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Breddy much.


Such a gay fucking tattoo on that flying faggot.

silly niggers can't read

it clearly said "Dodhe" on the car

I am going to change my licence plate to GVF 1111 now just because of this hero

Black cars matter.

dude has a fucking tramp stamp kek

Quads of justice



allah kabar?

well that's what happens when overconfident commies, white druggies, and niggers think they can just attack anyone who doesnt want to put up with their bullshit. some antifas at least will be humbled after this rally.



white druggies, niggers, femi nazis, faggots, trannies and a lot of degenerates would be humbled after this are you even serious ?
they just dun goofed


chad akbar


>implying they can learn from their mistakes


It's legal in some states to run down protesters that block traffic
Is this one of those states?

The circumstances on that are pretty specific. It's for fear your life situations. Not going out of your way to kill people you disagree with situations.

Stop trying to justify this, racist cunts.

Check out the Shriners (Masonic) bumper sticker on the pickup. Coincidence?

in virginia it is illegal to have a masked face in this situation which many of the people that surrounded the car were masked.

also pedestrians may only cross at designated crosswalks, so he legally didn't have to yield.
here's part of the law;
>Pedestrians may not enter or cross an intersection in disregard of approaching traffic.
>Pedestrians may not carelessly or maliciously interfere with the orderly passage of vehicles when crossing highways.
>Pedestrians must cross at marked crosswalks or intersections whenever possible

he'll get off scot free with a panicked driver defense.

You don't think a straight white male wouldn't be in fear for his life seeing that crowed of retarded SJW coming in his direction with no way to turn around?
He smart and got a run at it.

I like how 20 antifas immediately came with baseball bats and started smashing his car.

Peaceful protest indeed.

hopefully he is treated like a hero in prison (where he'll be the rest of his life). We need more people willing to take strong action, not just wave a bunch of pepe signs around and chant. Leave that pussy shit for "antifa"

It's on video, you can't really use the "he was surrounded!" excuse.

You're backed into a corner on this one, racists. You have to either say it's okay to kill people who disagree with you, or that this guy is 100% wrong. There is ZERO middle ground. Make your choice, cowards.

Just little winks to tell you who was behind the event, look at trump being introduced during the press conference at 3:33, the guy seems to receive a trigger to hurry up and introduce trump.

Doing God's work

This has to be toppest of keks

What a dream world you live in. Do you really think that happened? And even if it did, the guy is a literal murderer murdering people. If someone plowed into the right wing side you don't think they'd have 10 bullet holes in them instantly?

Get a fucking grip. This incident is exposing how weak your side really is. The mental gymnastics is fucking hysterical.


No, this is bad for your image. Let antifas be the violent side. The peaceful side is the one who benefits the most.

antifa faggots love to talk about killing "nazis" all the time (but only wearing a mask so they never have to face any consequences), he was just proactively defending himself

>not liking that toyota

Liberal "antifa" freed and founded this country. Get your conservative bullshit out of here.

I can almost guarantee it was the white guy dressed as a clown holding the 'SHAME' sign that made him lose it.

I'm glad that kind of shit never happens around here, I don't think I could handle it either.

Yes, i saw the video of the aftermath of people smashing his car. I condone what he did, and all he did was hurt the image of the side he's fighting for.

I was simply poking fun at the way the media is spinning this. Antifas were armed to their teeth with baseball bats and flame throwers, THEY were the ones instigating the violence by attacking peaceful protesters.

>mob of armed, masked people try to stop you with implied violence
>they put themselves in harms way by standing in front of your car
>you try to nudge through
>they now feel justified to use real violence because in their minds you just tried to run them over
>go full nope and gun it into crowd
>haul ass out of there or get lynched
stop defending people that don't understand that playing in the street might get you hit by a car.


stop taking credit for what true patriots did. Did they wear bandanas over their faces when they were killing the nazis? Did they sit and chant "black lives matter" at the nazis? Did they ask Hitler for a safe space so they can practice some self-care in between battles? I don't think so.

picture of the year.

The guy who did it was not with "the alt right". He was a leftist. They smashed his rear window out with a bat and he hit the gas.

Jesus it's like you people have no perception of how you look to the outside. Do you realize how weak that argument is? "Vague people generally talk about doing something to nazis, so this guy had to drive out of his way to try to kill a crowd that wasn't threatening him physically."

Grow up. This makes you look impossibly weak if you defend this guy. Either decide to sit this one out or save some face and agree that MURDER is wrong.

>Antifas were armed to their teeth with baseball bats and flame throwers

Funniest shit I've heard all day.

that is an incredibly stupid defense??
just because it's illegal to jaywalk doesnt mean it's legal for him to run them over dude
you dont know shit about tort law
he's going to jail

That shit is all wrong. It's not what happened. It's on video you cucks. This is cut and dry.

