Ask a dude who wears girls short short anything

Ask a dude who wears girls short short anything

Why do you wear girl shorts

They fit me well

Can we call you Sally

Is what you think. Please stop.

Your threads gimme boners. You should post more pics

>Your faggy knee looks like its bending the wrong way OP

A thread died for this.

How about some other names?


You have really sexy legs


Are you gay? If yes, enjoy your twink style.
If not, you should reconsider your style.

I am

Got any more risque pics? I'll bet you've got a really sweet ass

Got any more risque pics? Bet you have a sweet ass.

I wouldn't call them risque

No, but I was right. You do have a nice ass.

that shit looks flat

you look way to old to be rocking short shorts and a pink top. NIgga dress less like a fag if you're not 1

your face looks like a rotting potato

You do have nice legs.
Do what makes you happy OP. Fuck what society thinks. Only unhappy deluded niggers care about how other people dress themselves.