Has Sup Forums ever had recurring characters appear in their dreams?

Has Sup Forums ever had recurring characters appear in their dreams?

The same girl, someone I've never seen in my life, has played a central role in all my dreams for the past two nights and has appeared on several other occasions as well. Every time she is aware that it is a dream even if I'm not lucid. She almost acts as a guide through the dream. Kind of like the chick from Inception but not evil.

It's bugging the fuck out of me because this "character" has more control over the dream than me and seems to have some sort of continuing agenda every time, even bringing up details from other dreams. Every dream she appears in is incredibly vivid and I always remember them.

Am I crazy or is my brain trying to tell ne something?

suck her dick

You should try to physically hurt her or MAYBE just ask her about what her deal is retard

I couldn't even if she did or I wanted to. The fucker is like god in my dream or some shit. Has way more control than me even in a lucid dream where I'm fully aware.

again I'm almost never aware it's a dream and even vehemently deny it if she tells me. It's more like IM the dream character and she is the dreamer

That's all it is...a dream. It can't hurt you, it can't control you, it can't predict the future. If you keep thinking about it all the time then ofcourse you will have recurring dreams of her.

>someone I've never seen in my life
Thats not how dreams work.
If you have never seen the person in real life , thye wouldnt be in your dreams

That's the thing though. Up until today I'd never really paid attention. But last night my dream was vivid as fuck.

I was on some enormous space station called The Jupiter Corridor that acted as some sort of journey mechanism based on the inner self of eqch individual person. This chick showed up to lead me through the space station and was very specific about what to do and constantly reminded me I was dreaming. I was almost an extra in my own dream, with her taking the star role. Idk it's just weird.

>people you see in your dreams are people you seen in real life

Just becuase you read a small fact on normiebook doesn't mean it's 100 percent true faggot.

>clearly doesn't understand how dreams work

If I can sit down and draw some character I've never net in real life, then obviously my brain can do the same thing.

yeah, me.

So basically what I'm getting here is she showed up in your dreams before this one and you started to notice she was. And then when you had a vivid dream which sounds like it was a lucid one since you were told it was a dream she played a more prominent role because you let her.

Would you have wondered what the fuck if it was some random guy guiding you through the dream? No, the only reason it's bugging you out is because it was her.

I think you are just thinking way too much about this my dude.

>dreams are basic science guys

Probably just overthinking it. But it was definitely not a typical lucid dream. I myself didn't accept that I was dreaming. She's been in A LOT of my dreams, but I just now realized it. She always has very specific goals too. She always comes in and completely derails the dream.

thanx mr black and white. you have no imagination or sense of wonder so why not shit on others for having what u don't.... have fun jerking it to dawkins ya science bitch...

Did I say I was shitting on him you fucking prick? He asked our opinions on his dream and I gave mine. I have some pretty kick ass dreams and pretty bad ones but in the end that's what I MYSELF make of it in that they are just dreams and that's all you stupid asshole.

Everyone's so salty... I'm mainly just interested in whether or not my subconscious is trying to tell me something. It's happened before honestly.

nigger you triggered

Your subconscious is telling yourself to fuck this girl...

The stranger things girl? What does fucking her have to do with OP's dream?

hey bud. im the guy that the salty fella is pissing at. heres my thoughts on the dream. that shits kickass. reminds me of some stuff along my path. I met a girl a few years ago who I had had dreams about. turned out she had been watching me and getting to know me through astral projection for years cus we got paired by a bunch of crazy gods when we were kids. hse knew the whole time but I was unaware till I met her irl and she told me. anyways tho, ur situation is probly not that but il say this, if the dream is your subconscious, then your own interpretation of its meaning is the most accurate. what u think it most likely means very likely its meaning.. not just the part u told us, more the subject matter and specifics. whats she working twords, wheres she leading you, can u really trust her..ect. but be aware, things like this are technically the devil. but depending on who you ask that might not be as bad as we think. play with fire u might get burned or you might lear to cook a steak... but if u cook a steak ur next life might be a cow... but cows might now care that u eated him and u might just enjoy the steak...life be crazy.. I start writing ur dreams down while they are fresh when u wake up then go back and read them, maybe when uv forgotten so u have a totally clean overview so to speak...id love to hear more about what happens.

I've had dreams that gave me detailed blueprints for stuff I could never build, i.e. a hydro-static generator that actually got a real life version years later. Had a dream where someone, possibly the same girl, led me through a very detailed maze and at the end I learned a few things about a situation I was having. But never anything like this.

She isn't like typical dream characters. It's almost like she has a mind of her own or more likely a projection of my subconscious and she always has full run of my dream with little regard for what I want.

The dream I had two nights ago she took me to some kind of pristine valley full of these stone wells that led to other dreams and told me that's how she gets around my dreams.

It's all just very specific, very vivid stuff and it always centers around this particular character.

I've always had extremely vivid dreams, to the point I worte word for word what happened in one as a movie script.

Sometimes I'm not even in my dreams. Honestly it's probably nothing but it makes for interesting discussion.

Nigga that's your subconscious manifesting itself. Or at least that's what it usually is when a foreign entity seems to be in control of a dream.

