How do I look to you guys?

How do I look to you guys?

looking good

You look like a lost disappointed homeless woman.

Thank you. Got a rating for me?

Pretty damn close



Nice shirt. I love Ghost.

lose a little weight, touch up eyebrows (you always look surprised), either put hair up or cut it. possible 9/10

I actually started at the gym a few weeks back. I've lost about 10 pounds

That's great!

Everyone in my family has these God damn eye brows

I saw them in concert in September. Got to meet them with no makeup or masks.

You're fucking retarded. Reaching for the stars.


you look like a fat girl from afar but up close you look like a retard

Did Gimli fuck Pippin?

Sometimes I like to cover myself in ranch dressing so I can feel like a salad.

Lmao good shit dude. Best roast of 2017

You look like a worse version of dimebag darrel

Damn, Blake, you really let yourself go

I play drums not guitar anyway

You look fine. But your eyes are just a bit far apart.

truly a 3/10