The love of my life just left me. I wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her...

The love of my life just left me. I wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. I'd do everything for her. Write poetry, sing to her, watch Disney movies ( her favorite and tell her I loved her 100 times a day. She told me she's bored and agreed that its because I do everything she asks so she's got no challenge in life. feel deeply sick and upset. what do Sup Forums

a flip

You sound just like somebody I know and I can't stand you. You take take take emotionally all the fucking time and have to please just the 1 person that seems perfect to you. It's almost like you worship them. Don't give a fuck about them sometimes. Back off every once in a while you annoying neckbearded fuck.

You want to live through someone else because you can't stand yourself. How do you expect anyone elese to put up with you if even you cant stand yourself? Learn not to be a needy sap, learn to live with yourself.

If that doesnt work, then yeah, a flip

You should ALWAYS try to balance everything.
Worshipping your GF is good at the beginning, but after the 200th worship/compliment it gets boring, theres nothing special anymore in it. Too much is always bad.
But i can lift you up,
My ex and me broke up because of the exact same reason, after 6 months she came back and told me how she loved me and that it was a mistake, so just give it some distance, maybe you have luck.

sorry man =/

take her with you

Hang in there. You will find yourself and be all the better for it. It is better to have loved and lost...

There's nothing that will ease this pain, bro, only time. I know the pain is terrible right now and it feels like it'll never end, but it will. The hole in your heart will heal, but the scar will always be there, unfortunately.

Don't blame yourself, try to find some joy in memories of the good times you've had with her. Maybe now it feels like it's worse to have lost her than to not have been with her at all, but I promise, the pain will go away eventually.

Start enjoying life. Being single is fucking great

>what do Sup Forums

Grow up, fucktard. Seriously. Move on.

Pussy is pussy get over it. Bitches come a dime a dozen it's not an age old saying for nothing

Go fuck some sloots brah, single life is glorious.

>I wanted to [...] spend the rest of my life with her.

Kill her, burn her and put her in a small bag that you keep in your pocket for the rest of your life

Best advice all thread if you wanna be literal tbh

Love is for pussies.


Give her an STD. Then leave her.

i was in the same situation as you 2 years ago OP i asked Sup Forums what i should do. guess what they said ? STOP BEING A FAG
youre single now youll have so much time to do what the fuck you want and guess what ? there is bound to be another at some point, youre not a virgin youve already had a gf so its not like youre a fucking no life virgin neckbeard like some fags on this board. have hope and focus on yourself no point in becoming an hero, killing yourself is a permanent solution for a temporary problem like i said youll find another one. overall OP stop being a fag, theyre are virgins on this board that will never have a gf they will die alone youre already ahead of them.

Get over her.
Obviously obsessed with you and herself if she cant find a challenge you cant do for her.

Turn your suffering into your armor, op. Treat the whole thing as a lesson learnt. Love makes you weak and dependable. Love is always the source of more negative emotions rather than positive in the long run. When you love someone and they respond, you are giving them a part of yourself. A part that gets locked up away and is later the victim of circumstances beyond your control. You may think that your ex is cold, bitchy and irrational, but she's only doing what she thinks is best for her. Many girls are like that, and when us, the emotional type of dudes find this out, it crushes us. Take this skill from her. Never be dependant on anyone again. I'm not saying never look for a relationship again. Just never forget that you're alone in this world. The stability within your psyche is more important than grills, even if a grill is your lifelong partner. Reinvent yourself op. Relish in your newfound confidence and give your brand new icey worldview a spin. You will notice how different girls are in this light.