>yfw nazi retards were regarded with score, abuse, doxxing, etc before
>yfw now it will be utterly impossible for these people to live
kill yourselves now because it's only going to get justifiably worse

sometimes murder is necessary to make real change. We didn't talk the british out of our country you know.


But Antifa is like that

I don't know about flame throwers, but a baseball bat went through his back window a split second after he hit the Toyota.

Maybe they were going to batting practice after?


Do you think the US was founded from World War 2?

>He was about to be surrounded
are you fucking blind?
Have you seen it
>they where coming right for him

I don't know does the pope shit in the woods


obviously not, it was founded after the first world war dumbass

Nope. He's an alt right racist. This was taken earlier in the protest. You're just wrong, stop deluding yourselves.

hes not gonna get his 2 grand for being a good sport...

Well, not exactly a flame thrower but why the fuck was he carrying this and attacking people with it? He just happened to have it in his pocket?

Whoever made this is fucking stupid. Trump lovers dont drive toyotas. 'Merican made only for those retards.

they where coming right for him on a one way street, no way to turn around.

well meme'd

Maybe they were right to being weapons, considering they literally got fucking murdered? You think those right wing guys didn't have guns? There are pictures of them with guns.

I'm not saying it's right but both sides are guilty of being armed (one way way more than the other because they have firearms). So it's a moot point. Anyone who drives a car into either side deserves to be attacked, from either side.

>you either say the thing I accuse you of or you're wrong

Nice dualism, retard.

they werent just jaywalking though.
it was a bunch of masked and armed people shouting at him and making him stop or else.
he didnt just gun it into the people for no reason... people were standing in front of his car and not letting him leave and so he panicked & gunned it into the other crowd.

wearing masks with baseball bats
Not a threat the driver is wrong
fucking liberal retards

Someone is literally swinging a more dangerous weapon at him. Neither side looks good here.

Hahaha, lets all laugh because he is stupid.

They just weren't. Again, it's on video. Stop lying.

pretty much this.

Just because you do not use deodorant doesn't mean everybody else has to smell like a goatfucker, too.

He literally deserves death for it. Hopefully he died.

What's wrong with it? Once that video came out all wiggle room went away.

Yea, plus that toyota is fucking awesome. how dare anyone portray it negatively


Dude u r fuckin retarded for real.

I understand you're trying to assert make-believe online authority with your tone in writing, but you don't have any. You're entitled to express your thoughts, that's about it. You have no power, justification, any impact beyond what YOU think. You can't just magically command things to be, because you wish they were.

So, the wiggle room is there. It's always, and will always be there. Spectrum in everything.

Reminder, that this show was destroyed by the kind of people that got destroyed by that fine piece of Detroit steel.


>dude like i cant even lol amirite guise 420blazeitfgt XDDDDD
sick argument dude.

You don't think he's swinging that in self defense as he's being approached by the fire to create space?

It takes 0.5 sec to swing a flag pole, it takes several seconds to light the fire and get into the pose he's standing in.

"I have no facts to support me, so I will just say some flowery bullshit that sounds like a response, but isn't."

It's on video, cucks. Read it and weep. You can't justify this one and come out clean.

that water bottle in the air is hilarious

here's the best video of all the angles i've seen so far.


We'd need a video to see who the aggressor is. As it stands, a shitload of dudes are behind one guy with a dangerous weapon coming towards one guy with an aerosol can. Looks pretty balanced to me.

Gotta keep hydrated while inciting violence.

I came in my pants a little bit.
Did they block the ambulance too?

That commentator is such a cuck
"omg omg omg that racist guy"

to bad he missed him

Are you trollbaiting or just retarded?

The faggot with terrible hair taking a nap on the pavement is satisfying.

James Alex Fields Jr.

god i hope he goes to federal prison, that booty hole is gonna be stretched wide af

Are you responding or just deflecting?

So, some nigger hater runs over a crowd of nigger loving commies. Who gives a shit.

He was probably shitposting here just the other day
Going "niggers, cucks, libtards, hurr hurr hurr"
and claiming he makes a fortune

>god i hope he goes to a BLACK prison
That's what you should have said

This guy will be a hero and have an automatic headstart in an aryan brotherhood gang if he goes to a prison with a significant white population

where can i find more girls like these?

They're marching as the guy approaches them with the can of flame. They're not carrying ''dangerous weapons'', that is literally the flag they're waving around.

You're extremely biased if you can't see who is in the wrong in that picture, and who is instigating the violence.

That was the Dodge Charger
Next time it will be the Dodge Ram

fucking kek

looks like a Sup Forumslack to me