


Someone please talk to me...















Yay! How have you been?

What are your opinions on analog vs digital?

Analong vs digital what?

Decent, went to shop and travel to places.
Got some work out gear


Hmm, interesting opinion. Can't say I agree.




What sort of gear?

Exercise mat, gloves and an adjustable hand grip









How's things?


Hi Dash



Decent. Got home earlier, now eating. You?

Heya, Winter. How's it going?


Bored out of my skull

Other than that, not much. Just playing Wildlands for now until I continue playing Doom II







Hey, does someon know the name of the artist?

Looks like Tsampikos, not sure though



Ayy, you got your shit fixed
How's stuff?

Love it when my internet decides to completely kill itself. Thanks AT&T.

Any games to play?

Nice, have fun.

Hello, mistress.

>Ayy, you got your shit fixed
what ya mean?

Hello ^-^


What they said.

I assume he means your name.

How are you?


>Love it when my internet decides to completely kill itself.
Been happening here multiple times already, last from 2-10 mins



yea I was fake mooting around but I donno what do now, so im just poking around


The name wouldn't even show up; it just said "NetworkProfile", and had no connection at all. Had to reset that piece of shit router, again.

I'm probably going to get in the shower soon myself.




sounds like fun!



It will be ;)

Aaaand it happened again. >:T

Mine just loses connection
Enjoy your shower



Hey, get a room, you two!

Mine loses connection for 5 sec to a minute all the time. It hate AT&T with a blazing, fiery passion.

Can girls fap tho?

Maybe one day, wanna join? ;)


Femdom is the best.

but, but... what about my exhibition fetish?

Technically no, well at least not solo
*faps you*

also fyi I am in werk tyme mode because pairing eyed guests looking over my shoulder

TL;DR I cannot see any pics

I think it's the ISPs screwing everyone, regardless of company. That or the servers are shitting out.

U-Uh, maybe O-O

Two dicks for the price of one?

We'll make vids and stuff...I mean you uhhh


*lets out a girly moan*


The former. According to AT&T, we have "network congestion" despite no one here getting higher than 6mbps, which is why it drops. Obviously throttling us, but no one else is competent enough to know. They have a disgusting business practice, and I hope their headquarters gets bombed.




>*lets out a girly moan*
unf, I have one hell of a soft spot for the girly twinky boyz

>I hope their headquarters gets bombed.
Nah, they need to get buttfucked by the FCC. Once the net neutrality sets in, hopefully.


Absolutely exhausted from the last 26 hours.
New semi ghetto black neighbors throwing some sort of (annoying) house party.
At least this mango is AMAZING!

They're coot :3

They need worse punishment. Fuck them all, kill them and send a message.




Well, it's a good thing out of a harsh day.

Ehhh, if you say so. I'm more diplomat than anarchist but ok.


Get high as shit and ignore them.
I wish I could smoke, but I need a t-break :/

Good job.


I'm not really anything. I just hate scummy businesses. They manipulate and lie to customers to extort as much money as possible. Those kinds of pieces of shit don't deserve to exist.




I know, but they do deserve to get royally embarrassed, crippled by the government