Guys, am I fucking killing myself? I'm taking 6,000mg of Tylenol a day on top of 1,600mg of Advil

Guys, am I fucking killing myself? I'm taking 6,000mg of Tylenol a day on top of 1,600mg of Advil.

I have a fractured vertebrae (pars defect) and can't get in to see a doctor that will do anything about it until FUCKING 9/29

Alcohol should help

I cannot alcohol

I have epilepsy

and no i dont intend to kms

You are risking liver damage.

Go to an urgent care. They accept people without an appointment. Bring documentation, they are wary about prescribing pain killers to random people.

Try some weed. I have back pain issues, though surely not nearly as bad as yours, but it helps alot.

Well, that would be a quick death sentence.

Tylenol won't kill YOU, but it can kill your liver. But, the liver can recover, sooooo...seems like you've got a decent shot at making it.

Go to an acute care clinic and get something that actually works for pain. Or pot.

I'm also drug tested; nothing probation related but because of work

I cant be prescribed opiates, doctors wont give them to people with epilepsy most of the time because it lowers the seizure threshold

I guess I'll just cut back on the tylenol and advil

a clinic wouldn't do anything because I almost certainly need surgery, and I have to get a fresh MRI first (at least that's on monday)

Quit with the OTC liver killers man. I would go on google, get phone numbers of EVERY medical center in your area and tell them you fractured your vertibrae and need something to last you until 9/29. Even walmart pharmacies. Neighbors too. You never know what kind of nice people may grace you with fortune.

This. You're probably not going to die immediately but definitely doing damage to your liver (which will either shut down immediately or will fail early in life down the road).

Maybe take a break from advil/tylenol and try benadryl instead because a moderate dosage although shitty, will numb you up and last a long time. Drink plenty of water while taking any medication.
Shut the fuck up, dumb stoner, weed doesnt make any pain go away.

Okay. Two more options, but i don't know how they react with epilespy.

Kratom. It has opioid-like effects, but it isn't an opioid. It's currently legal because it's new and hasn't been banned yet. It's available online, and can be found in some smoke shops. Watch youtube videos on the substance to figure out dosages(the simple leaf form and capsules of crushed leaves are extremely low dose, need like 8 huge pills to feel anything).

Cough syrup. Dextromethorphan is a disassociative. Like ketamine and PCP. If you consume a large amount, it has pain killing properties. However if you do this, you will trip balls. It doesn't actually hallucinations until you get really really high, but it does cause a lot of significant effects.

I would buy painkillers from the dark net or off a local dealer, but I'd get fucked by a drug test

I guess I'll call more back specialists and such, last one I was seeing would only give me (prescription) anti inflammatories that didnt do shit

Try accupuncture, ive had cronic back pain and pain meds were never enough. Now I do that once a week and two alieve every now and then. Shit is legit.

Weed actually does help with pain management, you stupid, ignorant piece of shit. It's used medicinally for a number of reasons, and it's safer than opiates. You're a fucking idiot, you autistic spaz.

Why take 1.6 grams of Tylenol when you can take 2 aleve?

Accupuncture has been proven to do nothing, and I literally have a crack in a vertebrae

fuck that shit commercial, and Tylenol works differently than NSAIDS

Weed has been found to not decrease pain, but make pain less distracting, more manageable.

But since he is drug tested, it is not a viable option.

Canadian healthcare by any chance?

Nah, USA but I have good insurance

Just aren't many back specialists in my area

NSAIDs are better imo
Anyways I don't give a fuck, enjoy your liver failure

I'm sure most companies will look past a positive drug test if you have a prescription and legitimately need painkillers. Opiates or weed.

Tylenol is an nsaid. Tylenol is more effective for pain rooted in inflammation. Which might very well be the case for OP. Naproxen(aleve) is more suited for pure pain.

Also, naproxen doesn't carry a risk to you liver. It can cause stomach ulcers if you use too much too often though. But you can take way way more naproxen and not risk your liver than you could tylenol.

Yes, in your opinion...

I'll enjoy liver failure

Shitty deal...
Best of luck, friend.

Why take all those Tylenol, when you would only need 1 Aleve?

Tylenol is not a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug

You've got it backwards bud, do some research

Aleve, Advil, Motrin, and Aspirin are all NSAIDS

With epilepsy, there's not really a better option. You can't have organic or synthetic opiates. If you want to ease some damage try about 3g of Tylenol and some Advil one day, next day try ibuprofen and Advil and just rotate.

NSAIDS like ibuprofen and aspirin cause significantly less damage to your liver and kidneys than Tylenol (acetimenophen) but it's a risk you'll have to take

>pure pain
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Tylenol isn't an nsaid either, dipshit.

