Sup Forums where can i get myself a good burger?

Sup Forums where can i get myself a good burger?

shut up

Gee, I don't know...

salt and pepper some ground beef and make your own fool

Your own kitchen. Know what you are eating.


Try Big Kahuna Burger


nice derpy dubs, you fucking retard.

Big Kahuna Burger. That's that Hawaiian burger joint. I heard they got some tasty burgers. I ain't never had one myself, how are they?

I made one yesterday. Grilled mushrooms with a slice of cheese, buttered and grilled sourdough bread and mayo. No meat. Best sammich ever. Going to do it again today and add a slice of tomato.

terrible. you should try it.

Mind if I try one of yours?

only correct answer

taco bell

delete this

Big Kahuna Burger

They're good


American fat cunt version : Probably any fast food joint, so you can add more fat to your veins.

Proper Answer : Buy 1lb ground beef, 1lb of a good beef steak cut, 1/2lb of beef fat, 1 medium onion, salt (proper salt - sea salt or similar), pepper (white and black, uncracked so it is fresh, not ground pepper already dried out to fuck), pinch of paprika, nutmeg, and the usual lettuce, cheese (not processed spunk cheese you yanks are fond of) grated, tomato.

Optional : plum tomatoes and eggs if you want to make a home made ketchup and aeoli to go on your burger.

Finely dice your onion, grate in nutmeg, add paprika, mix. Next mince your ground beef and steak, mix all together, add minced fat, salt and pepper and again mix.

Cover leave to the side for 10 minutes to return to room temp.

Choice of cooking up to you, grill on high, cook for 5 mins on each side. Or in pan put on high, then reduce to medium heat and add burger/s, leave to cook on one side - do not move it around it will unstick itself. Once a nice brown colour underneat after 3-4 mins, turn over and repeat.

Add to bun, add grated cheese on top, along with some of your onion cut into strips, sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and what ever condiments you want to use, add salt and pepper again.


Home of the goodburger

don't make this.
it makes mustard gas.

can confirm


no bs, simple menu, just fukin good

gives my tummy a hard on thinking of 5guys