I have this shit on my inner thigh and my ballsack is red and super sensitive. Anyone know what it is?

I have this shit on my inner thigh and my ballsack is red and super sensitive. Anyone know what it is?
>inb4 aids

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tits or gtfo


you fuck any dirty bitches lately? possibly scabies

Nigga you homeless? You got scabies fag

looks like a rash.

maybe whatever you wear on a daily basis is chafing you badly?

yeast infection. Srsly. you need an antifungal cream: Get some canesten, but get the shit from the foot care aisle and not the pussy cream cause that's gaaaayyyy you faggot

ringworm you fucking moron, instead of asking Sup Forums maybe you should see a doctor

b/ro in all seriousness that is herpes, get tested its free its not a big deal they will give you some cream and a pill to take the rest of your life

it's eczema. change your underwear you filthy cunt

+1 This is the real answer. Does it smell bad? Make sure you dry off totally after your shower, and change your underwear often.

Crotch yeast infections are the fat man's curse

Could be scabies. Go see a doctor

Show hard Penis please

Smells like jock itch

Medfag here, it's probly ringworm just get over the counter antifungal cream. Also stop jizzing in ur undies and take more showers.

This Sup Forumsro is right. Ring worm isn't exactly a worm it's fungal so yea wash your shit

they are A.I.D.S dots. I had them and that's how I found out I was positive.

Yeast probably. Wash your balls more often and put antifungal cream on it. Vodka or vinegar also works, but not as well.

i have the same and my doc told me last week it was nothing.

i also have all the rest of this shit too though whih she also said was nothing

unknownstd dot freeforums.net/thread/2/unknown-mystery-virus-infectious-disease


dude that it obviously a hernia. you should should go see a gynecologist about that.

This, don't panic, but wash your balls once every often you dirty nigger

is your tongue red too?


fucking brainfog

Do either of your parents have eczema? Might be that

Fungal. Lamisil is ultra strength, there are other over the counter anti fungals that are half the strength but will do the job.

Change ur undies more, wash them in hotter water and dry in sunlight.

not op, im slim and i get those often too but i spend lot of time sitting and that might be the case


Looks like chaffing. Buy some goldbond powder, take a shower and change into clean undies.