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Is it weird that I dislike Will Smith?
It's not because he's black, I just think he's an insufferable narcissist faggot.

I like Will Smith pre 2010 a lot. Fresh Prince? Timeless fucking classic. I Robot was cool, Men in Black was great, Independence Day... all good stuff.

Since 2010 he's been an unlikeable cunt, in part because of his stupid fucking son. So yeah, I agree that he's shit now. Used to be great though.

How many of you remember this? I'll be suprised if it's more than one or two

I literally don't understand why this movie didn't follow the book. It actually would've been easier to do because the book is basically him stuck in his house at night trying not to jerk off while vampire sluts masturbate and call him out.

go back to your own thread Guttenberg.

also, I was 16 when these were in cinemas.
Still awesome movies

cause they just wanted to get attention for their original screenplay

I'm sort of glad it doesn't stay close to the book. This way around when people see I Am Legend and it makes them read the book they're going to be very pleasantly surprised -as I was.

Also Omega Man already exists and is overall a much better adaptation of the book IMO.

normies wouldn't sit through it, the producers for this movie wanted to make an american 28 Days Later


plus the degenerate zombies that consists of your average cinema audience member would have had a cry about how he didn't kill all the zombies or some shit

Is it normal that I enjoyed pre-2006 Adam Sandler movies?

Comfiest tv show in existence


accept no comfy substitute.

Hating Will Smith is normal, he's a dumb fuck, even dumber than most celebs



>subtle lighitng
>clint mansell
>conquistadors exploring the Americas
comfiest of comfy

So you hate him because he doesn't like your sugadaddy?

does anyone know where i can get a torrent of this movie with the theatrical ending instead of the alternate ending where he survives?

wtf why have i never heard of this

>tfw you will never eat that banquet