Did anyone save her stuff that was in here earlier??

Did anyone save her stuff that was in here earlier??

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump please

just check the archive

I saw she was in a "girls you want to face fuck" thread but I didn't know there was more of her

how do i do that?

You go to Google, type summerfag and look at the first hit that comes up.

There was a thread of just her , ones not in the Imgur album

Fucking hell man just didn't get a chance to save, calm down

clearly you did you dumb nigger. Stop posting your girl.

Chelsea Clinton?



use brain

Not those pics. They were on Sup Forums hence why I asked here

Why is this bitch being posted day after day? Same set of pics too. Man b is getting all repetitive. I leave for a few weeks and come back and its the same shit. I'm out



This is Sup Forums.
What else did you expect?

Dude, you posted them. Stop being a faggot. You act like we haven't been around. We've seen hundreds of you cucks come thru trying to spread your pics like this.

all i got

you know you are not

Bow before me, child


Who is it?

They were ones not in this album , this album is like 2 years old

I do bow, god amongst men; nice collection.

Wow, these are quite gay things to post

Anyone know how to get the download link to work?

All eyes and titties, as if she knows we like them.