Hey Columbus Ohio wheres the Dope? If you can score I got cash!!!! I'll make it worth your time

Hey Columbus Ohio wheres the Dope? If you can score I got cash!!!! I'll make it worth your time

Near 4th, where you at bb ;)

Bout an hour from town

bout an hour isn't columbus you stupid fuck, go to cinci, athens, cleveland or lima :^)

I got score on Parsons, look for the black guy.

closer to cbus than the rest.

Do us all a favor and end your life. People like you ruin civilization. I honestly mean it when I say you should die. You are the scum of the earth, why make the effort to get your fix when you can commit suicide and never worry about it again?

Yeah come on down to Sidney. Park St fam

You mean every one on Parsons??

just want something legit.

everyone east or south of OSU is a nigger

Come on I just need one friendly fiend....i'll make your day.

Just do a slow drive down Sully. There will be a jig or two trolling behind a SW. Just by some pussy.

How you gonna make my day?

checked, but wouldn't it more sense to kill your own self as the world will never lose drugs?

If you can't find dope in Cbus on a Saturday night, you ain't in Cbus.
Go to tamarack or the hilltop.

I got 2bills to spend. I'll give you a third

Inside of 270

Go to the ER and tell them you're in excruciating pain and need medication.

Take a right off the hudson 71 exit and you're in nigger town my boy

Don't do it, Friend. Try meditation to fight cravings. Run a 5k and I bet your craving will dis-a-fucking-pear

You don't need that junk!

That's inside of 270. I stand by my statement

On the off chance this isnt bate...... You have no idea what heroin does to you. Run? Lol... maybe run to my guy to get. Op doesn't sound sick but withdrawing from heroin is indescribably terrible. It's not a battle with a craving when you're dope sick. You NEED it to feel normal. Or bupe. But that won't get u high

No doubt it is hard. However, the endorphins you feel after running are nothing to sneeze at.

I remember one time I was craving booze and decided, fuck it, I'd run instead and get a drink if I still wanted one. Worked like magic.

Heroin withdrawals won't kill you. Alcohol and benzos will.

I have no doubt I can't imagine being addicted to that stuff. But there are ways to escape that cycle.

Literally all of OSU and upper arlington are inside of 270, you must be to poor to afford to be able to live in city limits :^)

Come to Chicago and get real dope all the shit out there is fent.

That doesnt work as well as you think it does and they'll red flag you.


Tartan Fields. It's a shithole here. Since your too fucking stupid to understand what I said, everything in 270 is a fucking trash.

meditation and running?

what are you in fucking AA or something?

No, just that those are scientifically proven to reduce cravings

I don't know much about opiate addiction, but I imagine it doesn't take long for someone to realize "damn, I really shouldn't be doing this and I wish I knew more tools to help stop"

The only thing correct about your post is that you don't know much about opiate addiction.

Meditation and distance running reduce cravings. Look it up. Quit being so defensive.

Hey here's my hook ups number. Got some pills and a little smack if that's what you want.
(614) 645-4545

Defend this dick, hippy

Come to Sandusky and fuck wit me bah


But it isn't you faggot :^)

I takes 2 hours to get to sandusky for me...whats the dope like?

Nigga we are literally right on top of heroin (huron) county

shit that was supposed to be directed at

I'm down.

I'm gonna be on hancock in sandusky out blastin some nwa you wanna fuck wit me

[email protected]

Looking for ketamine and weed in northeast ohio

Please OP if you are not too far down that opiate spiral stop. Get on a suboxone program and or detox/rehab.
It's going to get a lot worse believe me I used to be there too and now I'm 133 days clean and I'm working in behavioral health care to help many other addicts.
It will consume you OP stop ASAP