I've recently been offered a spot in the overwatch league. Ama

I've recently been offered a spot in the overwatch league. Ama

why did you post this thread

You've also recently made this shit thread
Fuck off

Put your track jacket on. look your nipples are showing. you'll catch a cold.

Why is there a league for an obvious casualgame with bad netcode and very little skill involved?

How ashamed are your parents?

damn she's perfect, if only she wasnt psycho

Although the game is easy to get in to, the skillcap is pretty high. Top tier players are insanely skilled.

Some of the players look sketchy as shit but maybe thats because im bad

who is she


Compared to what? Hearthstone? Name one competitive game with a lower skillcap than overwatch.
Also which pro-player would be ok with playing a fps on 60something tickrate? That's retarded cause your shit wont hit like it's supposed too, so really basic skills like aim and movement get even more useless. Wtf is even wrong with movement in this game? Did these blizzard idiots ever play quake?
The game is catering to retards and disabled people just as much as cod, so how can that be a competitive game? Adding skillgroups doesnt make it counterstrike lol.

World cup is on today, if you think that shit is unskillful, I don't know what planet you live on. its a team based game, most of the skill comes through synergy with the rest of your team and good communication, you can't rely on one star player like in CS

You declined on the grounds that only neckbeard losers would join an overwatch league, correct?

>posted a thread on Sup Forums as if we give a single fuck.

> we don't tho.

>pic unrelated

No tier1 or tier2 team can rely on 1 starplayer in csgo. You dont even know anything about comp. Gaming obviously. And about this synergy and communication shit...would you say world of warcraft is a competitive game? Cause you can do all that shit there all day long, but with 40ppl in team.
This synergy and rps-bullshit dorsnt make the game more competitive, it makes it more stupid since the only skill involved in beating certain champs is blindly picking the right champ.
You should look at it from an objective perspective... it's a dumbed down moba put into a wannabe-shooter-style. Wannabe, cause it just fails as a shooter. Nobody would play it for it's mechanics. Ppl play it cause it is easy and retards like you try to form some sort of elite of the retards that look down on other retards who are worse at playing an easy game, because they have no brain at all. It's stupid, cause that game was made for these people and if you want to be competitive about games you will just have to go to a better game. If you think you got skills, why not 1v1 a quake-pro? Lmao. Competitive overwatch is a joke. Even the "pros" dont make a secret out of it.. .Same story as hots or hearthstone.

Why are you using my pic for these threads?

Cause he is ugly and nobody would click if he posted himself

Show your butthole

I'm sorry you got placed in gold

too long didn't read

who are you. i want 2 rape you like I'm in muslim heaven

I dont play cod-tier noobgames friendo. I got ma 2.5k hours in go 4k hours in 1.6+source and about 6k hours in cpma. Do you really think you can beat me in any game that involves pointing a crosshair on an opponent and has no unique mechanics like an own style of behopping or any recoil or anything? And just for your information pros shit big time on me in skillgames. I played hal9000 once and couldnt manage to kill him cause he is just that fucking SKILLED
Not cause he used some sort of gay synergy. Also im an A-rank on euro easea abd lvl 10 faceit (masterleague in premium) but pros just laugh at the level we puggers play at.

Just fyi, I WAS a quake pro for 3 years. And after playing overwatch for 1 i cam firmly say i enjoy it better. Just because its not as mechanically raw as quake doesnt mean its skilless. There's a lot of skill envolved. I'm sorry you're stuck in diamond friend

I know i could beat you in any fps that currently exists

Which part of i dont play overwatch didnt you understand? And no you have never been a quakepro. There are like 5 ppl on the world who can be pro in quake still. There is no money in that atm.
You should play one before making stupid claims.

1v1 me bro!

Is there even such thing as 1v1 in overwatch? Little blizzkids feelings could get hurt if they cant blame the team.

>still playing CS and not OW
> kek

yeah they got a 1v1 elimination mode

Yeah you prove the point. There you go ppl your overwatch playerbase... blizztards and trendgamers... should nt you play pubg right now man? Overwatch is out again.

AHAHAHA thanks for the copypasta my friend

No problem Sup Forumsro, use it wisely.