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Did you like it?

Yeah, people serious overrate Raimi's one episode though, it was good but there are so many episodes that are far better.

episodes at Pablo's uncle were the weakest, everything ramps up from there.

Yes. I thought it retained the feeling of Evil Dead 2 well throughout the season.

people on this board are split down the middle about the evil dead franchise in general

I thought it was really good, but it made me kinda uncomfortable after a while, and the ending was straight up Cabin In The Woods.

Better than Army.

Kek'd at the finale

Yes. Could do with less of the sidekicks though.
Good soundtrack too.


Only when Ash was on screen.

side kicks were alright

Ending felt annoying. It was a cop out to make season 2 happen. I found it wholly enjoyable. My friends and I all gasped at the cop lady dying, so I guess tge show has a good balance between screwing around and being serious. Hugo weavings daughter was fun to see getting tormented. I hope for less cgi blood in season 2.

so was the evil ash in the season finale the same evil ash from army of darkness

Also, am I crazy, or does dana delorenzo look like a latina kaley cuocoo sometimes?

Im half a spic and even I feel like pablo and kelly were an unnecessary add on

Sure, it's fun.

He was Evil Ash but not the AoD version, that's not canon.


It's Evil Dead vibe captured perfectly


Last 3 episodes were the best.

>best part of the show is in the cabin
>worst movie doesn't have the cabin in it

Except for some shit like the cgi blood (though sometimes it splattered into the title card, I guess those are alright) I really enjoyed it. Hype for S2

>Did you like it?


Episodes could be longer other than that its great if you're a fan of the series/Bruce Campbell

Now it is. I heard they got the rights.

No, but he did mention that chopping up his evil clone will never get old.
Which is weird because I thought they couldn't mention AoD

Anyway, yes, it's surprisingly good considering how "new reboots with the old cast" have been proven to be mostly shit.

Based Bruce being based is the main sell, but I actually like the sidekicks and think they're a nice addition, not a big fan of Ruby but she's barely in it, and the main problem is the pacing, episodes are too short and the story moves on too fast, so heavy stuff doesn't have enough time to be developed, like Ash's love for his sidekicks or Amanda's death.

And the ending is a cop-out, mostly because it doesn't finish anything, neither character arc nor story.

Can't wait for season 2.