Ask a depressive lonely weeb anything

ask a depressive lonely weeb anything

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

What's your favorite manga

What's the meaning of life?

i can still hold all the shit in my head one day it will come out and i'll do it

akuma no riddle or nisekoi.

living for dying at some point of it

Why haven't you answered any questions, faggot?

Awwhhhhhhaaah. I knew that'd happen. :(

please read

wanted fuck your mouth before.



If you nice boy i agree take you 3 wife.
Your Ahmed with love.

Thanks for the manga fag

Lora Palmer? i love twean peacs.


what if you add a bomb car to the mix ahamed?

Oi, where are you from?

mx boy

What is mix? Be simply. I study english from book "How kill kafir dogs. 1000 advices for mad warrior of Allah.

O. I dont want carry the flag of Jihad in mexico.
This country too much even for stronk muslim.
In mexico narco cartel break head.

cmon dude, its just a car bomb in the middle of mexico city that's an easy job for you ahamed

I dont want make car bomb. It's silly stereotipe. I want 3 wife.

you are asking for 3 wifes to a friendless and lonely weeb ahamed i cant even get 1 for myself

And car bomb not easy job. It's hard!

it's ease. Take woman, give her father 10 lambs...
Kawabanga! You have wife. And dont forget beat her every friday.

i thought mexico girls so hot.

Will You?

It doesnt work on mexico

some of them are but no one likes a ugly weeb

probably at some point


>ugly weeb
El Chapo ugly as mothefucka too. But it's dont make the problem for him.
Sorry, amers start bombing and i was must go in savezone.