What's your gayest experience

What's your gayest experience

dick in the ass from a tranny

Ditto..... twice

Sucking my gay cousin's cock, well I was only 7 and he was 10 when that happened. He tricked me he said he pretended to be Wwe's Lita in a role play (Used to have a crush on her) and the idea was that I am going to do Sexual acts with him .

So I sucked dick and it tasted meaty as fuck then pumps out the salty cum, I got tricked because I was stupid back then like any other dumb 7 year old.

Dated a trap for years. Loved sucking her ladydick. She put alot of work into passing too, rained her voice, wore girly dresses, had the mannerism down to a tee. I didn;t know she was a trap until she outright told me so. It made me want her even more. When she met my parents they never found out she had a penis, because that's how good she was at passing.

She was so much shorter and lighter then me, I could 69 with her standing up. We'd have sex in public places like the library or gym. She loved fucking in the park. Several times we'd fuck on the bench in the middle of the nigt and when people would pass by she'd flash them her penis. Some would run, others would take their pants off and jack off. One nigger tried joining us but I beat him senseless. My time with her was paradise. Then she had to go and fuck everything up by getting rid of her penis. I tried staying with her for a little while but I just wasn't attracted to her anymore. I know what a real vagina feels like and that thing between her legs did not feel real.


I'm sucked my friends dick before. We're both straight.

Me and my friend blow each other when we were 8 or so because we saw it in a movie

I attended the freshman move-in-day event at my college dorms.

Responding to this thread

I'm not a fucking faggot now stop asking.

Reading op's post.

Dude its getting old. comeon.

Trips don't lie

Reading this post.

I respected her enough to call her a women.

Most of these trannies now are nothing more than mentally ill gay men in dresses seeking the next big thrill. Fuck them. I will call them men all I fucking want, because they will never pass, no matter how many surgeries they get or how many hormones they take. I got into a fist fight with a tranny on gay pride day because I refused to use it's proper pronouns.

My good friend of about 15 years was over at my house getting REALLY fucking drunk (we have become major alcoholics in the past 2-3 years) and said he wanted to "suck my dick", "fool around", "I'm trying to get weird", etc.. I kindly said no about 5 times but he wouldn't shut the fuck up. It was disgusting and gross and really made me uncomfortable that he was too drunk to understand so I has to get loud with him and explain that that was never, never going to happen. Then had to assure him that it was still 'cool' and we could still hang out... Overall an awful gay experience and it really changed how I view my drinking buddy, not to mention what would happen if I started telling our friends/ his girlfriend about it

This is the first time I've spoke of it, thanks /r9k/!

If you wanted us to believe your shitty story you probably shouldn't have made up stuff like people wanting to join in fucking a guy in public places and that you beat up a black dude who wanted to join in...

Fucked a man, cum in his ass.
He fucked me, came in my ass.
Sucked his dick, he sucked my dick.
So pretty fucking gay if you ask me.
Never had cum in my mouth though.


Had a gay friend in college who was really into me. We were wasted one night, I was half asleep on the sofa and he started touching me. I pretended to be asleep and he ended up sucking my dick whilst jerking himself off then he cum on my face.

I fucking loved it but didn't want anyone to find out so the next morning I told him he'd raped me and made him give me 1000 bucks so I wouldn't go to the cops.

A friend and I jacked each other off while rolling on molly. 10/10 would not repeat sober

Drugs make you gay I swear.
I end up fucking my gay best mate when he gives me loads of cocaine.

When I was 12 I was talking to some dude on Serebii.net forums. Convo got sexual and ended in us roleplaying and him 'sucking my dick'. I had a full-on erection for fucking ages. After that I felt so fucking ashamed and embarrassed I stopped using the forum altogether.

Gayness, never again.

Fucked this faggot ass.

dicks touching while double teaming my gf

>gayest experience

Reading OP's post

wanna RP?

I guess. What're your contacts?

When I was 7, some five-year-old slept over my house and he had us take turns sucking each-other's dicks and putting them in the asses. I had no clue what was going on and was uncomfortable the whole time, now looking back on it I wish I never knew the little shit.

Lets see. When I was in the first year of High School I had a crush on a guy and we'd always play sports together during gym class and change after class.
Long story short we ended up masturbating after class in the woods behind the school.

Jesus, those are great tits. Fully worth the wait.

Discord: Feux#8969

sucking my best friend for a year or so

I sucked a guys dick about two hours after meeting him

I'm dating a trap. I'm straight tho

Why took you so long?

Once I meet this guy, and less than one hour later I had his cock in my ass.

No, that's gay.

Got sucked off by an older neighbor pretty regularly my junior/senior years in high school.
Nothing gay since then.

>Be in college, girlfriend is out of town
>invites a few friends over and ask them to invite girls
>start drinking, girls say they're coming but they're taking forever
>getting buzzed we decide to start playing strip poker so we're already playing when the girls arrive and it won't seem weird
>I keep losing
>girls still not here, we're taking shots now
>i'm totally naked but i want to keep playing to win my cloths back on
>Tired of waiting for the girls we take out MDMA pills
>friends decide if i lose while naked I have to put my girlfriends cloths
>i lose
>we go into our bedroom and they're laughing while deciding what I have to wear, make me put on panties, padded bra, and a dress and stockings
>they see my GF's pink halloween wig and make me put it on
>they make me put on her makeup, comes out looking sloppy and whoring and they're all laughing
>I want to win my boy cloths back before the girls show up, back to the card table
>on the way back they're all spanking me and calling me a bitch
>ecstasy kicking in
>i get a boner under the table being so humiliated
>friends decide that since the girls are probably not coming if I lose again I have to suck all their dicks
>I protest
>"calm down sweet heart those are the rules"
>drunk, rolling, fucked up, horny "fine"
>I lose
>dicks start coming out
>i don't want you guys watching me do it
>fine go under the table and do it while we play
>go around under the table sucking dicks while they drink and play cards
>I make 3 of them cum, I swallow and i'm touching myself while I do it
>heading over to the last dick and the girls show up
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
>hiding under the table 4th friend says "you'd better fucking finish
>start sucking
>he hands me a shot, take it, back to sucking
>he cums in my mouth and I swallow, i can hear girls and guys having fun, music partying
>I crawl on the floor to my bedroom and close the door and lock it
>see myself in mirror, slutty smeared makeup, cum dripping face

Nah, man. She's a girl, friendo :)

Because we met in a cafe and we went into a foresty area for privacy

Sucked my straight friends dick.