That's what I said, idiot. It's my opinion. I hope you break your back and OD on fentanyl. What kind of idiot posts a thread looking for advice and then bitches at everyone when they give it? Fucking KYS

Okay, i don't know where i got the idea they were an nsaid. Other than that nsaids reduce pain and fever and also inflammation. And tylenol reduces pain and fever and inflammation.

Lol, go get butthurt about your "alternative medicine" elsewhere

Yeah I guess I should try alternating, and just cut back physical activity alot to limit pain

But i am not being a dick here, tylenol poses liver risk. Naproxen doesn't. You can take a ton of naproxen and not risk liver damage.

>I have epilepsy
what meds are you on? I drank when I had epilepsy, I just took it easy. I had brain sugery 2 years ago which cured me

Tylenol is liver damage, NSAIDS are stomach lining damage

I guess I'll destroy all of my organs

6000mg of Acetaminophen is high. You should be able to go with 5000mg a day long term. But if you have ANY alcohol, your daily max should be no more than 2500.
I'm not up to date on Ibuprofen though.

Just try to stay ahead of the pain. Take it like clock work every 4 hours - or whatever works for you. That way it won't wear off in between doses.
It sucks. My back was pretty bad a few years ago. I didn't go on the heavy meds, but Arthrotec worked well for me as the anti-inflammatory plus Acetaminophen.

Your stomach lining is more expendable than your liver.

There's not 29 months you fucking cretin.

Where did I suggest "alternative medicine"? Are you too stupid to fucking read? I hope you poison yourself you stupid cunt

just by a stack of dope, thats 100 bags. bout 250 dollars

Hey, look on the bright side. 9/29 is my birthday.

>I guess I'll destroy all of my organs
Please do. I hope you die slowly and painfully.


I'm on Briviact right now, it's a pretty new medicine. Alcohol tends to make sick as well, back in my freshman year I was just too stupid and cant even stand the taste anymore


kys FBI

Yeah I guess I'll try to cut it to what the bottle says as a max, 4,000 mg daily (don't drink at all)

Do you want to give me back surgery as a birthday present to yourself?

does it work for you? What kind of seizures do you get? I had temporal lobe epilepsy and was on Lamotirigine, Fycompa, Perampanol, and Locosomide before I had surgery in 2015. I mostly got partial seizures, simple and complex, but I had a few tonic clonic seizures.
pic related

I'm not the one who suggested acupuncture you dumbass piece of shit

listen, Sup Forumsro, fuck the doctors. if they won't prescribe you opioids, you need them anyway.
>literally, diacetylmorphine is no worse than oxycodone is no worse than morphine or codeine/promethyzene or fentanyl or whathaveyou. you may as well get some heroin and just be careful about the dosage. literally the reason heroin kills more people than prescriptions is because its more easily accessible and it doesnt have a specific strength. keep getting off the same guy so the strength is the same for the most part. always be careful, and eat it dont snort it or shoot it so that your brain's reward system isnt affirmed the way it would be if someone shot or snorted opiates in general.

like you would only take one pill every six hours according to the bottle, figure out your dosage and stick to it. dont 'pop two pills' in one sitting. ever

How's this the case? What is your situation op?

Briviact works for me, It's a derivative of Keppra which also worked pretty well (used to take another drug, dont remember the name of it).

I switched from Keppra to Lacosamide because of fatigue, but I ended up in the hospital back in may because I had a couple really bad tonic-clonic seizures. (how I worsened my back in the first place)

I get tonic clonic seizures, no absence or partial. I've dislocated my shoulders, and had multiple concussions thanks to them

Great advice right here. This is why Sup Forums > medical professionals.

Originally mildly injured my back last summer (2016) from having a seizure.

Then got significantly worse when some friends and I were playing football and I fell on my back a couple months later.

Then I had multiple more seizures, which of course didnt help (one involved falling down stairs...)

Seen a couple doctors, neither did really anything. Getting a fresh MRI soon and seeing the most specialized doctor I could find and hoping to get surgery.

>how I worsened my back in the first place)
I sustained a neck injury from a tonic clonic seizure. Fell out of my desk chair. What worked for me was physiotherapy and chiropractics. I had a slipped vertibre but not too bad. That's shit you get mostly tonic clonic. For me I would get partial seizures almost daily, sometimes multipletimes a day but tonic clonics only once every year maybe less frequently than that.
What country are you from? I had my surgery done in London Ontario

Sorry op. Were you insured? Are you insured now? Why can't you get in sooner?

I'm from the US midwest.

