Ur welcome

ur welcome

Other urls found in this thread:


thanks i can finally fix my dads computer


>thanks i can finally fix my dads computer

Enjoy your dad's belt.

Observing Satan's glorious quads.

I beat my meet to that sluts feet. There goes nofap. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


damn man i can actually notice an improvement, thanks, have some tits.

Don't do this, it make chlorine gas

Oh look it's this old shit again, with the same fagging as an added bonus.

nice try, bill.




Not like newfags even read to see if its bait or not anyways.
This post was only ever gonna get bait to the bait of people going "ZOMG MY PC DOESNT WORK???!!"

del system32

Apple fan boy detected.

nice shoop, applefag.

>clearly a screenshot of an android phone
Heres your (you) retard

mad af

underrated post

Worked pretty good, there was a noticeable improvement, but I ran MalwareBytes after the restart and it still found a few things.
Is there any other recommendations?
And how do I get back my custom desktop?

Nevermind, a quick restart and my desktop picture was back.


I'm really pissed off. Had to write this on my phone. Just did this to my older brother's laptop and now its frozen after restarting it. I've restarted the laptop twice now. Anybody know how to fix this? I'm freaking out right now

do i need run this as admin?


Yeah, but they age quick. Then they become like a good cheese. Moldy and stinky. Like us.

by killurself

>I'm really pissed off. Had to write this on my phone. Just did this to my older brother's laptop and now its frozen after restarting it. I've restarted the laptop twice now. Anybody know how to fix this? I'm freaking out right now

Did you run MalwareBytes immediately after? That was the trick for me.

>do i need run this as admin?

Only if you need the deep clean option.


can't even get the desktop. Just keeps freezing on the windows logo. Underneath it says says "preparing automatic repair". what does this mean? Will it be fixed if I just leave it?

Lmaooo can't believe you actually fell for this
>Inb4 b8ed
But you need to use the windows creation tool, put it on a 4gb+ usb, boot to bios and re-install windows through it. Rip your brother's files

do you get so offended, that you actually take the effort to take a screenshot and upload it?
what the fuck, man.

What problems were you having that you thought you needed to perform this clean? There could be some other hidden virus or trojan that is causing the issue.
I'd let it sit for 15 minutes or so, see if it clears itself.
It's a Microsoft product, so it should be able to take care of itself.

Picture now.

>Lmaooo can't believe you actually fell for this

Look, we're here to help the guy. You're just being a prick.

>But you need to use the windows creation tool, put it on a 4gb+ usb, boot to bios and re-install windows through it.

And be real careful doing this...it's a known virus installer that will wipe all of your files unless you send them bitcoins. Last I read it was about a $400 payment.
Watch out for the bastards.

It literally takes 2 seconds to screenshot and post a pic. Same amount of effort as responding at all tbh, and its a good way to call out people with their low tier "lul samefag" posts like they cant see that the number of posters is congruent with the amount of replies

Still responding?

Survival of the fittest matey. Plus I literally remedied his problem so I don't see why you're triggered?

Fuck off, faggot. Everyone here knows, and anyone who doesn't and takes the advice deswevws it for believing shit without checking like an autistic retard.

You are too nigga stop playin
I get a notification whenever i get a (you) and this board is shit this morning.


Tech guy from Geek Squad here, Best Buy store in Atlanta.
If your machine is 64bit (as most recent factory installs of Windows are) getting rid of the System32 files will free up over a gb of space on your drive. Should be no issues, and should improve the performance of the computer, less read/write of the heads over the platter. Won't make a real difference on an SSD, just a bit.
And MalwareBytes? Find something better. Microsoft makes a good tool, freely downloadable.

I replied last so I win


Finally, thank you!




> (You)
>Finally, thank you!

Just here to help. Need to get back on the desk, customers coming in.
See y'all later maybe. I'll pop back if I can.



holy shit!

Isn't summer over yet? No (You) for you.





how fucking fucked am I?


Wew, lad
Hoping that PC was already bricked.


Were you running Windows 10, or Windows 8? That only works on Windows 8



only got the one pc.... how the fuck am I suppose to get a copy of windows on there

Have you tried turning it off and on?

Have a rare pepe


I don't have too many memes, but I hope you will appreciate this.

Hi guys I want to try this too..

I have windows 8.1 ..will it be ok or my computer will be fuked like this guy?????

fuck off asshole

Use a laptop or another PC and go to the windows creation tool, run the exe, put on usb, put in broken pc, reboot, may need to change bios settings though

I do appreciate.
My clover folder is all chill gifs and things to rattle people

rattle me

Funny thing is got 2 dumbasses in a chat on the deepweb to do it

hey guys, my pc won't turn on now


Keep going.

have you tried to magnet hack it to factory settings?


what the fuck




get two usb's
install ubuntu iso on one with something like rufus.
boot the computer with that usb
grab your files
(copy them to the other usb)
You can then install gentoo.


Is this now a garfield thread?

That bong reminded me of something..



>tfw i came here to point out obvious bait and instead have been bumping the thread for the past hour and a half


Say hello to Shaun, everybody. Shaun is a friendly shark.


wtf my computer wont start now

10/10 for the effort

He's lying

You're cool user

>Access is denied