What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sully?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sully?

is it kino

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fuck geese

I thought they already made that movie with Denzel Washington.


Tom Hanks plays Tom Hanks in every Tom Hanks film

why should I give a shit?

How come every movie about real life heroism has to star Tom Hanks?

Its better than any movie about this deserves to be but overall not the best from either hanks or Eastwood. Would rent/10

Idc I'm waiting for The Circle. I like dystopian films

I don't know how the make a movie for 5 min flight and landing

Id feel safer on a plane flown by Muhammed Atta than that goose murdering asshole. I hope he dies in prison alone.

Fun fact: the song "A Real Hero" (real human bean) from Drive was actually inspired by Sully. Why didn't they put it in the film? youtube.com/watch?v=wcV1UpZAWAc

I hope he ends up in prison for killing all these innocent geese.

whether it's child Tom Hanks, retarded Tom Hanks, mustache Tom Hanks, or even AIDs Tom Hanks, I like Tom Hanks.

Because tom hanks is an irl hero actor

If he's so great then how did he hit the birds?

they did an excellent job considering this. Even still, all that family and corporate drama made the film seem like it was spinning its wheels constantly

That was "Flight" Denzel's character killed some people in that. Also a pretty good movie, BTW

Why isnt Sully played by a black person? More hollywood whitewashing

the rest of the film is about muh airline investigators, muh guberments guns jerbs

Why are there two Hanks films being released at the same time?

'Villains' who did nothing wrong thread?

Dr sully, im CIA

The Geese that were murdered were Canadian. It was an act of war against Canada

fuck canadian geese

I kek'd

>people spent $10+ on tickets for this opeing night

Canadian geese, no less

Someone please photoshop Sully with a Bane mask

I had no idea Tom Hanks' character was friends with Leland Palmer

yeah, the flight attendants who unbuckled their seat belts.

Flight is a better movie by the way, in every way. much more impressive maneuver too.

>To prevent similar incidents, workers from the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services and the city's Parks and Recreation Department and Environmental Protection Departments descended on 17 locations across New York capturing and gassing 1,235 Canada geese in June and July 2009. The Agriculture Department undertook another goose control measure by coating 1,739 eggs with corn oil, which kills developing goslings by depriving them of air.


Anyone else lose their shit when this line came up in the film?

Except Flight didn't actually happen

Who fucking cares? it's a better movie, that's what we're here to discuss.

>those French faggots trying to pin the blame on the pilots after their shit tier engines were disabled by waterfowl

fuck airbus

I bet you really liked the part where the big nigger seduced the fragile white woman

nah, I'm not into interracial/cuckold/moot shit like the current lads here.


He was ordered to crash into a graveyard to save the airline money but replied, 'That's 155 hell no's!'. Fucking radical Islamic geese.


Tom Child
Tom retard
Tom stranded
Tom AIDs
Tom mustache
Tom home owner
Tom astronaut
Captain Tom
Sheriff Tom
Boss Tom
Tom Tommy Gun
uh, Congressman Tom
that's... that's about it

Ban assault geese

Sully deserves a place in the CIAnematic Universe. He has mastered both Plans. He sets his Flight Plan, ignores it, and crashes a plane with 100% survivors.

How the fuck did they strech this out to a proper movie running time.

Was it in real time from checking their luggage and taxing on the run way.

Also who the fuck is spending top dollar on this horse shit opening weekend?

>20 dollars is a lot of money for this wagecuck

top jej

It was a good film. I liked what they did in the credit sequence

It covers the event from multiple perspectives, including the people who witnessed it from the ground. It also gives you some detail on Sully's career as a pilot as well as the investigation and how he utterly BTFO the investigators trying to pin the "crash" on human error.

Also, Aaron Eckhart's character is fucking great.

Was it sully breaking the necks of individual geese? Because id spend that much to see that.

No the wildlife federation rounded them up and gassed them, see:

most of the running time concerns arguments with government officials about whether Sully made the right choice in landing like he did. The actual events are seen in flashbacks.

>he actually pays for movies

Well memed my friend

>he'd rather watch a top budget film on his 15 inch laptop screen with CVS brand headphones

Has Tom Hanks ever played a villain?

>being poor

Toy story desu

>this insecurity




>calling someone richer than you insecure

Its making you reply to defend yourself.

So yeah, lol

Saving Private Ryan


The Ladykillers

I go to a matinee and only pay $7 bucks faggot

Road to perdition

Closest to a villian hes ever gotten too.


