Is this a weird answer from my gf? It feels like she doesnt really mean it

Is this a weird answer from my gf? It feels like she doesnt really mean it

Somebody insecure

Being this insecure, it's a miracle you have a gf in the first place. Just.. stop.

You guys converse like 12 year olds. Underage b&

Stop talking to your dad like that

Fuck you motherfucker


I'm not your dad. I'll pass.

You gotta stop, user... I can't..



Do you have a black belt in funny?
You're fucking killing us hahaha.
Don't ever stop posting, you're the hero we need right now.

My fucking sides

Someone fuckin screen cap this shit

My sides did the Allah snackbar

Holy shit user. Holy shit

Talk about getting obliterated, holy shit... It's your "mom/dad/ jokes, but they're perfectly placed in perfect timing. Golden.


You're welcome

Mein neger!

funny that I said the fuck you motherfucker and I'm not even OP. it wasn't even that funny anyway. you guys r gay XDDDDDDD

ex de

There are better things worth screencapping.

fuggin ded

Kill yourself you insecure faggot

Stop being insecure, fuckhead. Your cock shouldn't be the only thing keeping her around, or else she's going to get BORED REALLY FUCKING FAST.

Why did you spend time making that.

le le put me in le r/Sup Forums screencap xDDddd DX D;A:

seriously though if you actually laughed at something this unfunny just die already

Dubs of truth