What's /b think about kratom? I like it for hangovers seems to work well. I buy it in powder and put it in pills

What's /b think about kratom? I like it for hangovers seems to work well. I buy it in powder and put it in pills.

Been taking it everyday for 3 years. Really is a miracle plant.

What strand do you take? I've been taking Bali and mang da. I've never gotten a straight answer on which stand is more opioid like

It's especially great if you want to kill Superman, but otherwise it's just another hippie flavor of the month piece of shit placebo plant

highly overrated

I actually have about 8-10 strands in stock at all times. Sell it locally to friends. I take half red and half green. Helps with my pain and depression.

Well it's not some miracle plant. I mean I think it works ok. You're not gonna get high off it but it will take the edge off a hangover especially with an ibuprofen

You kids today and your new fangled remedies.

What happened to good Ol' heroin and nighshade?

did u get off H with it? or just like it? I'm the same way but only about a year here

>which stand is more opioid like
Red strands are more opiate like in general. It depends on the farmer and crop. I have had some awesome bali, and some shitty bali for instance. Most strands are just where they originated from.


>Well it's not some miracle plant
It is if you are in pain, and don't want to be on opiates.

No, was on tons of pills for back pain. Kratom all I take now. I do have a couple of people I sell to that used it to get off opiates.


Will kratom make you pop on a drug test?

Ah okay. happy for you mang. go to vendor?

Get it from farmers. Going to be bottling it up for resell soon.

People buying the stuff at 1.00 a capsule in local smoke shops. I can make a shitload of money selling at .60 a capsule. Plus is better Kratom.

Where? I pack my own capsules but I'd like to buy better quality. Although, my smoke shop is one of the better kratom dealers in the area? Isn't here a way to tell if it's good or not?

Anyone know a decent vendor that ships to the uk?

Where can you sell it? I have a vape shop they will be going into. Also trying to get into local health food stores.

I do not. sorry,

Makes me feel slightly drunk and nauseous. Not great.

>Isn't here a way to tell if it's good or not?
I tried many brands. Also many samples from different farmers. Developed relationships with them over the last two years.

You're taking too much. Lower your dosage next time to only a few grams. Work your way up from there

No thanks, it's not for me.

Good advice. Think average starting dosage is 4g. I usually give people 3g samples for the first time. After 3 years of daily use, I am up to 8-10g per day. I could skip a few days to lower tolerance, but not that concerned, as the shit is so cheap.

Aye, fair enough.

18 yo britfag here, should I be taking this? redally bad hangovers, really bad depression anxiety, occsasional bouts of anger and sometimes bad migraines. Taking infrequently weed, lsd, coke, mdma.

Red Vein is good for migraines.
Green Vein is good for depression, anxiety
Don't know about hangovers personally, as I don't drink. Someone else said it helped though.

Enjoy your liver failure, at least it was cheap.

No harm in trying mate. Got banned like a year or so in the UK tho so you'd have to order from a European site or something. They're not strict in customs tho so it's very unlikely to get seized, at least in my experience that is.

>hurr durr...take pills instead of eating a leaf that's been taken for 1000's of years by asians.

Now estimate the average lifespan in asia 1000 years ago. And I doubt they were stupid enough to be rolling at a dose like yours. Just because it grows in nature doesn't make it harmless, especially not with everyday use.

i still need a bunny daiyle

bout 2 buns a day nowadys

You have convinced me newfriend. Back on the oxycontin I will go.

Good for you.

Exceedingly rare cases have been reported but quite often it's people who already have pre-existing liver problems.

The narrative is mainly just scaremongering.

Thanks guys, will do, will probably post an update thread in the next few months when it comes through, my friends also take medaphanil which is not allowed in the uk unless prescribes so has to be imported also.

Cheers guys

Thanks Pharmabro!

Good luck buddy.

Paranoid much?

Not at all. Either you are uninformed, or have an agenda. Which is it?

i was recently hospitolizes afer taken 2-bome and 400mg amyltripdean. they gave me valium, it burned like fuckgoing in my wrist but it ended up being infuckingcredable

im an 8 again

I'm mainly trolling but also trying to suggest you don't go overboard with it. Humans are beings that inherently strive for excess, be it an excess of money or pleasure. It's normally not great for us, Everything in moderation. I'd suggest taking a week off from it now and then, try to get your tolerance down if you can. Just my two cents, I'm off to sleep. Good luck and have fun.

Sorry to hear friend.

Build tolerance to it quick, I used to get as fucked 2 and half 7.5 Oxys and a beer with just a 3-4g dose and now 5g is like a light aspirin pill. So is my phenibut tolerance and I've been taking tianeptine on and off too

>Everything in moderation
I agree 100%. I don't drink, smoke, or use drugs. I go to the gym, am on a good diet, but have a messed up back. Kratom is a lifesaver, and way better on the liver than pills. Trolling is fine, but when people need help, Don't shit on what may help them. I stated earlier I sell the stuff. That is because I believe in it. I am not shilling for my company, would just like to help others with what I have found to be a lifesaver.

