Implying he won't be the next Bond

>implying he won't be the next Bond

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The guest fucking sucked

>cgi blood

As long as this cutie is the villain, I don't care who's Bond

those icey eyes tho

I don't think a lot of bond actors did a lot of good films prior to their bond gig. I just think he fits the part physically.

>implying james norton isn't an infinitely better fit than dan "weakchin" stevens

>The name's Bond. James Bond.

cgi blood?

Hell yeah

>Based Clive Owen will never be Bond

A real tragedy, but not for his career tho.

is that his jawline or a tumor? I'm only flabbergasted. I've never seen a prominent jaw look bad on a man before.

would have been perfect.

>james norton looks bad

>he doesnt think this is the perfect james bond

kys btw

he could play the German second in command henchman that Bond kills in the final 30 minutes of the movie. I don't see him as Bond though.

why do you say that? he'd make a great Bond imo

he even speaks like James Bond would

Go back to dog, Adam

lol no way could this be bond

Who is this discount pewdiepie wormy-looking motherfucker?

People bitched about Craig too once upon a time

Craig looks too Irish

this dude looks like a chav

why not?

looks like a 25 year old nu-male, not bond material at all. he's not even a good actor.

I still bitch about Craig, I think he's a shit Bond

well that webm seems evident enough

why? i thought he was brilliant, especially in casino royale

perfect Bond incoming

>he can play a charming, suave prince
>can play dark and brooding
>can also play a violent criminal
>"lol he can never be bond"

ok, kiddo

doesn't look the part and it's as simple as that, but then again, that's also the most important part, how he looks and handles himself is everything. He's not a bad actor or anything but he's not believable as Bond. He's not attractive and he has no charisma. It's not his fault that the writers wanted to turn the franchise into Jason Bourne: British edition but the guy looks more like a big, dumb slavic villain than he does a suave British agent.

cucked by based james norton

why the hell have you got such a hard on for this guy?

Well, he is used to getting cucked, that's true.

How is that relevant to if this guy would be a good Bond or not?

he was fucking insane in Happy Valley.

based show bw

This guy is ugly

>he thinks james norton is ugly

how can you be so pleb?

this 100%. absolutely top tier series

m8 no, that was the most uncomfortable scene for me this year.

implying the other downton faggot isn't a much better fit at least in the looks department

pic related

bond should ooze charisma and get attention immediately after entering a room and not be a bug-eyed faggot

legit question. Besides Casnio Royale are there ANY other craig bond movies that people like? I honestly feel like I've heard more negative than positive opinions about every other movie during his tenure.

this guy has the look but seems really young

All these handsome british bull ITT

>bond should ooze charisma and get attention immediately after entering a room

it's as if this webm was made specifically just for (You)

>The guest fucking sucked

The soundtrack alone proves you wrong.

It was a comfy flick.

>rosary cross next to his neck tattoo cross


oops, wrong one. i meant this one

why did he kill her?

because he's actually the villain of the movie

I know, but I don't recall the reason he started slaughtering innocents like that

I want to see this lad play Bond

He has loads of charisma and looks believable when doing Bond shit

>yfw it's an arab or a loo

Not to mention he is not a manlet, being 6'2

not british and his accent is too noticeable. pass


His accent is fine and being british is a meme anyways.

>diner genocide scene
>because I love you starts playin' in the background

next james bond?

>tfw no Jack O'Connell Bond

James Norton looks like a peasant, especially his nose. Of course a good looking peasant, but a peasant nonetheless.

>male bond

>grandma in a wheelchair bond

As much as I would like it, he has better things to do. He has too much talent to waste on Bond. Give it to the guy with the insane jawline.


or Fassbender

James Norton looks like Dermot O Leary

no fucking thanks

Tom Cullen for Bond.

>that spells KEK

Thats all you got from the movie?
cgi blood?
Fucking wow

Would make a great 006

I'd be fine with that too

He was my husbando in Downton Abbey, no homo.

I want to suck on his ruby red lips

After watching him in The Guest I thought he would be perfect.

He should be the main character in a Minecraft movie.

Jewddit strikes again

Oh fuck off, you tumblr twit

Hahaha. Gross.

Craig is based

He blew it

Shit that would be 10/10

Nicely played, user.

Pierce Brosnan will always be the quintessential Bond in terms of aesthetics.

People still say that shit about Craig. Thank fuck you idiots aren't in control.

>The guest fucking sucked

Too old, too foreign.

Pic related would be the best Downton Bond by far.

I obviously meant this Tom Cullen.

>doesn't look the part
This is Craig's biggest flaw. I will never be able to adjust to a blonde James Bond. There isn't anything wrong with his actual performance though.

i understand your point, but i personally liked the rugged thuggish look, he felt more intimidating and aggressive as opposed to the classic suave spy, and i found it a rather pleasant deviation

