Someone stole my amazon package delivery of Quentin Tarantino's entire filmography box set

>someone stole my amazon package delivery of Quentin Tarantino's entire filmography box set

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do you live in a nigger territory or something

relax froggy, Amazon are zillionaires they'll just send you another one,

You don't have to live in the ghetto for this to happen. Niggers leave the ghetto and follow UPS trucks around and do this shit. Stealing someone's package should be punishable by execution.

No they won't. They don't replace stolen packages or everyone could just pick up their shit and report it as stolen.

>living in the United States of Africa.

found the problem

I have those flip flops.

did you sign for the parcel? if not then report it as missing, dumb frogposter.

I always thought it was weird how this happens in movies where they just leave the deliveries at your door, didn't think it happens in real life too. Thought it was a joke like wearing shoes in-doors

You can't report a missing package to Amazon that the delivery driver left outside. There's no argument, it just isn't their fault and they won't cover it. They give you the option to leave delivery instructions to have it not left if no one is there to take it, that's all they can do.

what kind of a third world shithole do you live in where they just throw your package outside?

the US

What the fuck? That really happens?

so UPS in America dont even ask for signatures? top fucking keke

>sandals with white socks
>socially unacceptable
>sandals with black socks
>socially acceptable

>nigger steals someone's Amazon package
>take it home
>it's a dvd set
>rip it open and start watching
>"nigger this" "nigger that"
>come back and shoot you for being racist
RIP op, that's what you get for buying physical media

Think it has to have a certain dollar amount for it to require a signature.

>delivery driver left outside
Shit delivery driver

>live in suburb
>can have packages on the front door for days without worry

Feels white man

>Quentin Tarantinos entire filmography on Blu-Ray
>worth less than $10 so no signature required

yeah seems about right

everybody does that though

That's terrible OP. You need to pay extra for whatever method of delivery that requires signature next time I guess. Sorry to hear that! :(

bad post


>buying a filmography box set before he's dead

hunt down the nigger who stole it and give him a crowbar to the jaw

Just report it as never having arrived (which it didn't). Amazon will send another. They don't care because UPS is liable. If you do it a lot, Amazon will get suspicious, but, once in awhile, they don't blink an eye. Many online retailers do this because porch theft is common.

>order PS4 controller
>receive PS4 controller
>tell Amazon I never got my controller
>the absolute madmen send me another free of charge

>live in a ~70% nonwhite city
>literally never had my mail or packages stolen

lmao'ing @ your life, OP

They actually did you a favor.

See you in hell froggy.

>>sandals with black socks
>>socially acceptable
No it isn't, you dumb frog.

Your city may be non-white, but what about your neighborhood? Also, non-white doesn't necessarily mean criminal. Asians make decent neighbors. Mexicans can also be ok if they're aren't too poor. The only minority group that is universally bad to live around are blacks.

At this point the only people who wear white socks are old people and autists.


that's what you deserve for falling for the plastic jew you goy

no its socially acceptable to wear sandals in nike flip flops like niggers do

its socially unacceptable to wear the kind of sandals that you stick between you big toe and the one next to it with socks

>hitler wanted to destroy this


>Live in Hongcouver
>Lol my city is 70% nonwhite!
Doesn't count, if it's all Asians, and not even that, Asian Canadians

I want to destroy her too if you understand ;)

I know what you mean ;)


what the fuck when did baka get unfiltered

never you dumb baka

>s m h
how did you write that without it getting filtered

capitalized the S duh



Stealing tarantino it was definetly a snow nigger my friend you know it to be truf

>live in a 40% black area
>UPS drops your shit off on your doorsteps with no fucks
>never had my shit stole
If you white people had stronger auras people wouldn't fuck your shit so much, but I think melanin actually gives you magical powers so you guys are probably just fucked


>order of cinema diapers arrives
>they don't ring the doorbell

Listen, I'm not autistic, I know it looks weird to order diapers, I want them off my stoop asap.

Just because I want to enjoy a true cinema experience without bathroom breaks I get weird looks.


Do shipping services really just drop your stuff no questions ask in the US?

Thought you guys were supposed to be a modern country, but at least that explains why carding is so easy there


>never seen a crime in my life
>move to college with niggers
>all the shit stolen out of my trunk

any good movies like this?


>not getting your diapers straight from the bin

My neighborhood is mostly nonwhite. Cost of living is ridiculously low too so there are other poor brownies on this block besides me

Not many Asians here, Pham

you know that on the internet you can find all this shitty movies ?

depends where it is. In the nice suburbs they just leave it at the door and it's never been a problem. When I had an apartment I would have to answer the door and sign it. Another apartment would drop off at the office and I'd have to show ID to the apartment employees. You can also pay extra to require signature.

Smh Tbh Senpai

>he lives in a country where packages get stolen off his doorstep

Are you implying the average nignog doesn't know who Quentin is or has at least seen Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction?

Why don't they just like call you first

One time a couple of years ago it was taking over a month to deliver a book, so I emailed them and they just sent me another one. I got the replacement quickly, and then the original one I ordered arrived within a week. My point is that Amazon is a good guy

because that would be a ton of work and it's unnecessary. I order shit from amazon all the time

Good, poor black people need it more than you. Shut up and consider it charity, you fucking white male.

>have to give a signature to receive any package in yurop
>postal service/delivery companies literally refuse to drop it off in my back yard

>never seen a crime in my life
>move to school with one single nigger
>have my money stole by him
I wonder if my mentality changed because of him.

>modern country
Fucking kek, things only change here if it makes a business more money or if it's absolutely necessary. A somewhat important road near my house was just repaved for the first time in over two years.

>everyone assumes everyone complaining is from USA
>whine about USA

so reddit ITT

le born in the wrong country

lol have you seen roads in europe?

>have you seen roads in europe?
Why yes, i live in switzerland and they're properly maintained :^)

Depends on the package and who's delivering it. You *can* make it so a package has to be signed for, with pretty much any delivery service, but 99% of the time it's easier for everyone to just drop it on the doorstep and hope nobody steals it.

most roads here in germany are great
Why? How is it easier to go by chance when the guy could just call you and ask when you're free?

>have you seen roads in europe?
Yes, In Switzerland they are shit tier

wow, how clever :^)

Tbh Senpai

UPS dropped off a package for my neighbor at my place. I left it by their front door this morning. Go check your front door.

>not paying for premium services which deliver the package directly to your bedroom door