Changing strains may help with your tolerance.

ive been sniffin bags for the last year, and i have no idea why the withdralw simptoms stopped. been drinkin dubra in the morn.....

Just don't discredit the entire field of modern medicine. Kratom has it's uses and I'm glad it works for you and many others. I just don't think it's sustainable if your tolerance keeps building.
I know the destructive effects of opioids like oxy all too well and am not a proponent of them. Opioid use can turn into abuse without really noticing. If I can just come with an idea maybe you should try something like an opioid cycle(avoid the big bads) to give your body some time to be more receptive to it again.

I've been doing it for a little over a year and I'm pretty seriously addicted at this point. Are you? I never got into heroin or other opiates but I used the kratom to help quit a serious and long term drinking habit and I use it pretty heavily now.

This. Kratom fucks your liver up pretty bad, I would recommend it. I took it 2 days a week for 4 months and started getting pains in my abdomen along with a stomach ulcer. Also couldn't piss right. Did extensive research and found that kratom is known to cause liver failure, stomach ulcers, kidney damage along with being cardio toxic. This shit isn't worth it

>Just don't discredit the entire field of modern medicine. Kratom has it's uses and I'm glad it works for you and many others.
Fear not. I am not some hippy that doesn't believe in modern medicine. But if I need to take something everyday for the rest of my life for pain, I will take natural over RX all day long. I have been hooked on opiates, it was hell getting off them. If I miss a day of kratom, it is like missing my morning caffeine. I have a worse day, but it is manageable. Missing your opiates is a nightmare when you are dependant on them. As I stated above, I have been on kratom for 3 years, and my dosage has gone up slightly each year. It is so cheap that skipping a week or so to bring it back down isn't really a priority. If it gets to the point where I feel i am taking way too much, I will do so. I appreciate your concern, but like I said, I am living a healthy life, and am happy with my choices.

If i miss a dose, My body notices it, but I don't get the shakes or go into seizures like I would with opiates. How much are you taking each day? Also, is it keeping yo off alcohol?

Then go for it by all means, I wish you all the best.

Not at all. I never had any problems with my liver, specifically saw my doctor before I started using kratom for this reason of what I read about many other cases. You're being delusional.

I have read all reaserch done on kratom. There is suspected side effects, but they are anecdotal like your story. I take everyday with no side effects. If your liver/stomache doesn't like it, you shouldn't take it. You are in the minority thou.

Thanks friend.

Guys, aren't these differences btw green red, yello and white plain bullshit? I have all strains here and I can't really tell the difference...
10-15grs per day user here

There have been over 400 cases of people comitting suicide from taking chantix. It is still on the market though as many people don't experience those effects. There will always be side effects with any drug. You have to find what works for you.

Not at all. I can tell very distinct differences. You may have shitty kratom.

just another trendy thing that will kill you instead of the original addiction.

underrated post

I used to be like you. Heard about kratom and was desperate to make it work bc I had to get off harder drugs. You go on Google and cherry pick what studies and cases you believe and just rationalize the negative side effects. Be delusional all you want user. It's a fact that kratom is cardio toxic, destroys the liver and fucks up your kindness. Medical research in the US match the claims of locals in Thailand. The locals who have been using this for hundreds of years aren't shy about talking about the health risks from using it. The only anecdotal evidence is yours.

I love kratom. Ibuprofen and aspirin and other opiates were causing a GI bleed. Started using green Malay at a two gram a dose after a year I'm at a three gram a dose for same effect but no more bleeding. Would recommend it for any number of things. Also not a hippy.

Kratom doesn't work like that. You're referencing neurological reactions, not physical. Something being cardio toxic means it's cardio toxic for everyone. Being depressed is another ball game bc it's all mental.

>fucks up your kindness.
Maybe that is why I haven't noticed any side effects. I never had any kindness.

The stomach gets lazy because you numb it. Put a few kratom on your toungue it will be anaestesiated. But the liver is one real concern of mine. I take 10-15 grs a day to quit alcohol because of my liver. I don'twant to fuck it up even more. I wish SO MUCH I could find reliable info on that!

Prove me it destroys liver.

Do you know what cardio toxins are? adhd meds are a cardio toxin, viagra is a cardio toxin, Caffeine is a cardiotoxin. Just take what u like. Stop trying to limit what others choose to do.

You treat it with the respect you'd have for any other substance. Moderation is your friend, maybe you forgot about this/were predisposed to problems or we're taking too high a dose. Your shitty experience doesn't reflect the majority and you shouldn't be trying to imply that, user. I would also appreciate seeing citations for these "other cases", as you seem so well informed.

I've been taking kratom daily for around 4 months now and have not had any side effects at all besides dizziness the odd time I took too much. I've pretty much stuck to 5-7g per day (~2g x 3 times), with a definite reduction in how effective it is, but it's still great. Took a 4 day break in June with no withdrawals at all.