>How are watches at 0 $?

>when your subconcious personafies himself as a chick
sorry have to inform you of this, but you are infact a faggot OP


Also I get that, but what the fuck is the end game? It's always so cryptic and bat shit insane. One time the bitch had me running from a tsunami at an upscale resort and kept insisting that I reach a specific floor of the hotel. When I got the the place was entirely empty and the dream ended with no closure.

I'm always left feeling extremely sad after one of those dreams.

I always get the cheesy peas guy from the fast show in my dreams

No idea why.

I already knew that so no surprise there

Bring this up in /x/

You're probably just a figment of the girl's imagination

well the concept of lucidity is in ur mind. so it can be a present concept in the dream and how u feel, even if u arnt lucid. and the way u say she controls the dream, that may be just like any other dream that isn't lucid, only shes a part of it. I very often feel as tho someone els had to have constructed my dream. I see jokes in my dreams that I havnt ever come up with, often on billboards..lol but jokes are a large part of my life so...think of it kinda like the matrix, u have to be prepared for what may happen if u find out how deep the rabbit hole goes. I received that call as a child, they literally offered me the red or blue pill, obviously it was someone who proved that they were fooling around by telling me things nobody could know.. and that was in real life. but iv also seen a hand come out of a bookshelf and a man with a rams head in real life.. but some say, just like in a dream, the thought becomes the know, if u think u recognize someone in a dream, they may become what u expect. so if u go down a well knowing ul find adventure, that may be what u find simple because u guessed it. but that may be a trap of logic. theres lots of different ways to look at things. who knows how much any of it matters... the question still is, what do u think the dreams are telling u. my other advise is to question this girl and analyze her reactions, judge her as u would a person.. maybe she will get pissed and take off, maybe she will give you info. its like bitches in real life,one girl wil leave cus u made the move to soon, another will leave cus u didn't make it soon enough.. how much thought should u put into those bitches tho, are they worth anything if they leave for trivial shit like that? lifes a multidirectional puzzle... u gota examine.

>subconscious manifesting itself
thanx niche.. realy enlightened stuff ur offering up. seriously can u think of any other full sentences to share?

on sale? maybe ur a member and ur being shown an exclusive deal? bet click that shit nigga..... I think u just helped me answer some of my own questions. thanx wise subtle strange


A higher self manifestation. The higher self is the sim. Early death is a possibility.

im not op. explain further this concept. which part says early death to you. and how first hand is ur knowledge of the higher self?



Laugh now.


dis nigga on drugs

Probably just your anima

Because later it may turn out I was right and it's no longer a laughing matter.
He is in the rabbit's hole now. No one leaves the rabbit's hole when they learn too much.

quit being edgy and subtle faggot. speak ernglish or gtfo bruh.

nobody laughed dude. we were legit asking you to quit being subtle and edgy.

Very well, samefag-kun. By rabbit hole I meant knowledge of the higher. When the higher reveals afterlife and other such things about itself to you, it may do so so that you won't fear death as much. If OP learns about the simulation and the afterlife it may be a sign that he won't live old. Then again maybe not.

OP doesn't give a shit about death. I don't remember what it was like before I was born and I won't after I die. We're all just glimpses of consciousness blinking into reality for one small moment of time, only to return back to the cosmos. We're all intstruments of the universe attempting to understand itself.

yea totally trying to samefag when I quote myself... yea but u didnt answer the real question. I asked if your"knoledge" is first hand experience or not... nobody gives a shit about something that you read somewhere. and ur not discussing it as theory, u are speaking quite definitely..

Then you haven't learned this stuff yet from her which is a life-affirming sign. To me the universe explained everything and I've been suicidal ever since.

but ur speaking in definites... how first hand do you know this? if its just a thing you read or a thing u think, it should be presented as such.

whats the universes name then? and what did he tell you. again, the subtle edgy shit is so taxing...lol they might have made it seem like melodrama is in style cus most of them live off our feelings(and acknowledging them) but melowdrama aint coo bro.

Funny thing is, my very first contact was a female dream character. I saw the dream many years ago and I still remember it like it just happened. We were in a space station, and she was in her forties, wearing a tie-dye, and she talked to me about this "big planet" whose people were "more spiritual" than us. Years later I experienced something that I won't speak about. Suffice it to say there is no end to knowledge that can be learned through inner channels.

I've had a series of wet dreams for the past week that have been better than the current sex in my life all with the same girl. I'm looking forward to sleeping because each time I get to fuck this 10/10 each night. I clearly remember the scenes we are in with an endless parking lot , on the iced surface of a frozen lake in the middle of an ice skating circle,in an alley way where I pulled her from a crowd and I tied her up and raped her until my dick hurt. I even got one that was just me plowing her on a Thanksgiving table in front of a whole family, and her riding my dick through jail bars It's been random shit but I clearly remember at this point I remember her hips, her ass tits and face so we'll during the day I jerk to the mere memory of her. I've distanced myself from my gf because these dreams are better and I'm considering breaking us off to see where these dreams go.

Eh, life is an adventure. If things are still going for me after I die, cool beans, if not then it really won't matter. Who knows if any of this shit is real? I just go wherever I end up and if it's bad, oh well it's still an experience that broadens my own.

