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Wasn't the island only a few kilometers wide? How did they fuck up that badly?

What is this?

The Island with Bear Grylls

The fuck you're talking about, give some context.

Women can't into orienteering.

Ended up walking laps around the middle of an island a couple of km in diameter.

Yet feminism still exists

>Britbong Suvivorman drops off a group of men and a group of women at two different islands in the Pacific Ocean near New Zealand

>in the women's island, they set up camp 100m from the drop off point after socializing and making lewd remarks about peeing

>one woman was crying before they even got off the boat.

>after 1 night, women group splits up. The scouts look for a water source and a beach to set up camp.

>menwhile men found a beach before the first nightfall

>scout women find a beach, and promptly go swimming and leave their other group to die in the jungle

>finally decide to go get the other group, walk in exactly the wrong direction

>find 2nd beach, camp for the night, head out in morning to find 2nd group

>always end up back at the same beach. Spend over 48 hours walking in circles

>meanwhile no food and water has been secured

>at one point they blow their rape whistles and hear a bird call back, and they follow the noise for over an hour thinking it was another group

>one bitch got re-hydrated by the patriarchy and was allowed back onto the island like nothing happened

>meanwhile, the men have built shelter, and gathered quite a bit of rainwater, they also have a water source they can boil... and they have had cozy meals of iguana and civilization is firmly in place

>the two groups of women finally find each other because the 2nd group just started walking the perimeter island

>they have not eaten or found any source of water. At one point they were collecting rainwater in bottles but the tide washed them away

were they told the camp was on the shoreline?

Oh god. The live threads for this were fucking gold.

This may sound exaggerated to those of you who haven't watched the show, but this is EXACTLY what happened. And it only got worse as the season progressed.

I personally think the greatest moment was when they filled a jerry can with meat, it went rancid because it's not as if sand is a fucking refrigerator, threw the can away, and then all managed to get themselves to the brink of dehydration, until a man on the radio told them to just go wash out the jerry can or they'd all die.

It was kind of sad how obviously their island was set-up for them to be able to make it, and they still fucked it all up. Baby boars to catch and eat with no mother in sight, the water was nice and close instead of a long trek inland, and their island was tiny.

Those were golden, especially when they were starving and then choose to adopt their free food as a pet

Road to Auschwitz

The men slew and ate a dinosaur while the women had to be told to wash the fucking dishes or they'd die.


>Try to look up the episode
>Only find ranting about "muh sexism"

I found a highlight reel.


Thanks, this is great.

>at one point they blow their rape whistles and hear a bird call back, and they follow the noise for over an hour thinking it was another group

The women were gifted pigs but they were split over whether to eat them or not

Some girl eventually killed the pig and pissed off all the animal rights people at home

What about the second season with the Muslim male who cries as soon as he sets foot on the island

>I wish I was in mosque
>I could be trolling Tommy Robinson on Twitter right now
>why can I see all the women's faces?
>They told me there'd be goats

>20mins of screechy brit gashes arguing
No thanks