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Poppy actually seems really cool, I was looking it up recently. That would be cool as fuck.




God damn those fucking suck.

Whatever god is out there, just fuckin kill us already, you damned teases

I will sacrifice myself to them.


>1 off
Satan fucking damn it.

it's just the original opiate, effects are much the same as hydrocodone or other modern opiate-derived painkillers

>off by one
fpfpfpff FUCK

I'd like to try it because I don't like pills. Poppy is neat though, a guy in the gfur threads has done a ton of opiates, and he suggested poppy seed tea.

Can I get a 999?




Damn it.






seed tea works ok if you're looking to try it "legally", but it's much preferable to use whole opium (the latex exuded when the seed pod is scratched)
hopefully next spring I'll be cultivating my own poppies - for purely ornamental purposes, of course...


They're actually quite pretty. I don't really into flowers, but my mom absolutely loves flowers and plants, as you would expect if you know anything about her. You two would probably get along very well.


Heya, Horsebutt.

Would you call it a flower? I don't know. It's nice though, I'd like to have some for the same purposes.

Welcome back


oh yes, poppies are absolutely stunning, especially when grown in large numbers
red poppies especially - they don't have the potent opiates that white poppies do, but the flower petals do contain a different alkaloid which is a mild and pleasant sedative

The ride never ends.



I want to fuck a rabbit so bad.

Huh, neat. That would be cool to try.

You better have a bigass rabbit and a microdick.



Post your dick.


I already told you the conditions. If you do not meet them, you shall receive no pics.

Not again

I'm just going to ignore him now.

>implying you don't know me


Perhaps. But you need to put on your name first.





>see a large laser hair removal unit I want to buy on an auction site
>thing is pickup only in another city and will probably sell for a high price
>no one's interested in a joint purchase



It's about damn time. What happened to your trip? Lost it again? I notice your other one in the fluffy threads all the time.


He lives

My computer caught aids.

Figures. Sorry, dude.

From your penis.


Didn't I already show you once like, a year ago? It's nothing special, I don't even like it.



Are you going to cut it off?

Hey, shut the fuck up. I saved that back when ponies were allowed.

It already has been.

Put it back on.

My mistress wants me to work on restoring it.



>implying they was once

Been a while since I seen that episode

Kek, I'm too high for this shit.

Back in 2010-2012 they were, then they got a board. I was there from the beginning, I'm an original MLP fag.


Email me and maybe I'll send you a pic later.



you don't have to i was just fuckin with you

Wow great...

Now go to the gulag

Eh, alright. I really don't care either way because it's nothing special.

Suck my cock.






Why are you hating on your cock now?


I always have. I hate being cut because I can't feel anything, I have a hideous scar, and it looks gross in general. I absolutely despise that disgusting practice.



You did not cut your penis off.


No, some kike did while my mom was ignorant and paid him to mutilate me.



Yes. It was only the foreskin, but it might as well have been the whole thing.

Hey, Ethereal.