Not racist (my grandparents were Polish and lived through WW2) but I cannot help but be in awe at how stunning the Nazi...

Not racist (my grandparents were Polish and lived through WW2) but I cannot help but be in awe at how stunning the Nazi flag looks. Something about the red color, the swastika looks so appealing to me.

Anyone else feel same way?

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I know it's really bizzare but Nazi Germany had one of the best nation looking symbols I've ever seen

Here's a nice documentary about the designing of that flag.

And those outfits!?

My stepdad lied abut his age to fight in WW2 and left me all his war booty. I have an original swazi flag from an SS camp that he left me and it is gorgeous.

They knew what they were doing user.

i vaguely remember hearing somewhere that matte red is one of the most visually appealing colors, along with the stark contrast of the white circle and her black swastika makes for a very aesthetically pleasing flag

I'm living in Germany so I understand this. The Swastika is very powerful.
But your flag is no Hakenkreuz. Just a swastika. You have to turn the swastika 45 Degrees.

Oh so he fought with the SS?

Say what you like about the Nazis but you can't deny that they knew a thing or two about style.

Leftist qts need to be fed Aryan cock

Ah yes like this. Was looking at multiple images on google of flags and accidentally wrong one as OP pic.

Such a shame you can't buy any of these flags on ebay and people demand even those selling WW2 stuff in antique stores to remove anything with nazi symbols...

Just look at the latest Call of Duty WW2 Game. They removed all Swastikas because it's not allowed on multiplayer and none of the uniforms resemble WW2 uniforms.

A girl like this being drenched in cum would be grand

Well said. Just look at how beautiful the town looks with all those symbols?

>that red on flag with that dark brown shirt
Hitler sure knew a lot about colors to seduce people. Of course he was a painter

This is something I also don't like how liberal media is portraying ww2
The more you censor and ban certain images and words the more power you give them

If they uses the correct Nazi flag whenever depicted in media no one would care but this nannying has made it a much bigger deal than it should

Also WHY THE BLOODY FUCK does NO ONE get on Japan's flag from ww2??
It's fine to cower in fear for even just showing a correct image of it yet the other is never even spoken of

Because it is pure power

That's the Jewish und "upset about everything"-Part.

Don't show or wear it in public or have something with it.

I have a lot of stuff. A spoon ^^


Love the look of the nazi uniform. Despise what it stands for. *shrug*

I would really like to own one or a replica of one but the backlash i would recieve from friends and family isnt worth it.


Nice. Simple everyday things like this appeal to me.


yeah man same here love everything nazi i got an authentic flag as well from a collector but not racist at all and im not white is that weird?

Lemmy from band Motorhead was a fan of Nazi memorabilia. If he was alive today the SJW's would never shut up

I have a pre-war English translation. The first few pages are full of quotes from the British press praising Hitler and calling him the greatest political mind of the century.

>and im not white is that weird?
No there was a black cab driver who wore a nazi arm thing

>my grandparents were Polish and lived through WW2
your grandmother was polish
your biological grandfather was german

i agree, the all black ss sentry unis are clean ass hell

I wish.

No he fought with the US army.

Yeah, but the spoon is very big. I think it was at a kitchen at the Wehrmacht. Not a normal sized spoon. I use it for my dogs food.

No both were polish

>This is how the uniforms look in the new COD WW2 game


Curry dealer. Fireman. GI-Joe. Scorpion/Rayden hybrid. And native American Predator.

your grandma was raped by a good strong german soldier

You are so funny Ignaz

And you live in the US?

Where's the best place to find Nazi memorabilia?


they still see authentic Nazi stuff as war trophies

These evil pieces of shit had style.

Even the replicas in the Starship Troopers movie make me want to join the fleet.

The swastika is a nice looking symbol. Nothing bad about admitting that. It's the whole reason it's been popular with every culture up until WWII

Then you have to find a specialist. I was 5 times in Russia and haven't seen anything.

Best place for everyday stuff is a "Flohmarkt" in Germany.

Honestly idgaf anymore. Fuck Activision for not respecting history. I'm glad DICE had the decency to respect WWI


It's not Nazi fetish tho. He's just admiring the des8gn elects of their "branding" they know Nazis are bad too it's ok

why does the guy in the middle vid have a Fallout alt-history flag on the wall?

Ok Mister Goldstein

As a graphic designer and an admirer of vexillology (study of flags) I fell the same way op. Kind of disappointing about the huge stigma around it

I was actually hoping someone could recommend a reputable online dealer.

you're a cuck

I have more stuff like the spoon, but we had to move out so I can't find it right now. I have a pocket-clock, a Bundesverdienstkreuz, stamps...

While it does have good graphic design in the abstract, WW2 and Nazi Germany is what imbued it with its power.

Every country since then wishes that they had a powerful symbol like the Hakenkreuz.
Even the US.

It's not strange at all, it's objectively one of the best flags ever created.

Everyone who uses the overused and oh-so-fashionable epithet "cuck" is a massive raging fucking faggot. But keep doing your thing. I'm sure it'll turn out well there, sparky.

>Anyone else feel same way?

Yeah. Not a fan of their whole "take over the world and commit genocide" thing. But the nazis were some stylish motherfuckers. Gotta give them that.