Fuck, that's depressing.

There can be only one.

Experimented with foreign exchange student. First pussy i ever ate. Been lovin it ever since

you were totally molested

Goddamn that's hot but also fake and gay.

She has a penis, and she's a girl. What's not to understand?

Why are you such a stupid faggot?

Sup Forums

some guy at school pushed his dick against my butt for about 1 second when i was at the printer waiting

didn't affect me at all, women are such whiny cunts on that kind of shit

Got it, I'll get back to you soon. Btw: fav Pokemon grill? Cynthia's mine.

It will never be a girl retard.

why do you have no imagination?

Visiting this site.

Are you jealous, m8s?

>be me
>be 7 years old with a friend who's 7
>friend tells me his neighbors showed him something cool
>friends neighbors are older so they're automatically legends
>friend pulls my pants down and sucks my dick
>friend says his neighbors showed him how to do it
>friend wants me to try
>I like when he does it to me but I dont want to do it to him
>I try it for a minute then he gets hard and I get weirded out and stop
>a few weeks pass and the neighbors are found out
>the police become involved
>my friend tells his parents he did it with me
>MFW my mom confronts me about getting my dick sucked at 7 years old

Godamm Sup Forums is so fucking stupid nowadays. I fucking hate you newfags so much.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

ERPing with men/traps.

Super Faggots

Thank you user, looking foward to talk you there c:
Cynthia is one of my favs, it's really hard to pick honestly, recently my favourites are Serena and Hilda, but there are too many lovely Pokégirls

I said I'm not a faggot you idiot fucking pay attention. I'm not a faggot.

You're only fooling yourself. Straight men don't fuck around with other men's dicks.

It's ok to be a fag, you don't have to live in the closet anymore.

fucking guys, cumming in their ass
getting bjs from guys
fucking transgirls
getting fucked by transgirl
dating 3 different transgirls (not at same time, but I was seeing 2 at the same time).

yup, I'm pretty gay. (bi actually).

why do I feel like this is a legitimate story?

Looking forward to it too! HILDA IS A BEAUT; I was on R34 and going through her pictures was ridiculously fun.

I think you've misunderstood me. I said I'm dating a trap, yes. But she says that she's a girl. Therefore, she's a girl.

Edit: Fucking cars, amiright, m8s?


>10 years old
>busts a nut
Can kids that young actually nut?

no. thats why Sup Forums is full of faggots and all of these stories are fake.

and written by the same 4 people

>Get wasted af at a ba
>My 'pal' ditched me
>I didn't have a ride home, so drunk me goes up to random car
>They agree to give me a lift to my pad
>One guy comes in the back seat and unzips my pants and starts sucking on my dick
>Drunk me has no fucking clue whats going on
>Laughing my ass off because it tickles
>It doesn't get hard
>Mfw I had to console the guy saying 'you suck really well, it's just I'm not gay."

>wasted as fuck at bar

I saw a penis once

fucked a tranny in the ass. it was one of the stranger things ive done

Did you high five while teamfucking your gf?

>About 13 / 14
>Mom had a close friend who had a son
>Once we were play wrestling
>He gets on top of me
>Pushes my legs up in the air
>begins pounding his hips against my ass
>Instant erection
>friend then stops and gets off me
>couldn't stop thinking about it
>always kept trying to make it happen again
>only did once

We masterbated together once as well and I saw his cock under the blanket. Whole thing was pretty weird but hot.


Indeed she is.

Do you have any particular kink?

Doing cocaine with my girlfriend and feeling like I'd suck a dick if it made her horny.

Bi, probably fully gay roommate kept bugging saying how good he was at sucking dick, and to let him suck mine. After a party at a friend's house I was pretty drunk and finally let him. I used that faggot mouth like an onahole until I got a girlfriend.

i tried to suck a penis once but i cant no matter how hard i try. Its hard to perform autofellatio.


I don't really do kinks; ideal sort of sex for me is just the really passionate type. Boobs are awesome too. I added you on discord: MusthaveaMusty is my user.

Through late middle school and early high school I would blow 4 of my friends when we hung out. None of them know that I blew the others.

I used to like girls but then I discovered that girls like dicks and that is gay as fuck so I stopped liking girls

Confirmed nohomo

posting on Sup Forums

You wish, faggot.

Pretty much every day on here.

Reading your post

fucking a girl.

the only real answer in this entire site.

fapping to shemale porn

Being attracted to this. Guy with a faceapp filter. He's/it's fucking gorgeous

No u

I'm pretty sure I'd do the same if I had a gay friend and loads of cocaine. I'd prefer it if a girl was watching though.

As a general point, eating pussy on cocaine is my goddamn ideal afterlife.

accidentally touched my butthole in the shower once.

I like your stories, please tell more.

You might wanna go speak to someone about that.

Hmm don't know if you're retarded or just very very young