breaks and he or she is stumped. Same with pretty much everything else.

Americans specialize in one little aspect of doing something, ask them to apply critical thinking skills and they're unable to do it.

Look at politics: communism/socialism = evil; democracy/capitalism = good. Ask them to explain what those things are and they get angry because they cannot process those terms. They all shout 'freedom' buy have no idea what freedom is, or that they lack it.

2/3 of Americans are morbidly obese. They drive their trucks from home to work back to home, visit fast good restaurants and gorge on shitty food while watching Netflix or cheering for a sports team.

I bet you think Wall-E isn't a good representation of American society because it's set in space and you don't have flying mobility chairs for fat people (but you do have mobility chairs).

The uneducated American, without critical thinking skills can't even understand satire, which this movie is. Just because you isn't *exactly* like reality doesn't make it any less true.

Don't bother arguing, this thread proves my point.


America still has the best universities in the world and is a leader in technological innovation.

Whats growing in america are certain groups known for their distaste for education and a tendency for (female) obesity.

Protip: its not the stereotypical white rednecks.

>America still has the best universities in the world
Yeah, with Indians and other non-Americans attending them.

it amuses me how conflicted contrarian libturds react to this movie

After giving an (x) amount of examples to make a point, the etcetera means there are more, but stating all is time wasting and redundant. No, user, you are the retard here.

>President is a nigger
Really makes you think

the movie was a criticism of the stereotypical pretentious childless 35+ year old liberal as much as it was of rednecks. nobody realizes it because the liberals died out within the first 5 minutes of the movie.

Ugh. You are generalizing and you know it. Are you jealous of the usa or what?

Idiocracy already exists in the middle east and africa.
In yurop Idiocracy usually arrives in the form of immigrants that can't integrate, and turn the parts of the city they live in, the same as their homelands.

How do you expect someone to be able to fix a stove with only critical thinking skills???

lol are you indian? fuck off back to your designated shitting street

>yfw American universities pay poo-in-loos to come to study in America
stay cucked Americano

>everything you know must be taught
>you are unable to infer anything
I wouldn't expect you to understand, Amerifat.



Indians have the smallest dicks in the world thats why yall arrange marriages.

But the premise of the movie stems from the fact that blacks, hispanics, and arabs, with mean IQs ranging from 85-90, reproduce at higher rates than whites and asians with IQs of 100-105.

Donald Trump is the anti-immigration candidate. So this doesn't make any sense at all.

If anything, it's Hillary Clinton's America: The Movie.
Or it's Angela Merkel's Germany: The Movie.

what was? please explain.

>this Amerifat still thinks I'm Indian
You're cucked because your universities spend money on bringing foreign students in to study, giving them full scholarships while Americans have to get into debt for the rest of their lives only to get a job outside of their major because a foreigner can do it better. And you laugh at Europeans...

>yfw America is so cucked it doesn't even have an official language but you allow people to speak whatever the fuck they want
>yfw you can't get a job in an European country unless you speak the native/official language

stay cucked, Americano

stay irrelevant whatever country your ashamed to admit your from

I'm from the European Union. I have dual nationality from both Slovenia and Croatia. I can study, live and work in any of the EU or EEU (European Economic Union) countries. I'm living in Oslo, Norway. Right now I'm on a six month vacation in Split, Croatia because I can afford it. In April I was 2 weeks in London, and then took a little European tour through France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Three days ago I came back from a trip to Austria and Slovenia.

enjoy food stamps and sub-standard medical care, cucked Americano

>B-but it's about how the mud people are stupid and dragging us whites down!

What race was the idiot family in the beginning of the movie?

>I'm from the European Union
10/10 you got me good Merkel. This reads like some shitty pro EU propaganda

no he wasn't

alt-righters hate neocons anyway

>I'm from the EU


Not propaganda, just the reality of living in the EU. You don't have to believe it, it's not like you can ever afford to move here anyway. :)

Maybe after you've worked 50 hour weeks for ten years you'll be able to buy a plane ticket to London and visit Europe for a week, post a million pictures on facebook and brag about it for the next ten years.

I actually got sad for Americans while typing this. :( Cause even poor Europeans can sit in a car, drive for 5-6 hours and be in a completely different country with a completely different culture, music and cuisine.

Even poor Poles in 20 year old cars drive down to the Mediterranean and enjoy the sun and sea every year.

Really made me think the movie.

>reading only five words
Did you get tired?

more like take a train since cars and fuel are expensive

>it's not like you can ever afford to move here anyway
>implying it costs money

Just say you are a refugee and you get in for free.

>Slovenia and Croatia
Poor third worlder detected.

Fucking faggot, I am from yurop. This is some top tier Sup Forums bait, I'm saving your pasta

And then they put you in a tent city with rape gangs and thieves, no thank you.

Sure, but with European salaries they're affordable. :)

Doesn't matter. The reason for the phenomenon which makes up the entire premise of the movie is that dumb muds have more kids.

The movie was incorrect in portraying it as anything to do with trailer trash taking over america.

I liked the movie though. Am I now confirming that the movie wasn't right?


>people are now unironically racist toward Obama
when did this website become so shit


newfag pls

Nigger do you think the whole USA is the same across the whole country? Fuck you europoors are retarded as fuck