No rekt thread? Let's fix that

No rekt thread? Let's fix that.

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The stupid biker just drives away. pussy.

Also, that jerkoff in the truck thought it was a good idea to speed up to avoid the crash, instead of slow down and like that Kia box thing. And why is the driver of that car unable to hit the break once he starts to lose control? Everyone is retarded here.

I wonder what started it though.

>The stupid biker just drives away. pussy.

He did nothing wrong you stupid nigger. Car driver got what he deserved as did the pickup driver for owning a pickup truck. Embarrassing!

All I see is a biker kick a car minding it's own business. That's why I said I wonder what started this. He's still a chicken shit that he couldn't face the accident.

Don't wait for it, I'm warning you. If your heart is weak skip it near the end.

only good rekt threads are in /gif/
where the file size can be 4mb instead of the inferior size this board allows

Why would he do it for no reason? Car drivers are all cunts, she clearly did something to him first and got what she deserved for trying to kill an innocent person by ramming them off the road.

every thread i show up in turns into a rekt thread. i rek everyone in site.


>kick a car minding his own business

They don't make many rekt there.


why would he destroy a beautiful volvo wagon like that


I didnt say he did it for no reason, I said that what it looks like. Cause I don't see a reason. And how do you know it's a woman? Is it because only a woman is dumb enough to not know how to drive? Why would a biker feel the need to be aggressive towards an annoying woman, seems pretty petty. And isn't that supposed to be the HOV lane? I think I only see one driver. My favorite is the white truck, who once he sees the accident accelerates, thinking he can drive through the trouble like this is Nascar or something.

Only cucks and females drive cars.

he just gave up on life at that point?


Does anyone have a webm of someone jumping from a building?

Bet the fat fuck sued his company too.

Probably his dad's car. At least he went like a typical russian.

DO you think he ever got back up?

And losers like u walk everywhere



but wouldn't it be Myth confirmed?

> for owning a pick up truck

You realize people have to have those to work sometimes right?

>car driver minding his own business
No dude hes riding on the biker in a single lane and giving him no space or road
Then upon being kicked since he doesnt know how to fucking drive he tries to run the biker in the barricade

Fuck that car driver faggot

Bike riders are double standard cunts too.

motorcycles may ride in the HOV

Fucking jesus dude go read some traffic law, learn to drive, then come back when u have it figured out and we can discuss how things work on the road.

Bye felicia

He's dabbing.

fuck all niggas

lol oh god


kill all white men

What is the scooterfags plan there lol? Just be a dick and hope for the best?

Fuckin REKT

fuckn rekt. anyone got any story on this?

What the fuck do you need a story for? Can't you fucking see it is a classroom and a demo on inertia and the fucking moron missed the brick? My god are all /b lurkers as stupid and dense as you?

it was a teacher and it was a physics experiment, no injury just caught jeans,

suck a dick user. i just want to revel in the aftermath

ah, thats disappointing. thanks


Who knew skiing was a extreme sport?

As you can see there was no aftermath. Go revel in your mums cunt you basement dwelling sweat pig.

well, at least he instantly got ice on the wound..

You know the drill niggas

Got em right in the gooch

haha, go blog about it somewhere to your lgbtqxyzblahblah friends

nerve gas right?




>when u nutted but she still suckin

u dumb af, he hit the lightning thing and he got fried

nerve gas is no joke people

Why is there so much fucking nerve gas in Asia?


lol u dumb as fuck. its an in joke. keep up, or go to bed,. whatever. also suck a dick user

Probably his cousin or something.


Her name is Guerlain, she's in her 20's, does a lot of softcore stuff

they should have dodged but for reals
what kind of a retard tries to fight a car


over forty laughing units

>the lightning thing
Speaking does not come natural to you does it.

It is called a fucking POWER LINE.

He hit a nerve gas pipeline faggot

wtf is wrong with her armpit

It was mostly white men on both sides you dunce.


she has a vagina there

>My god are all /b lurkers as stupid and dense as you?

Most, yes.

I've looked at that picture a thousand times, and have never looked at her armpit. I'm not sure though, maybe being really lean and contorted at an awkward angle makes the skin bunch up like that.

shit, being there. when you hit the ground first thing you do is to look for the food on the floor, but this guy knew he missed it, so it is probably cursing atm

>that guy's tramp stamp

Pwned, asshole

Really wanted to get that dew.

>car just ran over a bunch of people
>its only escape route is straight back
>think I'll start smashing its back window while standing directly behind car
>he won't run me over

Couple fresh ones


Is his balls okay? Did teacher get fired?


holee shit

filename game strong



Why are chinks so fucking stupid

>moron missed the brick
Dumb fucking kid moved the brick.

oh fuck this one made me cringe

Seriously people! Watch out for the powerlines!

In metadata

My driver drives me everywhere.

That is a famous one. He died of his pelvic injuries after that. Very famous indeed.


Jesus people are fucking stupid. Open the video, pause it at 0, take note of where the car is. The driver did one of two things:

1. Crossed over solid double yellow (illegal) right next to the biker who was in that lane.

2. Was in the same lane as the biker, crossed onto the double yellow section to pass on the left (also illegal), but didnt pass and just crowded the biker.

where's all that nerve gas coming from?

It made me smile