Son Im laughing at you being so poor you can't enjoy a movie the way its meant to be viewed

>I'm proud to be a petty criminal

top laff

The Burbs

Hahahaahahahahahahhaha the oozing butthurt.

Its palpable

I thought this would be a dumb movie. Subject matter seemed too small for a movie, but I thought it was pretty good.

that movie had potential. such a shame. hell the funniest gag was the changing expression on the portrait of the lady's late husband.

>im lauging

Are ya?

Its almost sad at this point user. Its ok to be poor. Many people are. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Just remember you aren't alone in your poverty.

>you can't enjoy a movie the way its meant to be viewed
with a bunch of other assholes who you don't even know sitting behind you, talking on their cellphones, kicking your seat and munching their fatcorn loudly?

you actually pay for that experience?


In the case of Sully, there were just a bunch of old people in my showing.

Living with shitskins and having to go to lower class theatres might put me off too

How did they react to the scene where Sully marries off his daughter to an African Tribesman and we actually get to see the consummation in play? I felt it was jarring and didn't really fit in with the rest of the movie

>being such a beta loser that you allow people to talk on their phones, kick your seat and get triggered by popcorn

lel I wont even touch the part where you are such a loser you can't stand the idea of someone sitting behind you that you dont know.

>"I'm so alpha I'd never allow that"
>"oh gosh you pirate movies? wowee I'm going to tell ur parents when I see them oh gosh that's morally wrong wow oh gosh"

>true kino can only be experienced from my hugbox.

kek triggered.

If you don't have a home movie theater and can't order a copy of the film to be delivered directly to your house a la Quentin Tarantino style then you're nothing special and you calling others "poor" is fucking laughable.

>No, I LIKE sitting next to a sweaty man who's unaware of his body odor, it enhances the film experience

No ones cares that you are pirating movies. I dont give a fuck what you pay. Im calling you a loser for watching a movie you want to see on a laptop or at best, your flatscreen.

what about the ladykillers?

and I'm calling you a cuck for being a cuck

>tfw ATC
>tfw the ATC guy in the movie is bro as fuck but didn't get any credit
>tfw "pilots" who watch this movie will get ego boners so bad even though what Sully did was one in a million and could not be repeated ever again
>tfw they will think that they are so fucking badass and maverick like for not listening to the ATC

fucking pilots man, what a bunch of dicks

>sitting next to people at a theater

dont go when its packed you moron

You're stuck in 1995 apparently. You can go buy a fucking screen at Best Buy that's as good a quality as any movie theatre in your area. The "theater experience" is just marketing bullshit at this point and they know it as well and so does the public; people don't like the hassle of going to movie theaters and would prefer to just stay home and watch there. That's not just me, that's a growing majority. That's why shit like Netflix is doing so well now and it's why they've started producing their own shit

>You can go buy a fucking screen at Best Buy that's as good a quality as any movie theatre in your area.

Sorry son, the movie theater is more than just the screen. Its the whole experience. Your living room will never equal and actual theater.

Is this a sequel to I'm Da Captain Now?

>it's the whole experience!

you're just spewing marketing bullshit that has no meaning. The "movie theater experience" fucking sucks, that's why it's dying, well that and because big budget hollywood movies just kind suck ass in general now.

it's tom hanks it has to be good

The thing about movie theaters is that there's no real benefit of being around other people when you're watching a movie. Your attention is supposed to be centered on the movie, not the people around you. It's not like musical concerts or sporting events where the energy of group is a big part of the experience. I can think of exceptions like "The Room" or "Rocky Horror" but that's not the standard and with the former it wasn't even intentional.

Maybe that's why they're pushing out so many super hero franchises and Transformers in 3D, big on action, big on effects that can only properly be seen in the proper venue and loose on plot so that distractions abound won't effect your enjoyment of it as much. They got to do what they got to do to get people to keep coming, so I don't fault them, but count me out.

A teenage girl in really slutty clothes approached me and my uncle after leaving the theater and asked if she could have our tickets. We lied and said we threw the away and she called us "fucking losers" and stored off. Pretty sour experience, why would she want used tickets?

Fucking overpaid faggots. Reagan should have gassed all of you instead of just breaking up your little strike.

>The "movie theater experience" fucking sucks

My oh my the things plebs say

why was this made? do we need to make a movie about evetything?

shame it wasn't great

Probably my favorite film of 2016

What about Otm Shank movies?

This. Sully is the Anti-Bane.

He needs to be inducted into the Baneposting Kinomatic Universe.

Cloud Atlas.

He's a villain in two of the stories of Cloud Atlas.

is this a short film? like 10 minutes long?