It's been 10 years since I started browsing Sup Forums. Figured I should visit the first board I visited...

It's been 10 years since I started browsing Sup Forums. Figured I should visit the first board I visited. Any other oldfags lurking around?

can't even imagine trying to live life without the 'chan anymore

ID Heaven

I've been here so long I forgot what sites I even visited before Sup Forums.

there's a distinct correlation between when ID's were taken away again and when Sup Forums truly TRULY became normie-tier cancer

I was around for gamergate when moot turned total SJW on us

yes, I do in fact liek mudkips

youre still a faggot, OP

Moot is escaping to Mexico and he will sell Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is so full of newfags its rare to find any true old fags now. Prime example is the "praise kek" or "kekistan" fags. Only normies do this dumb shit. They obsessed over a fucking three letter word. Like how 3rd graders discover that theres another word for butt

top zoz

the best way of re/b/ooting.

Shit me, I just realsied I've been here waaaay to long. I came about at the tail end of the DESU DESU spam (11 years now?)

i came for the fappening. i stayed because i feel like i belong.

Desu was 11 years ago? Shit... Where has all the time gone

time flies when your fapping to deviant thinigs

Yup. Since '06.

not an oldfag but i thought that id point out that most of the oldfags have either died, quit Sup Forums or moved to other assorted chans.

Been here since the boxxy days. Witnessed this site become gradually taken over by filth. It's literally worthless now. The "come on government... nothing here worth fighting for... come on and shut us down" type of worthless. It's full of so much redundancy now it's ridiculous.

I was around just before the first Habbo raid, so I guess it's 10 years for me too. More out of habit than anything else, though, Sup Forums is pretty much dead. Even "Sup Forums was never good" is dead.

I'm not sure there's many true Oldfags left user.

I ask myself why I continue to browse, but I can't fucking stop.

2006 I found this hell hole - think I'm atuck here.

when I first joined Sup Forums I never really saw it as a significant website so I can't remember the first time I came across it but I think it was 2012

Pool's closed.

If non /b threads were pruned (wwyd,fb/ig,trap,pol re. Etc) itd be decent again but would likely be pretty dead. Like 4 pages dead

Tay Zonday
Penguin of doom
Duck roll
Creepy chan
Pool's closed
Finger box's
Trololo guy

This is the Sup Forums I miss.

Don't kid yourself, the battle's lost, and it was always a losing fight. Sup Forums has become a victim of its own popularity, and the increasing ridiculousness of modern society itself. What used to be funny material for Sup Forums threads are now things people have seriously taken up as life causes. Where do you go from there? Even Spinal Tap's speakers only went up to 11.

oh fuck it's just occured to me that this is my 10th year here also. Thanks for all the good times anons

>The early 2000s will never come again.

Just fuck my shit up, my duude.

Been here 10 years not a whole lot has changed besides less original content, traps and porn.

Listing some moments that I witnessed worth mentioning

>no captcha or robot
>Roody poo
>America fuck yea!!!!!
>the old Sup Forums
>crescent fresh
>polish prostitutes
>Knock over card stand
>Gay Niggers From Out of Space
>the taste of tears of grown men V& during the downfall of silkroad

Probably more shit but I'm not trying very hard.

>Been here 10 years not a whole lot has changed besides less original content, traps and porn.

The signal to noise ratio has degraded something fierce. The summerfags never left about three years ago and it's been downhill since that time.


started in 08

GNAA gay nigger association of america and the film gay niggers from outta space.

Ron Paul 2008 Sup Forums

The NYC postcard stand, oh the memories.

This. OC has always been rare, but it's now so rare that it's not even worth waiting for. It's degenerated from a board where you could post things that would never fit on any other board, to a board that's just a mashup of all the other boards but worse.

I'm still crescent fresh though my lifes a mess

09 fag here, didn't start truly posting until 2010 so Im relatively new.

Cone from the long defunct 101chan here.

I stop by occasionally

I was around for GIGA PUDI !!!!!!

I remember the meme about microwaving your HDD when the door bell rang was not just a joke for some of when browsing Sup Forums

For me, the true proof that Sup Forums is dead is that we're having a serious thread on oldfaggotry. I want the Sup Forums back where only newfags called themselves oldfags and we could roundly mock them for it because nobody gave a shit.

Ah, fuck it man, I'm getting sentimental over fucking Sup Forums. If that's not a sign you should an hero I don't know what is. I'd better get off my lazy ass and find another site.

It could be worse, we could be 9gag or ebaums oldfags

Fucking crescent fresh.
Even when it was gone, it was stuck in my head for months.

Anyone remember the original
>dj went so hard didn't was if paper plates ?

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.


Sup Forums's cucks before anyone had ever reappropriated the word "cuck". Of course now they're all equal prolefeed.

I remember when there was no knowyourmeme.
I remember when there was no Tumblr.
I remember when there was no Reddit.

The Internet was a better place then, and I don't think it's just nostalgia speaking.

brb, going to send some ASCII art to my BBS over dialup. Right after I rewire my ENIAC to a new IP address, of course.

>I'd better get off my lazy ass and find another site
Don't forget, you're here forever.

I graduated high school in 2009 and been browsing since junior year so uh 2007-8 was when I discovered b. I remember it was newgrounds that brought me here I've been on newgrounds since the.beginning oh man I'm internet old