It is such a motivation booster - incredible. My dad also has used it to get off Opiates and gabapentin for foot pain. Your mileage may vary, but I've found my wonder drug.. well Kratom and Wine are my wonder drugs.

Good for you user. The stuff is great (for me). Too many authoritarians on here trying to convince people not to try something life changing. I thought they were all on Sup Forums

>Being depressed is another ball game bc it's all mental.
So im actively controlling the way my body release dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine?
So i should just thinkg happy and my body will properly align all those chemicals in my brain?

Nah faggot take your meditation shit elsewhere

Agreed. Been depressed for many years. No anti-depressant helped me. Green Vein Kratom did.

Thanks! Hopefully Canada never bans the stuff!

I don't know what it is in grams because I measure it with a teaspoon but like 10-12 two each afternoon/evening. I'll do one in the morning, too, which I should stop doing because I think that's when I started really "needing" it. But yes, I am off the alcohol and it's actually been a while since I even wanted to drink, so it has achieved its intended purpose. And even if I'm hooked, kratom doesn't do nearly the harm to my ability to function that drinking did. I'm even back in college in my 30's now that I'm no longer an alcohol.

try Kratomcrumbs. ur welcome

You werent depressed then, just sad. Im talking clinical depression.

Kratom does nothing for depression, it just fucks with your serotonin levels,which can induce mania

Nice. I only take it once a day in evenings, thought most people I know take it 3-4 times a day in smaller dosages. Do what works for you.

>You werent depressed then, just sad.
Holy shit. Thanks doc. I was sad for 20 years? Jesus.

How much do you take at a time?


its a fucking bullshit snakeoil, ive been taking opoids for awhile now and even in high doses kratom does fuck all, its also disgusting, and vomit inducing, waste of money.

It varies a lot from person to person. It's a bummer that it does nothing for you, BUT that doesn't mean it's bullshit snake oil.

1. Take capsules
2. Get better kratom
3. profit

yes actually, if you had clinical depression for 20 years youd of most certainly killed yourself.

Not that fag, but you have no idea what you're talking about and it's very apparent that you have no idea what you're talking about.

literally bought my kratom from one of the most respected kratom dealers on the planet, i did use capsuls, as soon as the capsules disloved the dry heaves began, even drinking that disgusting fucking kratom tea does fuck all, i guess you're going to tell me all my friends who i know from PT who have extreme back pain and have been on opiates forever also are coincidentally among those who get fuck all from kratom.

every peer reviewed study into kartom using double blind studies show no significant deviation from a placebo.

you are a scumbag snake oil salesmen and you disgust me, i hope you lose everything you love you subhuman.
i tried kratom and convinced 10 people at my local PT clinic that i go to to try it for a month as well, no one, and i mean no one, had any pain reduction or a lack of want to take opiates.

hang yourself hippie faggot.

Maybe kratom is not for you. I am one of those with extreme back pain, and it works for me. I am sorry you are having trouble getting off opiates, I don't see how that is my falt. I also don't see how I was trying to sell anything to anyone here. I hope you find peace.

You are such an idiot.
I KNOW kratom works. I stopped drinking thanks to it. This is a FACT. I can stay whole weeks without drinking. FFS people like you are cancers. BTW my liver enzymes got way better after reducing alcohol though I was 7 months into kratom.

>I KNOW kratom works.
Yes it does. I have opiates in my house that I choose not to take, because kratom works better. I guess it's just a placebo thou. Some people are idiots.

Been gone out of the same thread for awhile but I'm the same user, it helps but not as much as people think, it's not like cutting your tolerance in half, it's like 15 percent. Tagamet, dxm, agamantine, curcumin and quinine are all great potenatiers

I have also read some people ingest the stems to bring tolerence way down. you may want to look into it.

what stems?

Kratom stem and vein powder effects are complementary to kratom regular leaf powder because it will enhance the sedative/relaxation aromas, while reducing kratom tolerance.

Google places to buy. Not trying to Shill.

>one of the most respected KRATOM dealers on the planet
Obviously not if you're kratom isn't doing shit.
>every peer reviewed study into kartom using double blind studies show no significant deviation from a placebo.
Got a link for that faggot? Cause you're just pulling shit out of your ass, because you're upset you don't know proper sources, kratom is a mu opoid receptor agonist, and has many other metalbolities (40+) that act on the brain in different ways. Learn to do your research properly
>you are a scumbag snake oil salesmen and you disgust me, i hope you lose everything you love you subhuman
This just proves that you're upset and not really worried about the actual truth
>i tried kratom and convinced 10 people at my local PT clinic that i go to to try it for a month as well, no one, and i mean no one, had any pain reduction or a lack of want to take opiates
Like I said, if you're getting shit quality kratom, it's not gonna give much benefits
Try these sites

And precious is the best out of all those.

ITT: salty idiots who don't understand how to get proper vendors