How can people justify buying 900$ shoes or 1200$ bags from "designer" brands?

How can people justify buying 900$ shoes or 1200$ bags from "designer" brands?

I mean i get rich people buying that shit, but middle class or upper middle class, what the fuck and why?
Does Sup Forums buy expensive useless designer wear?

"Conspicuous consumption". Some kind of status symbol. But a Chink knockoff at 10% of the price of the original...

These actually cost around 1000$, why would anyone in their right mind buy this shit?

This is a joke

to compensate for their boring souless life
they seek attention trough greed or arrogance
they are just to stupid to get the scam
women love useless fashion crap cause optics are worth more than morals


tell me what do you need to compensate?

Completely agree

People in general are terrible with their money. Money burns holes in some peoples' pockets. A fool and their money are soon parted

how do i get better with money

Stop buying shit you don't need and if you do need it, buy the cheapest one that won't fall apart in 5 minutes

the only ways women around you can see that you are capable of providing
is showing it before they even talk to you. its hard to see "rich man attitude", but its easy to spot "ridiculously overdesigned bullshit clothing that for sure cost a lot of money so couldnt be afforded by poorfags".

so if you are into that whole "woman leches off money from man" type of relationship, and most people do marry and have children in exactly this kind of relationship, you need to show it to potential partners.

if you dont, chances are that not enough women will ever be interested in you to find a suitable one for you.

>i dont recomend doing that, but i do recognize that this designer fashion shit is a very rational choice if you are into that kind of life style.

making long term plans and learning to ackowledge that the value of well-invested money generally appreciates.
while spent money (almost regardless of what you spent it on) almost immediately drives toward zero value.

the only things worth investing into are:
- your body (health care, mostly)
- your knowledge/abilities
- savings (types of investment that make sure your money stays at roughly its previous value)

if you adhere to this distinction between buying bullshit (burning money) and saving value (transforming it into other permanent values) you will soon realize
>money = safety
money NOT spent means peace of mind. it means you can prepare for unforeseen consequences. it means where other poeples days (or lifes) are ruined by simple accidential bullshit, you will continue to thrive.

after the first few times your saved money helped you advert serious crap you will internalize a whole different attitude towards spending money and saving value. i sure as hell did when my life turned upwards down but my bank account had my back.

Femanon here. Why spend £102927362 on a top you can get only slightly misprinted for £20 from Market Bill. I dont get it. The people stupid enough to spend such a vast amount of money on fashion are clearly gonna be too stupid to notice the difference between Calvin Klein and Kevin Klein anyway. Especially when you tell them theyre related. Fashun Haxx x200.

Tits or nvm

My wardrobe consists of a two three good shoes, three jeans and couple of button up shirts, t shirts, two or three long sleeve shirts, a jacket, a coat and a raincoat, that's it.

I agree you must spend money on relevant things, but spending money once on a good wardrobe ( everything i own costs maybe 900$ ) will last you for a two years at least.

Femanon again. Here is the beautifully crafted Fantazy perfume by the well known Betty Spears inspired by the great Britney Spears Perfume Fantasy. Smell like a spoiled whore for only £1.50 as opposed to the £20 price tag on Miss Britneys version.

As a man i agree, i shop at lower tier shops, search for the best quality for the price item and get it, i don't care if you wear 900$ shoes and 1200$ jeans, i'm fine with my 60$ shoes and 40$ jeans.

Makes literally no sense, other than perfumes i find wasting a lot of money on bullshit totally retarded.


if you live anywhere close to a major city, buying clothing second hand is the way to go. my wardrobe is 3x shoes, 5x work clothes, 5x coat, 3x casual clothes and it totals about 100€, each clothing item bought for around 2-3€ (comparable quality new clothes are 50-70€ per item, 100-150€ a pair of shoes around here).
i dont exactly visit /fa/ a lot but i dont look shitty either so.. spending a lot of moeny on clothes isnt necessary either.

>i dont exactly visit /fa/ a lot but i dont look shitty either so..
Well /fa/ are one weird and funny looking retards, their "fashion" advice is cringeworthy.

I live in a small city in France myself, and the local brands are of very good quality, unknown to many but very good and not that expensive.
I don't like to buy second hand clothes, i don't know why but it feels wrong to me, i rather spend 60euros on a good pair of shoes instead of buying them second hand, unless the person literally tried them on and decided to sell it ( goes for clothes then too ).

I never spend more than 350 euro on shoes. Jackets are something else though. I'm not that rich but I earn enough to dress good. I'd never spend more than 100 euro on a shirt and same goes for pants. The really expensive brands like louboutins I just buy fakes lol. I spend 1000 euro on a jacket but that was 3 years ago. I still wear it.

people could literally have sprayed each other in diarrhea in the clothes i wear at the moment.
couldnt give less fucks. 95°C suds and whatever was left stuck in the clothes is neutralized or washed out.

Learn to live off 70%

10% savings
10% investing
10% charity/church/whatever
70% everything else


I'll buy you some more if you want ;););););) what county you from?

>10% charity/curch/whatever


It's all about that designer. It's to impress

Here you go dude

Because you seem very thirsty



i would never buy any designer shit

i buy my clothes from old navy and tarjay. shoes from academy. all my clothing together prolly cost me about two fiddy

Pic of shoes my dude?



Nice looking shoes my man, keeping e'm clean is most of the work, they can last for so long.


So how much do you save and invest or are you a dumb fuck who burns through all their cash? Do you even make enough to save you poor fag?

I don't invest, i don't save, what's the point?

KYS for not helping others and being a selfish fag! Or are youpoor fag who cant afford to spread the wealth?

Nigger I'm not donating shit I got kids to feed
Seriously kys

>they seek attention trough greed or arrogance
>they are just to stupid to get the scam
>women love useless fashion crap cause optics are worth more than morals


Americans are absolutely obsessed with giving money to anyone and everyone