I make no claims to know how the universe works, that's why I'm on the internet asking questions about my dreams. I just don't get hung up on existential problems.

These are even sometimes in the clothes I have the hardest kinks for but it's always her

ffs that has nothing to do with what I asked. and u absolitly did make claims... u not only made claims, u corrected someone else....ffs

In my dreams I'm often in the same alternate reality with the same fictional and real life people. It's evolved into a very crazy interplanetary interdimensional crisis, involving gods representing each planet/dimension and some struggle to control every dimension/maintain peace, depending on where you're from. I'm from Saturn and helping Earth.

I've been having these dreams off and on ever since taking Lexapro. They're intense enough that I wake up feeling exhausted or outright have a panic attack.

Before all of this, and a couple times since, I've been with the same girl at the same mall with a movie theater attached to it. The feeling I get with her is a very intense attachment on both of our parts. I'm fairly certain it represents my first love, as I've only felt like that for her. The girls face is much different in my dreams though, and I can feel it isn't her.

There's a difference between stating concrete claims and stating what I happen to believe. I'm not going to tiptoe around your grammatical sensibilities simply because you can't tell the difference.

>whats the universes name then?
Beats me.
>and what did he tell you.
Pic related is something I wrote that condenses some of the knowledge and understanding I gained via my inner channels. Of course I could have written it better, but I didn't spend much time writing it. I mean if I would write a book on this then I would spend more time formulating my thoughts on the subject, but I don't think that any readers would care about my theoretical new age metaphysics enough.

I had that when I was 16 and a sexless beta fag but I kept dreaming myself as me but the perfect relationships as the perfect girl and my pathetic ass only wanting shit taken care of for me


>Probably just your anima

Yup. Google Carl Jung" and "Anima".

It's like an alternate version of me in some alternate world where everything works out perfect for me being a submissive hot chick but that was just probably my subconscious trying to accommodate for me being a fucking loser


Like a serious fucking loser who didn't want to do shit and wouldn't get off my lazy ass then. If I really was a girl then I'd probably end up being one of those fucking whales who preys on insecure beta fags to be a shitbag to feel better about myself

Right now my butter fingers can't even get this shit right

These were posted by me. Now, it seems that the universe wanted me to wake up. But there is no saying that it 100% wants me to *die*. But I have reasons to believe that I will die young nevertheless. But if I won't die (young), then maybe the universe only wanted to demonstrate to me that this science is in the afterworld and not in this mortal realm. You see, the wake-up event which turned my life around involved a week in "bardo"... The bardo story is too long to share. There is no real liminal state between life and death according to the universe, my bardo was all vision and not real. I'm not on drugs btw, except for weed; I'm being totally serious.

As an afterthought, perhaps my posts ITT are OP's dream girl talking through me. I have personal proof that the universe is at least capable of talking through others.

Highly unlikely that a dream would be talking through you but hell if I know.

Up until this year I was VERY set in my beliefs and ideas about how the world works. I had a similar, mind breaking, wake up experience of sorts but I actually was on drugs so who knows. I'd be interested in more of your hippy dippy dream philosophy. Sorry I'm pretty high

>Highly unlikely that a dream would be talking through you but hell if I know.
Eh, didn't mean that literally she is posting through me, but that the *universe*, which she is a manifestation of, is.
>I'd be interested in more of your hippy dippy dream philosophy.
I have written a little about it, but it's a super complicated subject matter and I have yet to write the stuff down in simplistic terms. Basically, we are puppets in a puppet theater. Hard determinism is valid, and there is an afterlife but no hell/reincarnation back on earth. It seems to me that this one-off life is a character building exercise. What more do you want to know?

psychology bs

That shit fucked me up

just try and beat the shit out of her and see what happens the next time

Why not rape her?

Succubus or Djinn

>I had a similar, mind breaking, wake up experience of sorts

Not much story. I dropped acid alone in my house, had a complete breakdown of self and ended up with a really relativistic view about the universe. Basically everything is part of the same whole of the universe and it's just the cosmos attempting to experience itself. The possibility of some conscious existence after death is entirely possible but I have no idea as to the probability

it's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything

I see. Acid does that.
>The possibility of some conscious existence after death is entirely possible but I have no idea as to the probability
If you think of eternity as a timeline, and your time on earth rn as a short as fuck snippet on that timeline, the odds of you only being aware now but never otherwise are pretty slim.

Evoke her into the triangle of art.

That some kind of weeb shit?

No. The triangle of art comes from the Lesser Key of Solomon, a 17th century grimoire. The magician stands in the circle and conjures the spirit into the triangle. The grimoire explains everything. But modern magicians evoke all kinds of spirits and not only those listed in the medieval textbooks of magic.

So, OP could ask her name in a lucid dream, sigilize the name, by using Golden Dawn's Rose Cross for example, and, then, using that sigil instead of a demonic sigil, evoke (i.e. summon) her. Once evoked, she can be presented questions. OP could thus investigate her as scientifically as possible.

I'm pretty sure science has nothing to do with anything you just wrote

That's because our science isn't quite there yet.