Actresses whose nude scenes were better than expected. Little Miss Perky here

Actresses whose nude scenes were better than expected. Little Miss Perky here

Ellen. Who btw is the only one deserving of the title Miss Perky. I'll let it slip this time.

post nudes now

Need webm for full jiggling

she's cute when she doesn't wear those femicunt pantsuits

Man shes unlucky that when she puts on a lil bit of weight it all goes right to her face.

JUST genetics.

How about actresses whose nude scenes were WORSE than expected

Are you kidding? She exceeded expectation.
Such suckable nipples, an incredible tight ass.

she looks a lot like pornstar kinzie kenner

so this is what happens when your career doesn't take off in Hollywood.

Emma Watson when?

>ywn make a girl have a face like that


It's called acting for a reason bub

Letting a guy suck your nips on camera I'd a bit more than acting

Looks like an ear lobe to me

She really needs to have a kid. It would help the whole "I look like a teenager" thing.

She was so qt. Why did she have to age so poorly?

who is this weinerdog-faced slut

>Shailene Woodley thread
>no pit pics
is this pleb hour?

She's still cute when she wants to be, but having hippy sensibilities means she doesn't care if people see her slobbing around and that ruins the image.

trash fetish
wasted libido
>inb4 hive mind

I got you, familia.

>Im a vanilla fetish man
get out. I bet you have a boring sex life

I already said >inb4
you have no power over me
trash fetish

What a weird movie that has no purpose but to get her cloth off.

The only thing interesting about it is the director's name. Sounds Japanese.

>I already said >inb4
I know, but Im the user you replied to my friend.


>were better than expected. Little Miss Perky
Understatement, famiglia. Those things are marvelous 10/10

Rooney Mara has a goat tier ass and boobs tbqh. Her nude scenes in The Girl with the dragon Tattoo are 10/10

what a fag you are

theyre so small and self-buoyant they literally float and point up at the sun


That little cunt HAD to do nude scene's because Hollywood was desperately trying to make her happen with those fuck awful Divergent movies, they sucked, her career is now in the shitter and so she resorted to showing her tits. Typical whore!!!FACT!!!

I look at her and feel like I have prosopagnosia, every picture of her looks so different.



I really like her facial structure beyond just cuteness. It's interesting.


>mfw she'll look like a mom in 4 years
>mfw face weight gain


Hey Shailene, it's Nikky Blonsky from the notorious movie Hairspray, saw U in ur last movie and U nailed it! Hope we'll work together soon Ur the best xoxo

>posting armpits but not the damn tits

god i hate this place

Nice, really nice. I've liked her since I saw her in The Spectacular Now

The movie keeps a record of her boobs at that age. It has served the purpose.

Based Japanese American director

I think she suprised everyone, because she did Percy Jackson like 5 years before and she was a little girl




Who is that slut?

>people complained about this being Mary-Jane
>mfw got Zendaya instead

Emma Stone

>when Crazy Amanda blew her tfo
I felt devastated FOR her.

Goddamn those are nice supple tits.

No it isn't.

>but dad it's art!

holy shit those are goat tits

Why is she not Wonder Woman again?

Veronica Cartwright from Alien etc. That's from the movie where she had unsimulated sex on camera. With the bluray you can literally pause it right at this one moment and see the guys balls and his dick is inside her pussy. Shit's pretty dank.

you know why

Literally the Jews.

>he has the bluray

She was at least 23 when that movie was made.

Charlotte Rampling proves that nothing can destroy good tits.

I'd still destroy that old whore.

which flick ?

I got you lads
Shailene for underrated waifu all years



Holly Hunter in 2003. Although she is twice my age I can't shake off this urge to caress her like a little doll every time I see her. She's just too sweet.

Im going to be alone forever and its killing

You should watch The Piano, you can see her whole pussy in that.

You blind?

You're damn right you are with that attitude, either embrace it or shake it off, stop feeling sorry for yourself


Good job, mate.

Is that Jurassic Park?

Antje Traue


i bet she looks smoking hot when she gets faded

she's got the right bone structure to pull off the glassy-far-away-eyes look of somebody who's high as fuck on xanny and just wants you to fuck the shit out of them while they lie there in bliss

I already watched all the Holly Hunter movies and shows that are out there in good quality. I even downloaded those 20 GB of the capeshit just to see my little dolly.

no srs what flick

Morgan Saylor

Holy shit, Dana Brody grew the fuck up.

Yeah I'm gonna need a series of film names

she's playing sluts now

Rose McIver

Goddamn. Wood fuk.