Not a candidate for surgery, they couldnt tell anything from my EEG. I was only diagnosed with epilepsy a year and a half ago, it came out of nowhere.

I hope you have another one

>Not a candidate for surgery, they couldnt tell anything from my EEG.

For me to be considered a candidate I was in hospital for 15 days having an EEG done 24/7 while on video. They captured 10 seizures while I was there and that's how they determined if I was a candidate


I hope you do better OP and get your back sorted out :(

You can take way more advil/ibuprofen if you start taking it with 40mg OTC Omeprazole. I'm talking like 4 times what you're taking, easy.

I would cut the tylenol to 5 grams max. Do not fuck with tylenol.

Thanks, dubs check out


Yeah, I'm nowhere near that level. Sounds pretty intense.

Probably going to cut it back to recommended max dose, at 4,000mg a day. I'm 6'4 so I figure my body could handle it better than a 5'2 woman

im seous Sup Forumsro, an opioid is an opioid is an opioid. if it rly makes you feel uncomfortable you can always still get prescription off a deepweb marketplace or off of your neighborhood pills dealer. im js doing 'heroin' isnt any worse than doing a prescription if you do it the same way

I'm drug tested, mate

You ought to be pissing blood by now.

acetaminophen is renal excretion, size has nothing to do with dosage

and in all actuality pure dicetylmorphine has more of a pain relieving affect VS its cardiovascular and circulatory affect than even fentanyl. so as ar as prescriptions go i truly believedoctors would be better off prescribing china white than oxycodone
that being said, morphine and codiene, since they're naturally occurring, would be better than either. find some opium

God bless


Go medic and start a religion.

Yes. You may already be on the verge of liver failure and require a liver transplant. Tylenol is fucking deadly in large amounts. Go to urgent care.

You poor fucking Americans. Fix your shit. Vote with a brain.

how often? if you truly beleve youll be drug tested before you get prescribed do your thing but 9/29 is amonth and a half awy and if you tell your boss that youre being rescribed opiates for your back before they catch you, then you probably wont even hve to bring in thepaperwork

Lower your Tylenol dose to 4000mg and increase your Ibuprofen to 3200mg. These are maximum daily doses. If this doesn't help, go to ER

Enjoy your jaundice

That much acetaminophen will fuck you up. You'll probably have internal bleeding like in your stomach, if you don't already have it and haven't noticed. And it will fuck your liver.

Neurosurg here
Max daily dose Tylenol 4g
Taking more can fuck your liver up and then you'll learn the definition of pain
Advil or similar NSAID 1200mg daily max dose.

Pars defect is present in like 5% of the population. Just because you have it doesn't mean that's what causing the pain. Depending on your insurance, you will find someone who will offer surgery because fusions reimburse handsomly. Before signing on the line, make sure you get a second opinion.

Re the seizures: new onset adult seizures are uncommon and some benefit from surgery. Unless you go to a specialized center (like user there posting his crani pic)(btw hey user, I remember when you first posted postop pics; glad you're doing ok), the docs may not know if you are even a candidate.

Good luck

hey Sup Forums
do people cut for the pain or what, does it hurt alot

Pic not related

That will be enough to get you into the ER. From there you would go to a psych ward. While you're in the psych ward you can take care of many things, especially your medical stuff. Don't take anything, go to the ER tell you're suicidal.

move to a legal state/get a job that doesn't test

it's not worth it bro...

I'm interested in the Kratom, what websites can i buy them from?

I dunno, i haven't bothered to buy any online. But it's not illegal so it isn't like you need to crawl under googles ass to find them.

Holy fuck man, have your doctor perscribe you some oxy

the liver can process tylenol (paracetamol) at a rate of 4000mg per 4 hrs...

CBD bro

kek u buy it from a head shop? yikes

Right, i doubt my local smoke shops carry them so online would have to be the way to go. Mostly concerned about the shipping process, idk if they're is like some kinda screening process to find illegal drugs. I also been looking for gabapentin, i was recently prescribed it but the doctors didn't give me enough.

Well, the few times i've tried it, i bought it from a tobacco store. Do those count as head shops? They do have bongs and pipes there, but i've never bought any.

Kratom isn't illegal. It isn't. It is not. It isn't regulated at all. They'll probably make it illegal eventually, because it's a drug, it can get you high, and our government's default assumption is that if a drug isn't made by an established company that it's evil. But as of yet, they haven't gotten around to regulating it or illegalizing it yet.


it's illegal in my state but I still get it shipped to me

Where did you buy it from?

go to r/kratom mate. everything you need is there. I promise

thanks bud

no problem