Hardest boss battle in your life?

hardest boss battle in your life?

I still haven't beaten Tyson.

literally all of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series

Depression every morning

Same. I haven't gotten past the Indian dude.
Why did you put 1st form Frieza, but my hardest boss was Tabuu from SSBB.

Demon crest final boss

That and last boss for persona 3 (was wayyyy under leveled)

Then don't say fucking "same." I've gotten to Tyson. I just can't beat him.


Orphan of Kos

never beat this fucker

wh3en i put the boiing didod into the pringingoo

Either Vergil DMC3 or the smallest colossus in Shadow of the colossus.

This nigga.




Stone Sea Sky Deltascape 4.0 Savage Trial Dummy




>abandon thread



you love it


After millions of years of hard fought evolution and after all of the beautiful artwork that has flowed from the fingertips of man, some sweaty man in a basement with a half-chub got done drawing this and looked at it and said 'My masterpiece is finished'


glad im on a similar page.

my job, every single day.

Have you ever wondered why you have no girlfriend?



No, I know why. It's because I'm fat and lazy. I used to have girlfriends all the time when I was in the Army.

this motherfucker

Jesus Christ.


Oh, no! Frieza has been resurrected and only trips can stop him from blowing up the Earth! Will you save us, Sup Forums? Are you ready to become A HERO?!


Top kek.

die freezer

after this thread, im ready to become "An Hero"

My bodyfat %


the nameless king DS3 without the fuckin dragon slayer shield

Bowser on super Mario Bros. Wii with 2 other players. You don't know pain unless you beat that game on multiplayer.


Every Halo (except for 5 and ODST) on legendary, alone. I did it though




Soul of Cinder


Flamelurker is a piece of shit boss that just spams AoE at the end every time


Chalice version

This son of a bitch. Spent three Godamn days trying to beat this fucker. No YouTube videos will help you. If you die, you have to beat the level before him to get to him again. Fuck this guy. Fuck Shinibi for PS2x

nameless bitch dragon fucker king