Dont forget the Empire from Star Wars

>Rebels run around wearing rags
>Empire has biggest funds and best equipment
Why if the Rebels were first?

Even in Force Awakens Rebels hav still shitty clothing and equipment despite winning 30 years ago

>Why if the Rebels were first?
lol what, empire is old republic rebranded

Eh Rebels are small group surviving down below so I guess makes sense and yeah Empire did use Republic's equipment cos they were the Republic

Why is the red so hypnotising?

Because hitler did nothing wrong

Nazis was /fa/ as fuck.

Ja, nice colors.

>Why black, white and red are such vital colors has been debated. Arguments are as varied as the theory that they are the colors of shadow, light and life (blood) to they are the color of bodily fluids (which would also include blood for red). What is known is that these three colors are universal in being both the first colors humans see as important and in having similar meanings.
>Black (and to a lesser extent, the deep blues and purples that are similar to black) is universally a symbol of death, separation, and slavery or submission. For the Hausa culture of Nigeria, Sudan, Cameroon, Ghana, Cote d’Ivorie and Chad, black denotes negative and socially undesirable qualities and things that harm.
>White is the symbol for purity and ‘all that is good’, and has the power to exorcise or forbid unacceptable things. Priests were dressed in white, and the dead are buried in white robes. The Hausa believe that white is a symbol of positive and desirable things, and the word white in their language (fari) is used as a word for good things: to have a white heart is to be equable, happy, and rejoicing; to have white blood is to be popular; to have a white stomach is to be happy.
>Red is an ‘ambiguous’ color being somewhere in between black and white. It universally is seen as a sign of both life and aggression. This makes sense, as red is seen in nature as a both a warning sign and a welcoming signal in poisonous berries, cocks combs, tongues, lips(16), as well as simply as blood: menstruation, parturition, or blood from wounds. For men, red is generally held to be the symbol of hunting, and for women, of fertility.

wan the nazis

The nazis were experts at graphic design for propaganda. From their uniforms to their posters they were well designed and executed. Pun intended. That being said thet were power hungry genociding cunts. Much like the Americans with their native people and Africans

Because the Nazis flag was so well done and held so much power it became the symbol that needed to go. Japan was not the invading hoarde conquering Europe.

It's a really powerful symbol. Though you have to wonder if that's partly due to seeing it associated with Nazis so much. Even if evil the Nazis were pretty badass for a few years.
Also I always thought it was a weird symbol for Germany; it doesn't seem at all European. Kind of feel like the Swiss flag would be better for the Nazis...

your fingernails are fucking disgusting

It was popular in Europe before the NSDAP used it. It's not European in origin, it's from South Asia and well over 5000 years old.

Luftwaffe kasino spoon mate.

It has been used throughout Europe before recorded history. It's an important symbol in paganism and even Russian traditional dress sports swastikas.

I don't like nazis, but I kinda dislike how nazi is being used to describe someone who might have one opinion that some neonazi somewhere may share.

And I don't like either how communism is somehow more accepted. It's not exactly better.

Your Nazi shit is going to get fucked up soon. People are tired of this crap. This is a warning from a regular American. Remember this.

The gun ruined this image

Check this out guys.

Really cool

it was personalty designed by hitler to be as striking and inspiring as possible

thats a big spoon

>Your Nazi shit is going to get fucked up soon. People are tired of this crap. This is a warning from a regular American. Remember this.

Just the opposite. The rainbow trans snowflakes are going to be taught a sharp lesson by an angry populace which is fucking sick of the nigger faggot Jew Democratic Clinton lies and untruths. Blood and fire, faggot. Drink your herbal tea and eat your kale while you can.

its a powerfull color for strenght and blood
soviets had the same color for a reason

Remember guys. These are the type of females in the alt right world.

This flag ain't powerful. I don't even feel any love for. As for the Nazi flag. I LOVE it. Not racist or a socialist but something about it draws me to it. I don't feel anything for the Russian flag






>I'm not racist
>I cant be, my grandparents were to Polish
What kind of logic is this? There were polish members of the Third Reich.

After Germany's capitulation, all the recorded evidence of their war crimes were shown to the public, by the new democratic governments controlling the West Germany. That way Germans did not want to return to their Nazi past.

No Communist goverment released the evidence showing their war crimes. Ever. That way they remained """the best ideology""". Even tho many witnesses speak against Communism, leftist cucks consider it false propaganda. Fucked up, it is.

Here's my collection.


The Nazis under Goebbels were extremely good at propaganda and looking sleek. It's probably the main reason American neo-nazis still exist today.

Who /neo nazi rock/ here?

I am so impressed with how good the guirar riffs and solos are especially on a Skrewdriver album.

If Ian Stuart was not a national socialist, his music would be placed into the rock and roll hall of fame with just how good the guitar playing is.

Anyone who is curious, check out the guitar solo at 2:36

Absolute legendary!

i have a flag in my office near the loungeroom,

All their albums have been banned online to purchase, even this 1977 punk album that has nothing racist in it at all (this was before Ian began to sing about racism).

Heck the lyrics to this album contradict the nazi movement i.e. staying at home and not wanting to get a job or have a family because you are depressed with life. This album demonstrates the early stages of punk rock and so if you are into punk rock history then definitely listen to this.