Duuuude that qas weird

Duuuude that qas weird.
Thread was going good.
Everyone was posting every 5 seconds then BAM
Awww shit niggga

hyperactive janitors need to relax their bungholes
i highly recommend watching videos of cute girls on youtube it will calm you down and make you think happy thoughts

Wat fuck?

or whatever you do to relax. a nice cup of tea does the trick also i guess.

Had a long ass post I was gonna drop in the last thread but it 404'd before I sent...


i hope everyone here is eating right and getting an adequate amount of exercise

Yeah. It was weird. Can someone report the thread? Some butthurt normie?
I am confuse

Let's say I want to fuck my toddler. If I wait for her to grow another inch, is it still wrong?
Image you posted has 2 underage girls that look almost completely the same except the one on the right is a bit taller. I see effectively no difference.
Outta here with that pedo shit


I know right ??
just when it got good and you were fucking with people the mods came in and shut your party down , what's up with that ?

Its a fucking drawing
Drawn lolis are LEGAL. Ever see a loli thread?

no one here is advocating to fuck any toddlers we are just having a laid back thread user, we've all had a long hard day at being creeps and we just want to chill and have fun

would you?

I've done a 16yo and later a 17yo, cybered with girls all the way down to 12. The 16 year old I was 24, the 17yo I was 28 and stayed with her 7 years, I hope our current split is temporary as I don't want to have to fight her for custody of our 3 kids, but she breaks down too easy and I worry for my kids.

Theeerrrr beee uuu buttthurten fbi agent in dis bread. I can smell it.
Smells like bacon

no you haven't. please stop telling fictitious stories. we're all off the clock so we don't have to keep up the charade pretending we do things like that. sorry to hear about your current marital troubles.

Not when I can obviously see thats a trap. Not gay trap, like dick caught in a mouse trap trap

then you're a stronger man than me. i would break my fingers risking a headpat.

No really, the 16yo I met online, we dated virtually for like 3 months, then I had her pick me up from the airport from a college trip I'd gone on. Over the net she was all "wait for marriage" in person she was wounded, damaged, and a closet nympho, she Damn near raped me because I tried to give her time to think clear. When we met up I person the second time we did screw. Her family coerced her to go to some religious academy that doesn't let you date, I told her I'd need a day to transition and she fliped out at me. Told me take all the time I need. Then finally a,month later she floods my inbox trying to win me back...

One good thing about lolis and very small women is that you dont have to have a 18 inch baseball bat dick to please them. Grown women suck because if you dont have a massive dong that almost ruptures their ovaries they say you have a small dick.

Some time later I relented and talked to her again to find she re-wrote the whole fuckin thing in her head to villianze me, I nipped that straight in the butt...

I'm only 7in and I've never heard any complaints from normal sized woman, though only one of the 4 women I've been with was normal, I seem to always pick them scrawny...


thats kind of lewd. nice trips.

I have 6 and a half inch dick with a huge head and my ex always used to put me down and say I had a "small" dick. She acted like I had a 2 inch erect cock.
Learned she used to date some 6 foot 5 emo dude with a 12 inch shlong. Fucking ridiculous. Had the same issue with my first. Dated for a couple years. Best sex of my life. Then she fucked some nigger and told everyone I had a 4 inch dick. Most bitches are fucking dumb and will do anything to make you look awful which makes them look 100 times better


why can't i make girls as happy as this?

Probably because your not a puppy or member of one direction/justin bieber


They didnt say anything because they didnt want to hurt your feelings probably.
Girls 16 plus crave 10-16 inch dick or coke can girth dick

I fucking love hebeloli.

I would cut off two of my toes for a bag of good weed right about now

Well sheet, I should have checked my trips xD

That bull, only shallow idiot women think think that.... If any woman told you that she was specifically trying to piss you off...

Who doesnt? Hebe iz da bestest

a storm is engaging in my general area and the power is flickering in and out. i fear i can not hang out with you fellows for much longer tonight. i bid you all farewell. sweet loli dreams to you all.

we are just trying to relax with our loli waifus, they are the only ones that love us

:( nuuuuuuuuu donnnt rreeaave us!!!

hebe and ephebe skeeves me out because they have partial features of prepubescent kiddo and partial features of adult and my brain says those two things should not be together because it only wants the prepube