What if Reginald Denny had not stopped when niggers stood in front of his truck during the Rodney King riots?

What if Reginald Denny had not stopped when niggers stood in front of his truck during the Rodney King riots?

Why isn't the media showing video footage of the dodge being beaten with bats and hit with rocks BEFORE James Fields decided to floor it to save himself from a similar fate?

I mean seriously, if James Fields had not plowed through that crowd, wouldn't he be the one in the hospital right now?
Be honest.

Other urls found in this thread:


because that didn't happen

prove it

Watch a fucking video. There was no violence towards his car until he sped up towards the group. Stop posting this narrative control and lies.

KYS you Nazi sympathizing faggot.


You're nazi swine and you'll burn.

The video clearly show the street behind him is empty, infact he had no trouble throwing it in reverse and leaving the scene. Just accept it he's a retard

>Why isn't the media showing video footage of the dodge being beaten with bats and hit with rocks BEFORE James Fields decided to floor it to save himself from a similar fate?

Because that never happened.

The burden of proof is on you, you dunce.

Shit b8. Shit thread. Its not trolling if everyone just thinks you're a retard

Why are they all wearing khakis?

Does this mean I can start baiting alt right fags and at the slightest bit of agression I can floor it right into the crowd?


too bad James didn't have a truck

It's the alt right uniform, it's meant to mimic Trump. No seriously

Jewish conspiracy

why are 90% of white supremacists ugly, nerdy men?

what is this "alt right" shit? fucking cucks, anyone who supports any kind of political system, even a fucking tribe chief

Yet you replied, you oblivious fucking faggot.

Where's the video of the before?

if people are blocking the road to get attention - they are being dumb and deserve to get ran the fuck over. I have no sympathy at all


underage b&
he had been drinking you can tell

I dont buy the self defence thing, both sides are cringey as fuck, and the media is going to milk this for all its worth

But OP makes a point, in that np side is free from sin. When I lived in Ferguson nobody went out counter protesting BLM thugs (the mobs of angry black men, not the white college SJWs)

Why? the wouldve been shot

Some people got really hurt, this dudes going to jail, alt right made themselves out to be cringey insecure fools

But hey, at least we got through the weeknd withought WW3 starting. alls well that ends well amiright?

>Why isn't the media showing video footage of the dodge being beaten with bats and hit with rocks BEFORE James Fields decided to floor it
if that footage existed, and would if that had happened, then it would be all over Sup Forums by now.

but it's not, because it doesn't exist, and doesn't exist because it didn't happen.

he drove into those people on purpose, just fucking deal with it and stick your "muh good boi dindu nuffin" up your ass, user.

>this shit happened!
>prove it
>no you prove it didn't happen!
not how it works brah

I too would like to see this unicorn

fuck that guy, just throw him in a hole and throw away the hole.

so much cringe

also was that him?!?!?

>we jihadi now

omg user ur so dark n kvlt n brvtal

That was always allowed

Cunts vs cunts

I cant wait for the next turn ...
I hope they will kill each other

yep, that's him alright. Such an innocent sweetheart, church going stand up American who got framed by them nasty, conniving jooz.

and shit and such.

Not even trying to be edgy.
You know who throws tantrums for attention? Kids.
Kids are dumb as fuck and need responsible people to show them what they are doing it stupid.
People that protest and try to send a message by blocking public roads are retarded and I don't want them in the gene pool.


leftists detected. KYS faggots

Honestly the childish reaction is the guy who drove his car into people because he was angry... Ok, you think protesters are childish, cool, but you can ignore then and go about your day LIKE A FUCKING ADULT without needing to MURDER anyone.

sure thing, Eugene.

This is actually a fair point.

He very well could have been provoked into flooring it before the incident occurred. I'm sure we will eventually see what he did before he gunned it. There were cameras filming every angle of that area.

triggered the Sup Forumsfart

Summer needs to end. This niglet is too dumb to realize that the roads were already closed due to the protest and not the counter protesters

anything relevant to the "he panicked because swarmed and mobbed before hitting people" narrative, would've surfaced by now.

Sup Forums is desperately looking for evidence to back this narrative, and they are known to be quite good at digging up shit. So far, they've got shit all.

>anything relevant to the "he panicked because swarmed and mobbed before hitting people" narrative, would've surfaced by now.

citation required. please show me the evidence that supports this conjecture.

>show me the evidence that there's no evidence
>gimme proof that there's no proof
>show me the video that shows that no videos exist
>holy fuckfart why am I such an infinite imbecile oh god please help I ate all the crayons

>would have surfaced by now
>there is a set amount of time these things are usually discovered and that precise amount of time has transpired

Prove it. Prove that there is a set amount of time.

Responding to the post doesn't preclude recognizing that OP is retarded

Prove Trump didn't collude with Russia

>he moved he goal post

>tfw altright incel faggots and SJW faggots are killing eachother

>tfw alright autistic faggot kills a bunch of SJWs the same way the mudslimes he was protesting do it.
>tfw American Christians are just as bad as mudslimes.

Dorky look fuck. He is going to have fun in jail.

>he missed the point
I bet you barely graduated high school

>Prove a negative
I mean, for starters, even Van Jones called it a big nothingburger.
This is to millennials what the JFK shooting. In 50 years they will still be talking about how Russia elected Trump that one time.

all you faggots look like pathetic, sweaty virgins. SAD.

>Prove that there is a set amount of time

>he posted a meme

Aside from the fact that none of that proves the negative, how did you miss the point so exactly?

>alright autistic faggot

alt-right is a cockblock.

>prove a negative
This is how christians argue. "Prove that there's no God"
There's no need for a conspiracy explanation when no proof exists. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

Correct. Now take that statement and apply it to the following post
>it's like explaining calculus to toddlers

>Van Jones kek

>alt right and sjw's fighting
>retards killing each other

let them both die off, good riddance

It's like altright isn't a word and gets auto-corrected or something.

>why are 90% of white supremacists ugly, nerdy men?
Same reason why 90% of feminists are ugly, fat women.

makes sense, yeah.


oh, burn.

Look like a beta white male

so it's a sex thing then. I imagine since he doesnt have a father figure and his mom is a hot paraplegic that he had to hear her moans of passion with her latest boyfriend which enraged him, which opened him up to the extreme political views that caused him to become violent.

His eyes already give the impression, he is ass-raped during the photography.

There's a good pic out there of someone leaning in from the left and bashing his tail light before he took off

No video from that angle, but theres a pic from behind of his car getting hit

I support their cause. But, please drop any and all references and symbolism related to Naziism or modern fascism. History is much longer than the 1930s and, most importantly, it is a total NON-STARTER with the vast majority of the public. Those telling symbols are hurting their cause.

'cause no such footage exists.

I hope he gave a rebel yell before he took off